Life Changing

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Betty and Jughead are both 23 and have been dating for 8 years. They know they're going to marry each other but Jughead hasn't proposed to her yet.

Betty was at their apartment fixing it up a bit since Jughead's parents along with Betty's mom were going to be visiting later because Betty wanted to announce something...but Jughead had something else in mind.

Jughead was just getting back from work and he had the best idea...he was going to prank her. He actually did this a lot but this one was going to be really funny. He was going to "break up with her".

It definitely wasn't the nicest prank but I mean, why not?

As soon as he was outside of their apartment he got all ready for the prank and made himself look really angry and annoyed.

He walked into their apartment and slumped down on the couch, instantly Betty ran over and sat down next to him, lying down in his lap.

And now it was time.

Jughead- Betty, can you not? (annoyed)

She looked up at him with a confused expression before sitting up and looking into his eyes.

It was already getting hard for Jughead to stay in character, he just wanted to kiss her so bad...but he didn't let himself.

Betty- Juggie, what's up?

She placed her hand on his cheek but he just pushed her hand away.

Jughead- Please stop.

Betty- Why, what's going on?

He took a deep breath before continuing.

Jughead- Betty, I can't do this anymore.

Betty- What? What are you talking about?

Jughead- Us. I'm done.

He instantly saw tears in her eyes and he felt so bad but he also thought it was funny knowing none of it was real.

Betty- J-Juggie...n-no, p-please tell me t-this is a j-joke. (cries)

Jughead- I'm sorry, it isn't...I'm done.

He got up and began walking out to make it seem like he was really serious but when he heard the love of his life begin to sob, he turned his head and ran to her.

Jughead- Betts, I'm sorry. (laughs)

Betty- W-Why are you l-laughing? (sobs)

Jughead- It was a prank baby. (laughs)

Betty- W-What? (cries)

She looked into his eyes and then he realised she was actually upset so he stopped laughing and pulled her into his arms.

Jughead- I'm sorry love, it was just a prank, nothing I said was true.

Betty- A-Are you sure? (cries)

Jughead- Yes, I'm sorry I scared you.

She hid her head in his chest and continued to cry which confused him, he told her it was a prank but she was still crying.

Jughead- Baby...what is it?

Betty- I really thought you were leaving me. (cries)

Jughead- No, baby, I could never. I love you so fucking much, you know that.

Betty- I k-know...I just thought for a moment that I was gonna have to raise the baby all alone. (tears)

Jughead- Baby?

She pulled away from him and looked into his eyes while nodding.

Jughead- You're pregnant?

Betty- Y-Yeah. (sniffles)

He instantly smiled and picked her up while spinning her around.

Jughead- Oh my god, baby! We're having a baby!

She giggled and nodded while placing a kiss on his lips.

Jughead- So is that why you wanted to invite our parents over?

Betty- Yeah.

Jughead- Well, now we can tell them together!

She nodded and smiled while continuing to hold him tight.


A few hours went by and both Jughead's parents and Alice had arrived at their small apartment.

They had eaten dinner and they were about to start eating dessert when Jughead stood up.

Jughead- I have something to say.

Betty- Juggie, I thought we said we'd tell them after dessert.

Jughead- I know, this is something else.

Betty looked at him in confusion while Alice smiled knowing exactly what was about to happen.

Jughead- Betty Cooper, Betts, Baby, my love, the love of my life, my everything. I love you so much. I know earlier with that little prank you thought I was breaking up with you but I could never do that, not in a million years. You helped me make it through my high school years and even my college years though we were away from each other. I never want to spend a moment without you for the rest of my life. So that is why...

He pulled a small ring box out of his pocket and got down on one knee in front of her. She was already a crying mess.

Jughead- I am asking you now, Betty Cooper, will you marry me?

She couldn't speak but they both knew her answer. She just wrapped her arms around his so tight while crying happy tears.

Betty- I l-love you Juggie. (cries)

Jughead- I love you too baby.

They finally pulled away and he slipped the ring on her finger before giving her a thousand kisses all over her face.

Alice- I told you she'd say yes.

Betty- You knew? (tears)

Alice- Of course I knew, he asked me months ago if he could propose to you.

Betty- You did? (tears)

He nodded and she gave him another kiss.

FP- Congratulations you two.

Gladys- Congratulations, though I'm not surprised, we all knew this was happening sooner or later.

They all laughed before Alice spoke again.

Alice- Wait, Betty, you said you were going to tell us something after dessert.

Betty- Oh, yeah...

She looked at Jug and he nodded.

Betty- I'm pregnant.

Alice, FP and Gladys all sat in their seats with their mouths practically on the floor, they were expecting the proposal but not a pregnancy announcement.

Gladys- Holy shit.

Alice- Y-Your pregnant? (tears)

Betty nodded and Alice got up from her seat and walked over to her daughter before hugging her tightly.

Alice- I'm so happy for you honey. (tears)

Betty- Thanks mom. (tears)

FP and Gladys walked over to them too and gave them both hugs.

FP- You two are going to be great parents, I know it.

The rest of the night they all talked about everything, their future wedding, their future baby, their future life.

One small prank turned into a lot of things, a pregnancy announcement, a proposal...the rest of their life.

Who knew a prank could be Life Changing.

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