Regretting you

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It was the day.

It was finally the day.

After months and months of planning, Betty and Jughead were finally getting married.

Jughead was with Archie and his father at the Andrews' house while Betty was with Veronica and her mother and hers and Jughead's home.

It was still early so Betty had just gotten out of the shower when she suddenly heard a knock on the door.

She ran down in her robe, with her hair up to see Veronica and her mother, but both of them seemed really nervous.

Betty- Hey, what's wrong?

Veronica- Betty, we need to talk.

Betty- (giggles) Okay, but can it wait until after I'm married?

Alice- N-No, sweetie, it can't. Why don't you sit down?

Betty looked at her mother with a concerned expression before walking over to the couch and sitting down.

Then her mother and bestfriend sat beside her.

Betty- What is it?

Veronica- H-He's gone Betty. (softly)

Betty- Who's gone? What are you talking about?

Alice- J-Jughead, he's gone...I'm sorry baby. (tears)

Betty- N-No, he's not gone. We're getting married in a few hours! He didn't leave!

Alice placed her hands over her daughters, but Betty slapped her away.

Betty- Stop! He didn't leave! He's at Archie's, he wouldn't leave me! (cries)

That's when she got up and started running towards Archie's house, but as she got there she was met with the truth, Jughead had left her.


~Five years later~

Jughead had just arrived back in Riverdale.

It was the first time he had been there since his supposed wedding day, but it was his dad's 55th birthday and he wasn't going to miss it.

It was late in the afternoon, almost time for dinner.

He could hear some noise coming from inside as he walked up to the door, then he knocked.

He waited for a moment for the door to open, then he was met with a little girl who couldn't have been more than five years old.

???- Hello!

Jughead- U-Um, hi, is Fp Jones here?

Betty- Baby, how many times do I have to tell you not to open the-...J-Jughead?

Jughead- Betty... (softly)

???- Mommy, who is that?

Betty- No one, Scarlett. Come here.

The little girl turned towards her mother, allowing her to pick her up into her arms, then Betty walked away while Jughead stood there awkwardly.

After a moment Fp walked out of the house and shut the door, but what Jughead wasn't prepared for was his father being furious.

Fp- What the fuck are you doing here, Jughead?! (angrily)

Jughead- It's your 55th birthday...I was coming home to celebrate with you.

Fp- You can't just come here unannounced, Jughead, you don't live here anymore! (angrily)

Jughead- But Betty can?

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