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Scene 1:
It's night time. Thyme is in his bedroom. He video calls Gorya.
*Gorya answers the call*
On call,
Thyme: Have you reached home?
Gorya: (*while chewing something) Umm. A long time ago. At what time did you come back from hospital?
Thyme: Just now. We came back together only Ren stayed back, he had some work.
Gorya: I spoke with P'Tia today, they got on their flight, probably will reach Hawaii by tomorrow morning.
Thyme: Chai! They're gonna travel and enjoy a lot. (*Sighs) Only I'm alone here, sitting alone in my bedroom, watching the moon. (*Inhales deeply and noisily)
Gorya: (*still munching food) Silly! Overdramatic!!!
Thyme: (*giggles) By the way, what are you eating?
Gorya: Oh, I forgot to tell you, today I ordered sizzling Thai hotpot. Can't express how yummy it is.
Thyme: Ughhhh! I'm also hungry.
Gorya: Didn't you have dinner today?
Thyme: I did!
Gorya: Then, why are you hungry?
Thyme: You won't understand.
Gorya: What?
Thyme: (*naughtily) I'm hungry, hungry for you! Wanna eat you up!!!! (*Licks his lips)
Gorya: (*annoyed) Hoiii! You pervert! I will kick you on your balls!
Thyme: (*remembers Gorya's kicks) Sorry, sorry!
(*They continue to talk with each other, smiling, teasing)
Scene 2:
MJ walks out of the bathroom, dressed in a bathrobe, singing the OST 'Shooting Star' loudly in a hoarse voice. He sits down on his bed and applies cream, smiling, thinking about Aum. He opens a drawer and sees the noodles can in it and recalls how he stealthily took away the empty can from Aum.
MJ: (*to himself) Poor boy! You have started stealing empty cans because of her. (*Hits his own head and lies down on his back on the bed while smiling broadly)
Scene 3:
Ren is sitting on the couch reading his book. Aum is sitting next to Hazel, showing her photos on her phone.
Aum: (*hits her own forehead) Oops! I forgot to tell you.
(*Hazel looks at her questioningly)
Aum: (*smiles like a coltish teenager) Remember Zone? (*Hazel pretends to recall) Come on! (*Nudges Hazel) I know you very well remember him, after all he was your first lover and of course a short-term crush. (*Hazel's ears turn red, Ren looks from over the book)
Aum: Ummmmmm.... I see someone blushing. Like, I can't believe how madly he was in love with you even in preschool. And then, in highschool final year when you started low-key liking him, but of course you had to leave for Singapore. Hazel's dearie bestie.(*Hazel beats Aum)
Aum: (*wriggles) P'! Listen na! (*Hazel makes a disgusted face)
(*Ren is looking at Hazel every now and then, you can definitely smell something burning)
Aum: Today I met him on my way to the hospital. He told me he saw us on the graduation day, he was also there for his brother, but before he could come to us, we had left already. I told him about your accident, he was really sorry for you. But the best part is that he still seems to be interested in you, even after years of being separated. You see true love it is. I do ship him with you. (*Hazel frowns and pulls Aum's ears)
Ren: (*to himself) Very nice, Hazel beat her! If it weren't for MJ, I would've have also pulled her ear. Brat bish!
Aum: (*to Ren) And what is making you look at me so fiercely? (*Hazel turns to him)
Ren: (*startled) Nothing at all! (*He stutters) I-I was just reading my book. (*Aum looks away)
Aum: (*to Hazel) And also, he is coming tomorrow. Yaayyy! (*Hazel's face reflects an irritated countenance) I told him, he has a car, he can drive us home after you get discharged.
Ren: (*interrupts suddenly) But why?
Aum: (*rudely) What do you mean by why? Otherwise, you want me to walk her home or take her in an uncomfortable tuktuk?
Ren: I didn't mean that. It's just that you can leave for your practice and after she gets discharged, I and MJ can drop her home, she'll be more comfortable in our car. Isn't it, Hazel?
Hazel: (*to herself) Exactly! I'm leaving tomorrow, at least let me go with Ren instead of that shit-head Zone.
Aum: Thanks but no thanks. Tomorrow is Sunday! Also, from next week, we have evening practice, for your kind information. And I can very well take care of my sister, you ought not worry.
Ren: But... (*Aum gestures him to stop, he sits there irritated)
Scene 4:
Kavin drops Kaning in front of her house.
Kaning: Thank you for coming to drop me.
Kavin: Stop being so formal. If you want, I can even drop you at Maytee O'Gardens tomorrow morning as well.
Kaning: No it's okay!
Kavin: You sure? (*Kaning blinks)
Kaning: You should leave now! It's already late.
Kavin: (*sighs) If you want me to leave then I'll have to, poor me! (*Sighs again)
Kaning: (*grins) Overdramatic.
Kavin: (*laughs) Okay then, bye! Take care. Love you! (*Proceeds to turn his car)
Kaning: Wait! (*Kavin looks at her, Kaning quickly kisses his cheek and runs inside)
Kaning: (*shouts from a distance) Bye! Take care!
(*Kavin sensuously touches his cheek and smiles and drives away)
Scene 5:
Aum is sleeping on the couch. Ren walks in with a cup of coffee, he sees Hazel awake.
Ren: You still awake? (*Hazel nods)
Ren: (*pulling her blanket up and covering her) Come on, try to sleep. (*Hazel closes her eyes)
(*Ren takes out his phone, inserts an airpod in his left ear and turns on 'Koo Gan' by Scrubb and opens his book while sipping coffee)
Wun deuan bpee koey bpen kae piang sai lom pahn
{Meaning: The days, months, and years used to be just a passing wind}
(*Hazel taps Ren's hand and points at his phone and gestures asking him what he is listening to)
Ren: It's a song by Scrubb. (*Hazel's eyes glow) You wanna hear? (*Hazel nods readily)
(*Ren carefully inserts another airpod earpiece into her ear)
krai kon neung tum welah chun hai roo seuk mee kwahm mai
Kon kon neung dai bplian bplaeng took took yahng bpai
Kon tee tum hai yim dai mai wah rao ja sao piang nai
Tur kon neung tum hai ruk chun bplian bpai
Gor mai roo mai kao jai aht bpen pror koo gun
{Meaning: (But) Someone made my time feel meaningful
One person changed everything
The person who can make me smile, no matter how sad I am
You made my love change
I don’t know, U don’t understand, it might be because we’re a pair}
(*Hazel vibes with the song and lipsyncs. Ren adores her as if his entire world is in front of his eyes, his beautiful pair of eyes filled with the warmth of his love)
Scene 6:
It's morning time. Aum is tidying up and packing all the stuffs. Hazel is dressed in clean clothes and is sitting on the bed. Ren is reading the newspaper. A knock is heard on the door.
Aum: Come in!
A tall, handsome man enters with a gift. Ren examines him thoroughly. His skin is glowing in the sunlight entering through the blinds.

Aum: Zone!(*Ren looks up immediately, his eyes burning)Zone: (*Waves at her) Hey! (*Hands over the gift to Hazel) And this one's for you

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Aum: Zone!
(*Ren looks up immediately, his eyes burning)
Zone: (*Waves at her) Hey! (*Hands over the gift to Hazel) And this one's for you. (*Pats her head) How are you feeling now, better? (*Hazel nods)
Zone: We are meeting after such a long time and I feel so sorry seeing you in this condition.
(*Doctor enters)
Doctor: Finally, you're getting discharged. Happy? (*Hazel smiles)
(*Doctor checks her pulse rate and her heartbeat)
Doctor: Everything's fine by god's grace. The discharge formalities have already been done by Khun Ren. You can take her home now, but you will have to come next week for a routine checkup. Also, don't eat solid food until I allow you and most importantly, you should do exercises regularly and yoga. Try to find some work.
Aum: Does that mean she can start working?
Doctor: Definitely! She is absolutely fit. In fact, if she wants she can start working right now (*Hazel smiles)
Doctor: But remember, you mustn't stress your vocal cords, not under any circumstances. Also, I recommend you to go for early morning walks and do some regular stretching exercises. Okay? (*Hazel nods)
Doctor: Okay then, bye. See you next week. (*Hazel waves, Aum thanks him, he walks out)
Zone: Well! You can go with me. I mean we live close by and also every morning I go for jogging, you'll get a company, so will I.
Aum: That's awesome! You can go with him, at least my worries will be less.
(*Ren stands jealous with his arms crossed, MJ enters)
Zone: I think we should leave now. (*Aum nods)
(*MJ walks up to Ren with a perplexed expression)
MJ: (*nudges and whispers) Now, who is this donkey?
Ren: Zone. (*Rolls his eyes)
MJ: (*whispers) Zone, who?
Ren: (*in a low voice) I feel like zoning him out. (*Zone looks at them, MJ gives him a mean smile, Zone looks away)
Ren: (*whispers) Couldn't you come a bit earlier? He's gonna drive them home in his car now.
MJ: (*whispers back) Shiaa! Don't worry, I won't let that happen.
Aum helps Hazel to stand up, Zone holds her arm as she stumbles. Ren and MJ quickly move forward but Aum gestures them to stop. Aum carries a heavy bag.
Zone: (*offering help) Let me help you.
(*MJ quickly snatches the bag from Aum)
MJ: I can carry this, you move!
They all walk out and reach outside the hospital. They walk upto the car. A cat comes near Hazel and rubs his cheek on her leg. She adores the cat and kneels down to shower affection. Zone and Aum too pat him but he meows alertly as Ren tries to touch him.
Aum: (*taunts) Even that cat can differentiate between good and bad people. (*Chuckles, Hazel taps her arm to stop her)
(*Zone also smirks, Ren fumes)
They walk upto Zone's car. MJ puts the bag in the car backseat.
Ren: (*pats Hazel's head) I think, we will leave now. You get home safely. I have saved my number in your phone, message me if you need anything. Take care, okay?
Aum: Won't say thank you because you had to pay for your own sins. But bye, hopefully, we won't cross paths again!
MJ: (*points at the punctured tyre) Shit! The tyre is punctured. Didn't you check it earlier?
Zone kneels down to check the tyre. MJ chuckles remembering how he punctured the tyre with a pin while they were busy pampering the cat. Ren looks at MJ and  understands everything as MJ winks at him.
(*Zone looks frustrated)
Aum: Now how will we go?
MJ: Don't worry, we can drop you.
Aum: No thanks, we will manage.
MJ: But
Zone: I think you should go with them, see Hazel must be tired already. (*Hazel yawns)
MJ takes the luggage out of the car and then puts it inside his car, which is parked just next to zone's car. They walk to the car and help Hazel get on the car.
Zone: (*standing outside the car) I will get my car repaired and then come. Tomorrow morning, I shall come to take you at 5:30 for morning walk, okay na Hazel? (*Hazel nods nonchalantly)
(*MJ drives Aum waves at Zone)

*The End*

F4 Thailand Sequel: Somboon Baep (Perfect)Where stories live. Discover now