Why Her?

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Scene 1:
Hazel and Aum ride a taxi.
Aum: (*while looking into her phone) P' tell me one thing....
Hazel: Arai? (*what in Thai)
Aum: You didn't tell me about your interview!!! (*Looks at her and squints her eyes)
Hazel: (*flushes) About that? Uh... I guess you were right P'Thyme is irritable and unpredictable. I had to wait for 3 hours and fight my way into the interview room. And that man, he did not even wait to hear my complete answers. (*Gasps for air)
Aum: Told you! And what about the accident?
Hazel: Actually, I jumped in front of a huge vehicle to save a little kid.
Aum: (*slaps her forehead) P', when will stop putting others before yourself? After that at least instead of attending the ceremony you could've taken a taxi and returned home and take some rest.
Hazel: (*squishes her cheeks) I could've done so, but I knew you were waiting for me to come and accompany you. And how could I break my Nong's heart?
Aum: (*hugs her) You are just too good for this world.
Scene 2:
MJ is driving.
MJ: Sending the driver away wasn't really a bad idea. I've started loving this car. But still my bike is the best.
(*Ren is busy daydreaming. MJ quickly grabs the juice bottle and takes a sip.)

Ren: (*startled) Wasn't that my juice? (*MJ smirks)MJ: You don't like it anyway

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Ren: (*startled) Wasn't that my juice? (*MJ smirks)
MJ: You don't like it anyway. Lemme finish it up for you.
Ren: (*grasps the juice bottle) I will have it by myself. You focus on driving. (*Takes a sip)
MJ: You know what? You are being a bit different today. What is it about? Is it because of the one who gifted you this juice?
Ren: (*Annoyed) And you're being nosy today. (*MJ smiles)
MJ: You sure, it's not because of her?
Ren: Well, I don't know, but remember the other day I told you guys about those beautiful eyes I saw in the airport, she's the one I was talking about. She's definitely not the prettiest woman I've ever seen, her features aren't any extraordinary, but there's something about her which makes her very charismatic. By the way, you never told me that Aum has a sister.
MJ: I myself don't remember Aum mentioning about a sibling. She told me she's the only child and that her mother died during childbirth.
Ren: But that girl was continuously referring to her as her sister.
MJ: If I'm not mistaken, she's probably Aum's cousin. Her aunt's daughter. She had once told me about her. If she's the one, then she's a real good singer.
Ren: That's nice. And since when did you talk so much with Aum about her family?
MJ: (*shyly) Well, after our basketball practice, we often used to sit together, have KFC chicken and chat briefly.
(*Ren teases him)
MJ: By the way, I guess, after Mira left, this is the first time I'm hearing you enquire so much about a girl. She must be special, huh?
Ren: (*blushes) It's nothing like that. I'm not a pervert like you and Kavin. I was just..(*MJ gives him a mischievous smile) And instead of teasing me, tell me why were you blushing so much in front of Aum? She was being rude and you were still unconsciously smiling.

(*MJ gives him a mischievous smile) And instead of teasing me, tell me why were you blushing so much in front of Aum? She was being rude and you were still unconsciously smiling

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MJ: I couldn't help it. I've always disguised myself and visited her only to see her face despite knowing the fact that she hates me for being rich. It's already been 3-4 years since we parted our ways, but I still can't get over her. (*Ren sighs thoughtfully)
MJ: But I'm hopeful, if you like her sister, try to impress her, maybe Aum too will then start seeing the goodness in me.
Ren: (*irritated) Shiaaa! Stop it already. (*Looks out of the window and smiles while drinking the juice)
Music in the background:
"Baby mai wa yu nai
Ja koi du ter reuai bpai
Glai glai ter mai bpai nai
Mae bang krang ti mong mai hen
Lom ti man mai dai pat
Man go mai dai hai bpai
Dtae meua rai ti dtong gan
Just call me baby"
{In the wind by Dew Jirawat}
Scene 3:
Gorya, Thyme, Kavin and Kaning reach a small eatery.
Gorya checks the time on her watch. Thyme proudly smiles seeing her wearing the watch he had gifted her.
Gorya: Where are Ren and MJ? They haven't reached yet.
Kavin: I guess they might have got stuck in the traffic.
Thyme: Let's place our order and wait inside the restaurant itself.
They walk in and are welcomed by a woman dressed in chut thai.(*traditional Thai outfit)
Gorya and Thyme sit. Kavin quickly pulls out a chair for Kaning to sit.
Kaning: (*smiles shyly) Khop khun na.
Kavin brings his chair closer to hers and sits. He rubs his hands against her arm. (*She stands up suddenly, embarrassed. Thyme and Gorya are busy deciding what food to order, they don't even pay much attention.😳)
Kavin: (*thinks) Maybe I shouldn't force myself on her. She needs space, Kavin. (*He pulls his chair away.)
Kaning sensing his discomfort after her act, feels sorry for him. She quickly finds her way under the table and quickly places her hand over his hand, without Thyme and Gorya noticing it. She nods in acquiescence as he looks at her. He gives her a bright smile and fills water in her glass.
{Kaning seems to very much diffident. These small elements of romance between them are just too sweet.} <3
Ren and MJ enter.
Thyme: What took you so long? We've been waiting here for around 15 minutes.
MJ: (*in an attempt of pulling Ren's leg) We were meeting Ren's new cru...
Ren pinches him from behind.
Ren: Uh nothing much, we had helped someone today and that person came to thank us. That's why we were late. Isn't it, MJ? (*Angrily glances at MJ)
MJ: Yeah, yeah. And (*emphasising) that person was really charismatic, isn't it Ren?
Kavin: (*fascinated) That person must've been a girl, right?
MJ: Yesss, a girl
Kavin and MJ: (*together as if to tease Ren) A girl.
Everyone laughs as Ren hits them from behind. Ren and MJ sit. The waitress brings the food and they all chat while eating.
Gorya: I'll be leaving tomorrow for 3 weeks but those 21 days will feel like years without y'all. I'll miss you guys.
Thyme: Why to miss? Take me along. We can have a pre-wedding honeymoon.
Gorya: (*throws a tissue at him) You shameless. I'm going there for an internship.
Thyme: (*smiles in a serious mood) Don't worry, I'll call you every night and we will not do any mischief behind your back.
Gorya: You better not.
Kavin: Don't worry, we'll look after your baby Thyme. (*All laugh.)
Kaning: Gorya, you must take care of yourself first and not worry about us.
Gorya: Ummm.
They finish their food while chatting noisily. After finishing the food Gorya puts the bill amount in the check presenter and Thyme adds in some extra tip. They walk out of the restaurant.
MJ: We literally had a lot of fun today!
Kavin: Exactly, Gorya's graduation party was a blast.
Ren: We will have a party again once Gorya returns.
MJ: Maybe by then, Ren and I might also find someone to sit beside us because the whole time we could only see these two (*pulls Thyme and Kavin's cheeks) henpecked boyfriends Thyme and Kavin looking at their girlfriends. (*All laugh)
Gorya: Okay then, I have some packing to do. So, Kaning and I will leave now. Lah gorn.
Kaning: (*to Kavin) Bpai laew na ka. (*I am leaving in Thai)
MJ: We didn't hear Nong Kaning say bye to us.
Kaning: (*shyly) Bye-bye.
F4 boys wave at them as they walk away.
Scene 4:
Hazel is writing in her diary.
Words in her voice:
Dear Diary,
Everything's really going on very smoothly and I'm happy but life has always been unpredictable. Days are warm and beautiful but I'm apprehensive about the the night being too cold. (*She pauses)
Scene 5:
F4 boys are walking towards their cars when a woman walks by on the other side of the road. Ren looks at her anxiously as she walks away. Suddenly Ren starts running behind her in an attempt to stop her, Thyme, Kavin and MJ sprinting after him.
Ren: (*almost near the woman) Mea! (*She turns putting Ren cleanly out of countenance)
Ren: Khod tode, I took you to be someone else. (*His eyes almost tearing up)
Thyme, Kavin and MJ try to console him and ease his stress. They hug him.

*The End*

Next break: Ren is drinking. He says I loved Mira but she left me. Everyone leaves me, I've always been lonely. Hazel is driving, another car speeds towards her.

F4 Thailand Sequel: Somboon Baep (Perfect)Where stories live. Discover now