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Scene 1:
Hazel tries to look from between the large cardboard boxes. Gorya and Thyme look at the person who has just walked in. The camera finally focuses on our antagonist's face.
Arthit: (*smirks) Here we are again! Mr. Akira Paramanaatra. (*Hazel stumbles as she recognises his voice) Oh my, you have a beautiful girlfriend. (*To Gorya) Hey beautiful lady! (*Runs his thumb across Gorya's face as she turns her face away in revulsion. Thyme's eyes burn with anger, he makes frantic efforts to free his hands and legs)
Arthit: Calm down, Mr. Paramanaatra, I haven't yet done anything. (*Smirks and points a gun at him)
(*Arthit pulls out an old rusty chair and sits with his legs crossed)
Arthit: See, we were destined to meet here in this dirty place. My protégés are so damn stupid, I told them to bring your girlfriend here, but they brought you as well. Buy 1 get 1 free. (*Evil laugh) Not a problem, right? We had to meet after all. By the way, Ms. Gorya, remember this? (*Draws out a red card from his pocket and shows it to them)

Gorya: (*grimaces) It was you who had thrown that red card!(*Thyme looks at her confusedly)Arthit: Mr

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Gorya: (*grimaces) It was you who had thrown that red card!
(*Thyme looks at her confusedly)
Arthit: Mr. Thyme, what happened? Didn't your faen tell you about this? (*Thyme looks at Gorya again) Why? Don't you recognise this? (*Throws the red card on Thyme's face)
(*Hazel looks horrified as she watches Arthit  from her hiding place)
Arthit: Come on! I was being so nice. I thought of playing the game in your style, that's why sent this red card especially for you to understand what was coming your way. Why? Wasn't this red card the omen of danger? That's how you played, chai mai? (*Smirks)
(*Hazel steps on something and a sound is heard. Arthit checks behind the cartoons but doesn't see her.)
Scene 2:
Ren is driving.
Ren: Shit, my phone's battery will be dead in no time. What should I do now? (*He increases the car's speed as he checks Hazel's location)
Scene 3:
Arthit looks around but doesn't see Hazel and walks back to Thyme and Gorya.
Arthit: So, where was I?
Gorya: You bastard! (*Arthit points the gun at her)
Arthit: Shh! Calm down, miss! You haven't seen my darker side yet. So, (*plays with his own fingers) Yeah, coming back to the point, well I decided to kidnap Gorya because I want a ransom, as simple as that. (*Thyme glares at him angrily)
(*Hazel is paralysed with fear)
Hazel's POV: Ren, where are you? Your Hazel needs you!
Arthit: Well, it's upto you Mr. Paramanaatra, but I'm here to strike a deal. I am willing to let you go. You are free but, the moment of truth, (*Evil laugh) I see that you have a beautiful girlfriend, smart, beautiful, glowing skin, fresh meat, (*smirks as Thyme clenches his fists and aggressively jerks his body)
Arthit: And yes, she can speak, unlike your dear PA. What was her name again? Hazel! Hazel, right? (*Hazel gets terrified) Poor her! She must be in the prison already, right? Haven't you sent her there? I feel sorry for her. But I feel more sorry for you. See, how easy it is to fool you. Hazel helped a man pick up the files, camera click. (*He laughs) Then again, she slept with me and you believed so easily. As if that adamant bitch would ever agree to come with me. But I had fun getting photographs morphed, fake evidences you know. I even incurred losses, had to transfer 100 thousands bahts to her account to prove my point. (*Evil laugh) And that file, you never know who's helping me behind your back. There can be traitors. But Hazel? She wasn't even a traitor, but she dared to spit on me. I guess my hardwork was worth it. But I believe I deserve a better revenge.
(*He stands up and steps on Thyme's hands as he writes in pain)
Arthit: Oops, I didn't see that. (*Smirks) By the way, you've got a lot of strength in your hand. That punch still hurts. (*Rubs his cheek) Again back to the point, I will leave you. But not your beloved. If you want her back, then I have a few conditions but if not, then I would be glad to have her increasing the glory of my bedroom. (*Gorya grimaces)
(*Arthit removes the tape off Thyme's mouth)
Arthit: Come on, speak up!
Thyme: I'll kill you. You son of a....
Arthit: No curse words please. I'm a gentleman. All I want from you is a simple apology. I'll let you go today and you can just go home, rest tonight and by tomorrow morning call a press conference and publicly apologize to me and say that the entire fault was of your PA, she tried to seduce me and then played the victim card to trap me. Tell them that she was the one who leaked the confidential data and have your girlfriend back.
Thyme: You...

F4 Thailand Sequel: Somboon Baep (Perfect)Where stories live. Discover now