Surprise or Shock?

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Scene 1:
Ren meets a cybersecurity expert and hands him the photograph.
Ren: I want you to confirm me whether this is a morphed photograph or not.
Expert: But sir, this will take time.
Ren: How long?
Expert: After the analysis, you'll get the results by tomorrow.
Ren: Tomorrow? (*Frustrated)

Expert: We will try to get it examined as soon as possible

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Expert: We will try to get it examined as soon as possible.
Ren: Yeah, please do it at the earliest.
(*Ren walks away)
Scene 2:
Gorya is in her home. She is sitting on the floor with a cup of tea in her hand. She draws out the f4 red card from her sling bag.
Gorya: (*examines the card) A red card! Who could it be? I need to talk to Thyme about this as well but he... (*Checks her phone) Gorya's POV: He left me alone after having promised to sit for a talk. He didn't even bother to ring me up once. But what did he call MJ and Kavin so urgently for? Is he in any trouble? Should I call him? Ugh! Maybe no! If he'll need me, he will ring me up. Why will I let him take me for granted?
Scene 3:
Ren is driving. He rings up Hazel and puts the call on loudspeaker.
Scene 4:
Hazel is still sobbing. Her phone rings but she simply ignores it.
Aum: P', your phone is ringing.
(*Hazel doesn't respond)
Aum: (*checks the phone) P', it's Ren's call. He must've been calling to give important information. Answer the call.
(*Hazel sits still. Aum answers the call.)
On call,
Aum: Ren, did you speak with Thyme? Could you convince him?
Ren: No! I even went to Arthit's house but he's not there. That son of a bitch must've fled already. Where is Hazel? Can I speak with her for a moment?
Aum: She's sitting near me but isn't responding at all.
Ren: Just put the call on loudspeaker.
(*Aum puts the call on loudspeaker.
Aum: P', Ren wants to talk with you.
Ren: (*softly) Hazel, listen up. Arthit sent some screenshots of his and your LINE chats to Thyme. Try to remember if you'd ever sent him or maybe some other person whom you suspect the soft copy of any file.
(*Hazel shakes her head aggressively)
Aum: She's shaking her head. P' never shares anything with unknown phone numbers.
Ren: Or maybe that she kept the phone somewhere and wasn't around for a long time.
(*Hazel recalls dropping her phone on road the other day and receiving it from Thyme. She nods her head and tries to speak up but in vain. She chokes and coughs. Aum brings her water)
Ren: (*concerned) Please, don't overstress. I'll find some other way.
*Disconnects call*
Hazel quickly opens LINE and sends Ren a text.
Hazel: The other day I had lost my phone when I had the panic attack. But surprisingly the next day, P'Thyme handed it to me and told me that someone gave it to him.
Scene 5:
MJ and Kavin enter into Thyme's room to find him sitting on the bed with his chin cupped in his hands.
Kavin: Ai'Thyme?
MJ: Arai na? Why did you call us so urgently?
Thyme: Thank God that you've come! Please help me out, I don't know how to deal with this now.
Kavin: What is it?
MJ: Is it regarding your fight with Gorya?
Kavin: Gorya? Why would he fight? She isn't even in Bangkok.
MJ: Don't you know that she came back yesterday.

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