Fight Back!

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Scene 1:
As Hazel squints her eyes, she sees Arthit lustfully gazing at her lips. She clenches her fists and with all her courage, pulls out the gun from his pocket and kicks Arthit on his crotch. He falls down groaning in pain, Gorya and Thyme's eyes widen as they hear his loud groan. She quickly runs to Thyme and Gorya and tries to free them. Arthit summons all his strength and gets up, strides towards Hazel. She turns around to face him, her deer eyes are no longer terrified, but rather they are filled with rage.
Arthit: How dare you?

He pulls Hazel by her hair, she bites his hand and slaps him tightly, causing him to lose balance, she points the gun at him

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He pulls Hazel by her hair, she bites his hand and slaps him tightly, causing him to lose balance, she points the gun at him. Ren enters just then and stands at the threshold, surprised seeing Hazel's powerful slap. As Arthit storms towards Hazel, Ren comes and stops him, and beats him up. Thyme and Gorya smile seeing him.  Arthit's goons run in hearing the noise and they try to stop Ren. Hazel too kicks one of the goons, while Ren fights them. MJ and Aum run in following the live location. MJ beats up the goons while Aum caresses Hazel. They both free Thyme and Gorya from the bondages. Thyme, Ren and MJ beat up the goons while Gorya and Aum beat up Arthit.
Gorya: (*pulls out his hair) This one for disrespecting women.
Aum: (*kicks him) For trying to molest a helpless woman.
Kavin enters with the cops. The constables arrest Arthit and his allies while f4 boys comfort each other. As the constable handcuffs Arthit, Hazel walks in front of him and slaps him with all her might. As the policemen walk out with the arrested perpetrators,
Ren: Wait! (*He walks in front of Arthit and looks at him) Remember, no woman is weak. Never dare to disrespect a woman considering her helpless, because when she'll fight back, you won't be able to win. (*Hazel walks in and gives Arthit a death stare and holds Ren's hand, the police walks away.)
Thyme quickly runs to Gorya and examines her arms and face and caresses her hair.
Thyme: (*worried) Are you alright? Do you feel dizzy?
Gorya: I'm fine, Thyme.
Thyme: I was afraid of losing you. (*Hugs her and cries with his head on her shoulder)
Gorya: Thyme, I am okay na. You don't have to worry. (*Consoles him)
Hazel sits down on the floor and breathes heavily. Ren haunches and cares for her. Kavin hands him a water bottle. Ren makes her drink the water and cleans up her grimy face with his handkerchief. He sees the purple mark on her neck and lightly touches it, and she winces. He feels sorry for her and grits his teeth in anger.
Ren: That Arthit! (*His gaze softens as Hazel looks into his eyes) You fine na? (*Hazel nods and smiles feebly) My brave girl. (*He hugs her)
MJ, Kavin and Aum stand there open-mouthed, seeing both the couple's hugging and caring for each other.
MJ: The reason why (*everyone looks at him) people say that friends become unimportant when you find yourself a girlfriend. See, I'm hurt, but no one is concerned.(*Dramatic sigh)
Kavin: (*puts his hand around Kavin's shoulder) I agree! Let me show you some love. (*Hugs him)
MJ: (*disgusted) Shiaa! You are no way different.
(*All laugh)
(*Thyme and Gorya walk towards Hazel. Ren raises an eyebrow.)
Thyme: (*patting Hazel's head) Are you okay na krub?
Gorya: Did you get hurt? (*Hazel shakes her head) Khop khun kha. Today because of your presence of mind, we could all be saved. (*Pats Hazel's cheek as she smiles)
Thyme: Hazel (*pauses) Khod tode na! (*Looks at Ren) Ren, you were right. Hazel never betrayed me.
Gorya: It was all Arthit's plan to trap Hazel, he confessed himself.
Thyme: Chai! I feel guilty now. I spoke against you and didn't even listen to you once. Sorry, Nong. (*Folds his hands, Hazel pulls down his hands and smiles at him)
MJ and Kavin: (*walk towards Hazel) We too are sorry.
Kavin: On the face of the tampered evidences, we too believed it for once.
MJ: Chai! I accepted you as my sister but still failed to support you. Khod Tode.
Thyme: Ren, this time your trust won.
(*Ren smiles and looks at Hazel and draws her closer)
Aum: (*her hands on her waist) So, are you guys willing to leave or will you spend the night here?
Kavin: Chai! It's too late now. I'm hungry.
Thyme: Shall we find ourselves something to eat first?
Aum: (*surfing on Google) There's a place around here, but I don't think you guys will (*pauses and frowns)
Kavin: Anything right now will work. I'm just starving.
MJ: Kavin, why are you always hungry?
(*Kavin hits MJ)
Thyme: I'm down for it. (*Thyme holds Gorya's hand)
Gorya: Chai! We can go and eat anywhere.
Ren: Let's go then.
(*Extends hand for Hazel, Kavin grabs it before her)
Kavin: (*creepy smile) Let's go babe.
(*Ren rolls eyes)
(*They walk out)
Scene 2:
They reach a deserted restaurant and enter sceptically.
Kavin: Are you sure this isn't a place for ghosts? (*MJ taps his shoulder from behind, Kavin bounces and clings to Thyme's arm)
Kavin: Hoii, you scared me.
(*A woman comes and greets them)
Aum: Will we still get something to eat?
Woman: Yeah, we were almost about to close the restaurant but please, make yourselves comfortably seated.
(*They sit down on traditional cots.)
Woman: I'm sorry, but since it's too late, we aren't left with any supplies. Can we just bring you rice noodles?
Kavin: Anything! Just be quick. I'll die of hunger now. (*Touches his tummy)
Thyme: (*taps Kavin's shoulder) You okay?
Kavin: No, I'm hungryyyyy.
Gorya: You must be Aum, chai mai?
Aum: How do you know me?
Gorya: Come on! You're famous. (*Looks at MJ and smiles)
Gorya: (*extends her hand for a handshake) Friends?
(*Aum looks at her suspiciously, then at MJ, Hazel lightly nudges her and she finally grabs Gorya's hand after a long pause.)
Aum: (*smiles) Friends.
MJ: (*muttering) We can be friends too.
Aum: (*spontaneously) Bao!
(*Thyme, Ren and Kavin chuckle)
Kavin: By the way, when did you come back Gorya?
Ren: Chai! You didn't even inform us. What about your job?
Gorya: Well that (*smiles) I wanted to give you all a surprise but....
Ren: But you ended up having a misunderstanding, chai mai?
Thyme: Chai! And she even declined my calls. (*Sulks)
Gorya: Bao! I was just.....
MJ: Jealous! Shiaa, Gorya was jealous. (*They tease her)
Ren: But what about the job?
Gorya: Well, the main surprise is (*pauses)
(*Everyone looks at her intently)
Gorya: I (*eyes on her) got the job! I will start working from Monday in the Bangkok office.
Thyme: Shiaa, you didn't tell us!
(*Everyone congratulates her)
Kavin: Then it's time for double celebration. (*To the waitress) P' bring us some sweets as well.
(*They chat and celebrate)
Hazel goes to wash her hands and face. She looks at herself on the mirror and observes the scar on her neck. She cleans it with water and rubs it harshly, causing her neck to turn red. She wipes off the tears with her handkerchief and walks out with an absolutely normal face. The woman serves the noodles, she serves 6 bowls. Kavin, and MJ start eating right away. Thyme, Gorya and Ren too eat. Hazel comes and sits down.
Ren: There's another one. (*The woman confusedly counts them)
Woman: Sorry, I made a mistake in counting, wait 5 minutes please. (*Hazel nods smilingly)
Aum: P', you can have my bowl,I haven't eaten yet. (*Hazel shakes her head and gestures Aum to eat)
(*Ren pauses from eating.)
Ren: (*extends the spoon) Try one spoon from my bowl. It's really yummy. (*Aum laughs)
Aum: P' and her OCD {Obsessive compulsive disorder: where a person experiences obsessive thoughts around fears of becoming contaminated, contaminating others, or contracting and spreading a disease.} She'd never eat from another person's spoon.

(*Aum looks up at Hazel whom Ren is already feeding, and stands shocked

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(*Aum looks up at Hazel whom Ren is already feeding, and stands shocked. Hazel feels embarrassed and smiles shyly)
Aum: (*mutters) People can change drastically.
(*They all laugh.)
MJ: But today Hazel's slap was fantastic. It shook me as well.
Kavin: (*excited) Really? She slapped Arthit?
Thyme: Chai! Not just once, but twice.
Gorya: She is a fighter. Super strong.
(*Ren smiles at Hazel proudly)
Kavin: Shiaa, Ren, we gotta be careful.
(*Hazel chuckles)
Thyme: Really, the way she showed courage today. She is a real fighter.
Gorya: We could see the agony on her face, definitely it's not easy for any woman to face such a situation but she was bold enough to fight.
Thyme: Sorry again, Hazel. It was I who disbelieved you, I feel so ashamed of my naive assessment.
Ren: Actually, it wasn't your fault, Arthit had planned everything so cleverly that anyone could be deceived. I went to meet a cybercrime expert and he after a painstaking analysis, could finally find that how Arthit got the photograph morphed. (*Ren hands the morphed photograph to Thyme and shows Aum's uploaded picture) This is the picture he had stolen her face from.
Aum: Shiaa, how could I not make this out? I had uploaded this on my IG.
Thyme: (*tears the morphed photograph) But there's still one thing left, Arthit said that someone else from my office was helping him, we need to find that traitor. (*Hazel broods)
Ren: We will find that out soon. But now we know that Hazel is absolutely innocent.
MJ: Chai! My sister can't just do anything wrong. She's just as good as I am.
Kavin: But are you good? (*Gorya, Thyme, Hazel and Ren chuckle)
Aum: (*chewing the noodles) By the way, where did you get that photo from?
Ren: From your IG of course.
MJ: Chai, I too have that photo saved in my gallery. (*Aum gives him a death stare)
{The moment you realise that you messed up}
Aum: But I never accept any follow request from boys' accounts, how come (*checks her phone)
Kavin: Because it wasn't boy's account, we logged in with girl's (*MJ covers his mouth)
Aum: Shiaa, you were the ones who were spamming on my comments section with the names Meyth, Kab, Thea, and Ray, chai mai? Shiaa, how could I be so foolish? I'mma block you all.
(*All laugh)

*The End*

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