Flowers of Memories

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Scene 1:
(*On the screen, you can see Gorya and Thyme sitting inside the Köcher stadium, holding hands.)
Thyme: Gorya, I want to be with you forever. Will we be able to make it till the end?
Gorya: (*looks at him) We surely will. (*Smiles)
Scene 2:
(*A blurred background, you can see 4 men, 4 women and 4 kids.)
Gorya: (*in the background) And we have already come a long way, and there's a lot more to come.
Giggles and voices of several people can be heard.
Y/N: This one photograph revives so many memories. (*Her beautiful eyes are seen and then her white teeth flaunt through her rose tinted lips.)
As the camera focuses on the photo album, zooms in and *flashback*
Scene 3:
10 years back,
(*A diary is seen with someone writing on it, beautiful hands those are)
Dear Diary,
Today is the first day of the new year, 2023 and also is the dawn of a new chapter of my life. I am still not over the grief of losing phaw (*father in Thai) but life is transient and I'll have to keep going with its fast pace. I'll be leaving Singapore forever and....

*Phone rings*Voice over the phone: Are you ready for your flight to Thailand? You must reach the airport in an hour

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*Phone rings*
Voice over the phone: Are you ready for your flight to Thailand? You must reach the airport in an hour.
Y/N: (*her pink lips moving in a rhythmic motion) Chai, (*Yes in Thai) Uncle. I'm almost about to leave for the airport.
Voice over the phone: Okay, okay, Aum is waiting for your arrival. We will come to pick you up. Take care.
Y/N: Don't worry. I'll call you upon reaching. Bpai laew na ka! (*See you later in Thai)
*Disconnects the call*
(Y/N closes the diary and inserts it in her bag. She takes her luggage and walks out)
Scene 4:
At airport, you can see Y/N from behind. She is wearing a skinny jeans and a white shirt.
Y/N: (*heaves a sigh) Okay then Singapore, gotta go. Goodbye!
In the aeroplane,
(*Y/N opens her diary)
And I am........
Someone: Sawadee ka.
Y/N: (*startled) Sawadee ka, aunty. (*Camera focuses on her small pink lips curled up in a lovely smile)
Old lady: You're beautiful! Khun chu arai? (*What's your name? in Thai)
(*Finally the most awaited moment comes, camera shows her bright face. She is fair, has an oblong and thin face. Her eyes are of a beautiful shade of brown, hair jet black, and lips are soft and pink. She is not very pretty, but is beautiful.)
Y/N: Khob khun ka (*Thank you in Thai). I'm Hazel Sawængha Wattana. {Here, Sæwengha actually means to seek or find.}
Old lady: Are you travelling alone?
Hazel aka Y/N: Chai ka. Actually, I lost my phaw a few months back and my mea died a long time ago. So, I have no one with me right now, but I shall be moving in with my uncle and cousin in Bangkok.
Old lady: Sorry to hear that, but may God bless you my child.
*Time skip*
(*Hazel looks out of the window. The airplane is almost about to land.)
Scene 5:
Outside the airport, Ren, Thyme and Kavin are waiting for someone.
Kavin: Ren, why don't you find yourself someone? Aren't you planning on getting married together with us?
Thyme: Shiaaa {Do I have to translate this?😂} I'm not marrying you, Kavin!
Kavin: Lame! I'm talking about marrying together, we 4 will get married on the same day, definitely. We've always done everything together, then why not marriage?
Thyme: Oh that's right. Well, I can actually consider the idea of marrying you, my love. (*smirks)
Kavin: Oiiiii, you pervert! (*He checks his phone, Thyme tries to sneakily look at his phone screen)

 (*smirks)Kavin: Oiiiii, you pervert! (*He checks his phone, Thyme tries to sneakily look at his phone screen)

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(*Kavin hits him on his forehead)
{Well, please don't mind, this part is just for the Sarawattine shippers.}
Ren: (*laughs) Maybe someday I'll find the one who's meant for me . Because I've realised that no matter how much you try to have someone in your life, ultimately the ones meant for you will themselves come to you. She'll will probably be the one who will seek the real Ren {Actually, Ren means Hide, he has been named so perhaps because of his enigmatic character.}
Kavin: OMG, our Ren has become poetic nowadays.
(*Thyme and Kavin tease Ren.)
Hazel walks out of the airport. Her beautiful face glows in the evening sun as she tucks her beautiful black locks behind her ear.
Ren sees her and they have a brief eye contact at once. Ah! My heart. She then turns her eyes away to see Aum running towards her. {Yes, she is the same Aum whom MJ loves. She is also Hazel's cousin.} Both of them excitedly hug each other and exchange greetings. Hazel walks to uncle who is on a wheelchair and hugs him. He pats her hair and pampers her.
Uncle: Kiddo, you don't know how impatiently we were awaiting for your arrival. Let's go!
Hazel: (*Looks at Aum) Let's go then, darling!
Aum: Chai, laew laew. (*come fast in Thai)
(*They leave)
MJ comes out with luggage. He has trimmed his hair and is dressed in a luxury suit, he looks like a perfect top-notch businessman with a lovely smile plastered on his face.

 He has trimmed his hair and is dressed in a luxury suit, he looks like a perfect top-notch businessman with a lovely smile plastered on his face

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Background Music:
Livin' in the best life
Raise your glass up in the sky
Thyme: Woohoo! Our king of hearts has come.
Kavin: (*hugs MJ) I still can't believe a girl, a mere basketball player can change our MJ.
Thyme: You won't understand the power of love, tee rak ( *tee rak means darling in Thai) Kavin.
(*Kavin makes a face)
Ren: (*while hugging MJ) I'm so glad that you've changed completely. Don't worry, for your beloved Aum, you have turned into a better version of yourself.
MJ: Chai krub. Okay then, let's go and today's treat is from my side.
(*They ride their cars)

*The End*

Next break: Aum asks Hazel to accompany her to her graduation ceremony. Hazel says she has a job interview with the owner of Paramanaatra Groups for the post of PA.
Aum: (*Angrily bangs the table) No you can't work with that scoundrel!

Author's note:
Dear reader,
I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. I don't know if I could really make the entire piece interesting, but I've tried my level best. Keeping in mind the ease of the readers, I have tried to use the most lucid language. Hopefully, you found it interesting.

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