Confessions and Apologies

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Scene 1:
In Ren's car,
MJ: Then she gulped down the beer and asked for more....
Aum: To soothe my broken heart! (*Laughs)
MJ: (*bats his eyes in confusion) And what does that mean?
Aum: That means (*smirks and leans in closer to MJ's face causing him to blush) can I get another can?
MJ: Are you sure?
Aum: Yup! I need it!
MJ: (*cynically handing her another can) Are you sure you can handle another can of beer?
Aum: Definitely! Any doubt?
MJ: No doubt! (*Blabbers) Much doubtful, you are already tipsy.
Aum: Hoii, what did you say?
MJ: Nothing!
Aum: Good boy! (*Pats his head, MJ turns red)

*Awkward silence*MJ: What was Lin saying about you crying? (*Looks at her)Aum: (*sighs) You wouldn't wanna know that

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*Awkward silence*
MJ: What was Lin saying about you crying? (*Looks at her)
Aum: (*sighs) You wouldn't wanna know that.
MJ: (*nods) Hmm.
Aum: (*pouts) Shit! You give up so easily.
MJ: Why? You said you aren't gonna tell me.
Aum: Shut up!
MJ: (*grabbing her hand) Aum, it's getting late, Hazel must be home already, let's go. Don't you wanna surprise her?
Aum: Noooo! I wanna stay here, I will stay here. (*Wrapping her arm around his, leans on his shoulder, MJ freezes)
Aum: You know what today I am a bit sad, in fact very sad. (*Whimpers)
MJ: (*in an affectionate tone) Are you okay, Aum?
Aum: No, I'm not. (*Her grip on his forearm tightens) Have you ever really been in love?
MJ's POV: (*sighs) Yes, Aum, I can say this a hundred times that you are the one I love!
MJ: Perhaps.
Aum: Sadly enough, no matter how much you love someone, as long as it isn't reciprocated, it's of no use.
MJ: Aum? (*A hint of concern in his voice)
Aum: This evening, I came across a man. A familiar face it was.(*titters) The man whom I used to love.. (*MJ looks at her) but that was a long time ago and interestingly, he broke my heart. (*Sniffs) He used to say that he loved me the most but one day.... (*her voice breaks) It didn't just happen at once, but there were hints that he left but I was too slow. Back then, as I walked to him, he smiled, placed his phone faced down. Sudden plans, busy schedules and apologies for not having enough time to spare for me. He became secretive, started hiding things, started forgetting my likes and dislikes , every day making me feel that he was falling out of love. How could I not understand those signs? I was too crazy in love perhaps and then, one day realisation hit me hard. Little did I know that it wasn't my fault, little did I know that he wasn't losing interest in me because I was boring, little did I know that he left me for a richer woman. Perhaps rich people are meant to bring me misery, first that rich man who hit my phaw and then her. (*A tear rolls down her cheek, she wipes it off) I begged him to stay, hugged his feet, but all he said was that he was sick and tired of me, that he hated me and that he could never love a silly woman like me and with those words, he walked away, breaking my heart into thousand pieces. It seems they put it rightly "Love is the strongest force yet you can't force love". (*Lays her head on MJ's lap) I was heartbroken, but then, I took refuge in my passion, I loved basketball and it was my passion, my love for basketball which helped me rise from this. And then I met you... (*Smiles) thought you were a nice guy and with time even started liking you (*MJ's face turns red) but then you ditched me. (*Sitd up straight) you lied to me. Couldn't you just tell me the truth? Tell me, why did you have to hide your identity from me?
MJ: Because I was (*pauses and mutters) afraid of losing you.
Aum: (*digs her face on his chest and cries loudly) Why?
MJ: Aum, calm down. (*Pats her head)
Aum: (*looks at him) I moved on from him completely but today when I saw him with that rich woman, my heart shattered, not because I still love him but because I pitied myself for being so foolish to love a man like him. Now, all I want is to become independent and strong and stand on my feet. (*Sighs)
MJ: (*cupping her face) You see, I'm not very good with words, but I can promise you, until you stand up on your feet, I shall always stay by your side, only if you allow me to. You are definitely worth more than you think. (*Aum nods and drowsily lays her head on his shoulder)
*End of flashback*
In the car,
Ren: And then? (*Looks at MJ)

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