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Scene 1:
Kavin enters into his house. His father is sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed. He angrily looks at Kavin as he enters.
Kavin's father: (*coldly) You're back?
Kavin: Chai! I was in the hospital with Thyme, you must've watched the news.
Kavin's father: (*indifferently) Hmm. (*Crosses his arms) How long have you been there?
Kavin: Huh? Went there in the evening.
Kavin's father: And before that where were you?
Kavin: Phaw, didn't I tell you I had to accompany my friend to the dentist's clinic.
Kavin's father: And isn't that friend her? (*Shows him a picture of Kavin and Kaning having icecream)
Kavin: (*shocked) Where did you get this from?
Kavin's father: (*sighs) You see, you were a dull child, but still I loved you, you mingled around with numerous women, I never complained, you didn't want to appear in the civil services, I didn't force and let you freely run our family business. (*Kavin looks aghast) In fact, I never complained anything, but today you see this picture. Did you forget whose son you are? Have your forgotten your father's stature in the society? I knew that you were romancing with a substandard woman but look here, how come a boy like you eat around in those ordinary roadside eateries? Did you forget your standard? Or after years of dating a low standard girl, your standard too has fallen?
Kavin: (*shouts) Phaw!
Kavin's father: (*stands up) You aren't supposed to shout at me. Don't you forget that I'm your phaw. Show me your phone once. (*Kavin resists, his father snatches it from his hand and turns it on and sees his lockscreen {Kaning's picture})
Kavin's father: See! I told you! (*Throws his phone) What does her family do for an earning? Does she even have a home to live in? Did she ever go to school? (*Crosses his arms) Tell me, what is her educational qualification? (*Kavin looks down and remains silent)
(*Kavin's mother runs in hearing her husband's loud voice)
Kavin's father: (*pats his shoulder) You see son, I only want you to be happy in your life. Years ago I made a similar mistake by marrying this moron, (*points at his mother, Kavin angrily glances at his phaw) but I don't want you repeat the same thing. Mona was the right girl for you but now that she has moved on, why don't you try finding someone like her? Intelligent, rich, good-looking.
Kavin: (*angrily) Phaw, it's my heart, not a remote control that I can just casually fall for anyone. (*Walks away angrily)
He enters into his rooms and bags the door and locks it. He takes down a wine bottle from the wine rack and gulps in all of the contents at once, dropping half of it on his clothes. His mother knocks at the door.
Kavin's mother: (*nervously) Lukchaai, (*son in Thai) please come out. I've prepared special dinner for you.
Kavin: (*inebriated) I don't want anything, leave me alone!
Scene 2:
In the balcony,
Kaning checks her phone.
Kaning: (*to herself) Kavin didn't even ring me up after reaching home. Not even a good night message. What could be the matter? (*Bites her nails while thinking) Let me just call him once.
*Calling Kavin*

(*Kavin's phone is completely damaged, lying at the spot where Kavin's father had thrown it off)Kaning: (*frowns) Not reachable? What must be the matter now?(*Sighs and leans against the balcony railing)Scene 3:Gorya is lying on her bed, staring a...

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(*Kavin's phone is completely damaged, lying at the spot where Kavin's father had thrown it off)
Kaning: (*frowns) Not reachable? What must be the matter now?
(*Sighs and leans against the balcony railing)
Scene 3:
Gorya is lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Every now and then she checks her phone and then puts it back near her pillow.
Gorya: (*sighs) Thyme went around with that girl and didn't even bother to tell me what happened. (*Grossly) What's wrong with him?
(*Her phone rings up)
*Call from Thyme<3*
Gorya: (*gasps) Finally (*she sits up)
(*Answers the call)
On call,
Thyme: (*nervously) Gorya?
Gorya: What reminds you of me, Thyme? Why are you calling?
Thyme: Gorya, I was about to tell you but I-I...
Gorya: (*irritated) Thyme, but you got busy in carrying your PA around the city, right?
Thyme: It's nothing like that!
Gorya: (*frustrated) If not then what is it, Thyme? What?
Thyme: It was all because of an accident.
Gorya: What accident?
Thyme explains everything. Gorya feels sorry, her mouth curled up in a straight line, guilty for having misunderstood Thyme.
Gorya: Is it? She must have been so scared. You did right by helping her. Didn't she scream? Didn't y'all hear her shout for help?
Thyme: Uh (*pauses realising that he only told Gorya about today's incident and not about the previous accident) She did, but perhaps we could not hear her because the conference room is on the 7th floor.
Gorya: You should've kept some employees' room in that floor as well, it's not safe for any woman. I feel so sorry for her.
Thyme: Hmm.
Gorya: Thyme?
Thyme: Hmm?
Gorya: Khod tode na!
Thyme: What for?
Gorya: I had a lot of things going on in my mind when I saw you in that video. I felt insecure for the first time. I'm sorry for doubting you.
Thyme: Gorya, you don't have to be sorry. Anybody would've thought otherwise if they had seen the video.
Gorya: You see you have a high reputation and media is always after you, you ought to be careful next time.
Thyme: Hmm.
Gorya: Thyme,(*pauses) Chan rak na! (*I love you)
Thyme: Love you too, Gorya. At least talking with you is making me feel much better.
Gorya: (*smiles) By the way, now what will happen to your deal?
Thyme: I don't really want this deal anymore. In fact, I don't want any other deal with Mr. Thongthan. Let him go to hell with his fuckin' son.
Gorya: But, what will be mea's reaction? Will she agree?
Thyme: I don't know, I haven't yet called her. Don't really know what will be her reaction, but I'm pretty sure she'll not compromise when it's about a woman.
Gorya: (*sighs) Hmm.
Scene 4:
Ren walks out of the bathroom, dressed in his nightdress. He lies down on the bed and thinks about Hazel. He checks his phone.
*2 missed calls from Mrs. Supattra Aira*
{Ren's mother, Ref.: A Broken Heart is All That's Left}
Ren recallsl getting her call while he was in the hospital and how he declined it. He clicks on the call but button but immediately hangs up. (*Sighs)
He pulls out a drawer and takes out his sleeping pills. He consumes two pills and starts reading a book.
Scene 5:
It's morning time. Zone is jogging, his body sweating. The images of Ren hugging Hazel are flashing in front of his eyes. He reaches in front of Hazel's home all out of breath and pauses. He stands there, holding his knees, he checks his watch, it's 5:39, he then looks at Hazel's room's window. The windows which usually remain open, are closed today. He waits for sometime.
Zone: (*mutters) It's 5:43 already. She never gets late. Probably doesn't want to walk today. Maybe she should take full rest today. (*Walks away)
Scene 6:
Ren is waiting alone in BK Park. He sees Zone running along the street alone.
Ren: (*sighs) This means she hasn't come today.
Scene 7:
Hazel is on her bed. Her tired eyes wide open. Dark circles underneath her eyes clearly indicate that she didn't sleep the whole night. The incident, Arthit's face, his evil laughter repeatedly flashing in front of her eyes. Her pillow wet with her tears. As she remembers the previous day's mishap, her grip on the soft woollen blanket tightens. Agony visible on her flushed face. She rubs her feet against each other anxiously. She remembers Arthit telling her,
Arthit: You think Thyme is different from me? Not really! It's corporate culture, give and take policy, you know! I think Thyme too must have his own reasons for appointing a mum PA. Maybe out of sympathy or because
She gets up from her bed and checks her phone, it's 6:12.
She opens LINE messenger and texts Zone.
Hazel: Zone, I'm sorry, I'm being very selfish and shameless right now, but I wanted to know if there's any inconspicuous job at your office? Suitable for a dumb like me? Maybe the one in which I don't have to deal with any people?
Scene 8:
Zone walks out of the bathroom, wiping his face with a towel.

On LINE,Hazel: Zone, I'm sorry, I'm being very selfish and shameless right now, but I wanted to know if there's any inconspicuous job at your office? Suitable for a dumb like me? Maybe the one in which I don't have to deal with any people?Scene 8:...

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Notification pops up on his phone.
*Message from Hazel*
(*He checks it immediately)
He texts back: Sure! Can we first talk in person?
Hazel: Yeah, no problem. Tell me, shall I visit your office?
Zone: Don't worry, I'll visit your home before leaving for work.
Zone drops his phone on the bed, sighs and gets dressed.
Scene 8:
Thyme enters into Parama Groups' office. He walks in greeting his employees. He sneaks into Hazel's cabin and is disappointed to see the empty room. Thyme opens LINE messenger and texts Ren.
Thyme: She isn't here yet!
Ren: 😞
Thyme sighs and walks into his own cabin. He calls Hazel, but finds her number out of reach. He opens LINE messenger and texts her.
Thyme: Hazel, absent from work? I need a sick leave application by tomorrow!
Thyme sighs again and opens his laptop and gets back to work. His phone rings.
*Call from Mea*
Thyme gets nervous.

*The End*

Next Break: Roselyn tonguelashes Thyme for filing a lawsuit against Arthit. Ren takes Hazel in his car. Arthit gets out of the prison and determines to take revenge onThyme.

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