Not my baby!

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Betty and jughead.

They were the "it" couple of riverdale high. If you watched the two lovebirds sit next to one another during classes, you would've thought those two never ever fought.

And they didn't.

Well, maybe just some stupid disagreements once in a while but not an actual fight.

Until, they did fight.

It happened on a rainy Sunday evening in riverdale. Though it had been raining all day, the rain seemed to have quieted down. But as one of the remaining raindrops fell from the roof of the trailer, a storm had been going on inside.

Betty- So what? You just didn't want me to tell you? What did you expect me to do, Jughead? (tears)

She could already feel the tears that were beginning to run down her cheeks.

The couple was fighting about a problem that had come up in their lives. A major problem.

Jughead- I don't know! I'm just shocked, okay? Jesus Christ! (yells)

He slammed his fist harshly on the table in front of him making Betty freeze. She hadn't expected to see him react this way.

Betty- Well, I'm sorry but as I remember it, it takes two people to get a woman pregnant! This is partly your fault too!

Betty began getting more and more angry by each second that passed.

Yes. she was pregnant, but Jughead wasn't too happy with it.

Jughead- Goddamnit, Betty! I'm done with you and your fucking bullshit! (yells)

Betty- Really! That's what you say to your girlfriend when she says she's pregnant?! (tears)

Jughead- I don't have anything else to say to you right now! (yells)

Betty- F-Fine...I'm leaving then. Don't try to find me! (cries)

She walked out the door but Jughead couldn't get over his anger so he just grabbed one of the vas' that was on the counter and slammed it to the ground, shattering it.

And while he was doing that Betty had nowhere to go so she was just walking, until suddenly she wasn't.

Someone had grabbed her and put something over her mouth making everything go black.


Betty was out for hours, but as soon as she was beginning to wake up she saw a face that she didn't want to see.

Penny- Betty Cooper, how lovely seeing you here. how are you? You look horrible, by the way. (smirks)

Betty- Why, thank you, penny. It's oh so great seeing you too.

Betty tried to break out of Penny's grip but her wrists were tied to tight for her to even move.

Penny- Ponytail, stop trying it. It won't work. (laughs)

She pushed Betty down onto the chair before yanking her tight ponytail back.

Betty- Why are you even doing this, Penny?

Penny- Oh, you don't know? Torturing your dear boyfriend is the highlight of my day. Hell, even my life. (laughs)

Betty- Okay, I get it, you're funny. Could you please let me go now?" (sighs)

This wasn't the first time Betty got 'kidnapped' by Penny. And this was also not gonna be the first time Penny has let her go after keeping her 'hostaged' for an hour or two.

But she does spend a good amount of time beating her, and when she does it's beyond painful.

Penny- I'm not letting you go before your dearest has seen you suffer. (laughs)

And there it was again, that awful evil laugh of hers.and not more than two seconds later, she had pulled out her phone and put her phone in Betty's direction, filming her.

Penny- Hiya Jonesey...

Penny said and turned towards Betty with a smirk on her face.

Penny- How about we do this just one more time, huh?

Penny started getting closer to Betty and clenching her fists tightly.

Betty- No, penny, please! (cries)

Betty was crying out for help at the sudden feeling of terrified ness.

Penny- Oh? Resisting against me now, are we? (chuckles)

Betty- Hurt me all you want, but please, not my baby! (sobs)

The two of them had gone quiet. Betty was shocked by herself that she had actually said those words while Penny was busy comprehending if she had heard those words right before she stopped recording and sent the video to Jughead, without her realizing that.

In the meantime, Jughead had watched the video and by the end of it, he was left with the feeling of shock as he had tears in his eyes.

Jughead- I have to save her.

As fast as he could he jumped up and made his way to the Ghoulie bar. He snuck in and made his way to the basement instantly seeing his girlfriend on the floor with blood all over her while she clutched her stomach.

He ran to her and knelt beside her, and then he heard her soft, barely audible voice.

Betty- Juggie, the b-baby. (whispers)

Jughead- Shh, I've got you okay, I'm gonna get you to the hospital.


Betty and Jughead were in her hospital room holding each other while Betty just cried, hoping she hadn't lost the baby.

Betty- Are you still mad at me? (cries)

Jughead- No, I'm so sorry I was, if I wasn't an asshole nothing would've happened to you.

Betty- It's not your fault...I just hope the baby's okay. (cries)

Jughead- Me too.

She looked up at him and wiped her tears away before smiling.

Then her doctor came in.

Doctor- Alright Miss Cooper, your test results came back and everything's okay, your baby is perfectly healthy.

Betty- Thank god! (tears)

Doctor- I want you to stay overnight just to be sure nothing happens but I think you'll be all good tomorrow morning.

Jughead- Thank you doctor.

Doctor- Of course, I'll be back to check on you two in a bit.

The doctor left and Betty leaned into Jughead's chest while he just pulled her in tighter.

Jughead- Betts, does your mom know about the baby yet?

Betty- No.

Jughead- Okay well we aren't telling her. She already hates me enough, she doesn't need to hate me anymore.

Betty- She doesn' hate you Jug...she just strongly dislikes you. (giggles)

Jughead- Same thing. (chuckles)

They sat in silence for a moment until Jughead sat up and moved his head close to Bett's stomach.

Jughead- Hi baby, I know you probably can't hear me but I promise I will love you and take care of you, the same with your Mommy. I'm sorry I wasn't happy at first but I promise I am so happy now. You better keep your Mommy safe from in there, okay?

Betty giggled making Jughead look back up at her and give her a kiss.

Jughead- I meant what I said, I will love and take care of our baby. And you. Always.

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