All she needed

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Lili was walking around in Vancouver by herself just wanting to grab a quick lunch before she had to head back to work.

But while she was walking back she saw the Paparazzi taking pictures of her.

She didn't really mind, I mean, she was so used to it at this point.

But suddenly one of the men came up to her and took a picture underneath her skirt.

Lili- What the hell?!

???- Sorry Sweetheart, this'll look good on my page.

Then he took another but this time he had pulled her underwear down.

She kicked him and pushed past him but by this point she was already crying.

Suddenly more people came up to her trying to get her picture.

Then she just ran.

She was so uncomfortable by that man doing that, so she ran all the way back to set.

By the time she was back she knew she needed to go for her next scene but she couldn't.

She was having an anxiety attack.

Her breathing quickened, her heart was racing, and she was crying.

She sat on the small couch that she had in her trailer and pulled a blanket over her before pulling her knees up to her chest, trying to slowly calm herself down.

But nothing helped.


Cole was in his trailer going through his lines for his next scene when he suddenly got a call.

On the phone:

Cole- Hey Roberto, what's up?

Roberto- Hey, Lili has a scene now but she's not here. Do you know where she could be?

Cole- Well, I know she went out to get lunch but she should be back by now...I can check her trailer? 

Roberto- That would be great.

Off the phone:

He placed his phone in his pocket and got up before heading over to Lili's trailer.

At first when he arrived he heard nothing but as he knocked on the door he heard quiet sobs.

Cole- Lili!

No response.

He opened the door slightly and saw Lili sitting on the couch with her hand on her heart, breathing heavily while crying.

Cole- Oh my god, Lil's!

He ran to her and sat next to her, taking her hands before pulling her head to his chest.

Cole- Shh, you're okay, you're okay.

He slowly calmed her down but he didn't know what had happened, so once her breathing had slowed he decided to ask.

Cole- Love, what happened?

Again she didn't respond.

She just stood up and began walking out of the trailer.

Cole- Lili?

Lili- I have to go film a scene. (sniffles)

Cole- O-Okay...

Then she walked out, and he was left sitting in his girlfriend's trailer confused.


The rest of the day Lili hadn't spoken to anyone unless it was for filming purposes...but now she and Cole had just gotten home to their apartment.

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