The Ceremony

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Scene 1:
Aum is waiting at the entrance. You can see the anxiety on her face.
Ren and MJ hold Hazel and bring her into the university. Aum immediately gets happy seeing Hazel. She runs to Hazel and hugs her.
Aum: (*while hugging) I thought you wouldn't come. I was waiting for so long.
(*Hazel grunts in pain.)
Aum: (*looks concerned) What happened? (*Notices Ren and MJ) And what are these two brats doing with you? Did they cause you any trouble?
MJ: Aum, you're getting us wrong. We are here to (*Ren stops him)
Hazel: (*showing her wound) They didn't do me any harm but rather helped me. See, I met with a small accident on my way to your university, and they did my first-aid and helped me reach here on time. They are really good people, Aum. Why are you being so impudent?
Aum: (*bends down to check Hazel's wound) Sorry, I didn't know you were hurt. Are you all right? Wanna go home? Shall I find you a taxi?
Hazel: Mai chai! I'm fine, thanks to them, they already did my first aid.
MJ: Exactly, we were here for Gorya's graduation and on our way we helped her. Khod tode, if you didn't want us to help your sister. (*Folds his hands)
Aum: (*gnashes teeth) You liar. You 🤬
Hazel: Aum, stop!
Aum: Don't you know him? He's 'the' Methas Jarustiwa.
Hazel: (*realises) Aum, let old things go! He has helped me today, I'm indebted to him. Let's go, they'll call your name soon.
Aum: Chai (*walks towards her friends)
Hazel: (*to MJ and Ren) Khod tode na ka. She's a bit short tempered. And khop khun ka.
MJ: Mai bpen rai! (*It's okay in Thai) She's not to be blamed.
Hazel: Okay then, I'll take my leave now. (*Ren hands her the stilletos) Thanks again. (*walks away. Ren's eyes follow her as she moves farther)
Gorya sees MJ and Ren and waves at them from a distance. The two stunning men walk up to them with every girl looking at them in awe.
Hazel limps and sits near Aum. Aum is sulking.
Scene 2:
Announcement: Miss Gorya Thithara Jundee, please come and receive your scroll.
Gorya's parents, brother, f4 boys, Kaning and Uncle Ga cheer for her. They click pictures.
(*Aum rolls her eyes while Hazel is applauding.)
Everyone congratulates her and finally she walks to Thyme.
Thyme: (*hugs her and kisses her on the forehead) Dee jai duay krub!(*I'm so happy for you in Thai) My little tigress is all grown up now.

Thyme: (*hugs her and kisses her on the forehead) Dee jai duay krub!(*I'm so happy for you in Thai) My little tigress is all grown up now

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Gorya smiles at him. Camera focuses on her bright, beautiful smile.
Scene 3:
Aum: (*whispers) Is your leg hurting? Why are you so careless?
Hazel: I'm absolutely fine. Don't worry!
Announcement: Next up, we have Aum Natnada Saentaweesuk. Miss Saentaweesuk, please come onto the dais.
(* Hazel claps loudly and clicks photographs. Even as the clapping sound stops, you can still hear MJ clapping. His eyes filled with affection. He stops and feels embarrassed.😳)
Aum walks down the stage and hugs Hazel.
Hazel congratulates her and pats her head.
(*Few more announcements are made, group photos are clicked and finally the event is over.)
Scene 4:
Outside the university entrance,
Gorya: Since I've graduated, and tomorrow I'll be leaving for Phuket, let's have lunch together. What say? The treat is from my side.
All: We're down.
Gorya's father: (*hands an envelop to Ren) My son, you helped us so much at the time of distress, how will I ever express my gratitude and love for you? Well, of late, my business is doing well. If God helps then soon we will be back in Bangkok. This is a small repayment of your loan. I'll arrange the remaining amount.
Ren: Uncle, I never gave you a loan, I helped you like a son would do for his father. You don't have to return me the money.

Gorya's mother: If not repayment, then keep it as a gift from us

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Gorya's mother: If not repayment, then keep it as a gift from us. Please!
Ren:(*looks at Thyme and Gorya, they nod) Okay. (*Takes the money)
Gorya's father: We have some work before leaving for our village. So, Gorya, you enjoy with your friends. Will see you at home.
Gorya: Okay, phaw.
Gorya's parents and Glakao ride a tuk tuk (A three wheeler taxi typically of Thailand) 🛺 and leave.
Uncle Ga: I have to go somewhere, so I'll leave you kids here, y'all enjoy!!
(*Everyone waves as he leaves in his car.)
Gorya: Okay then, how about we eat khao niao mamaung (*A typical Thai dish of sticky rice with mango)at our favourite place?
Everyone: Chai!!!
MJ: You all go. My car is parked over there,(*points to the other side of the road) Ren and I'll take the car and go after your car.
(*Kaning, Kavin, Thyme, Gorya get on Thyme's car. Ren and MJ walk away.)
Scene 4:
Hazel is limping and Aum is holding Hazel's
stilletos in one hand and supporting Hazel with the other.
Aum: But why do you want to go to the departmental store in such a hurry?
Hazel: I don't like taking favours. I must give them something in return.
Aum: Are you for real? Why do you have give them anything? They're too rich and will never accept an ordinary thing.
Hazel: I'm just returning the debt. A gift mustn't be judged by its monetary value.
Scene 5:
MJ unlocks the car.
Hazel: (*shouts from behind) P' MJ, P' Ren, rrore bpap nueng na. (*Wait a minute in Thai)
Ren and MJ turn around to see Hazel and Aum walking towards them from a distance. Hazel moves forward, while Aum remains behind her.
Hazel: (*hands each of them a bottle of juice 🧃) P', you guys helped me so much even after being strangers, that means a lot. I couldn't afford a lot, but I saw this juice in your car, so I bought the exactly same one for you. Thank you so much for the help.
MJ: (*snatches Ren's juice) Thank you, this is my favourite. Our Ren is diet conscious, he doesn't drink this. So, both of these are mine. (*Teasingly smiles)
Ren: (* takes his juice back) Who told you I don't like it, I will definitely have it. Well, a gift was not needed but khop khun krub. (*Both smile) Also, Nong Aum, congratulations!
MJ: (*extends his hand for a handshake) Congratulations!
Aum: (*rolls eyes) Khop khun ka. (*MJ draws his hand back)
Hazel: (*Hands Ren a packet of cold compress) Your hand has swolllen a lot, this will help relieve the pain and reduce the inflammation.
Ren: (*ecstatic) Thank you so much. (*Blushes)
MJ: Gawdd! Ren, your checks are red. (*Ren angrily glances at him) I mean sorry ladies, he isn't habituated to so much care, so he is a bit shy. (*Teases Ren)
Hazel: Well then, lah gorn! (*Goodbye in Thai)
(*Bows and walks away)
Ren and MJ wave at her. Ren looks at her, mesmerized.

*The End*

Next break: Thyme talks about appointing a female PA for the first time. Gorya looks upset. Ren calls a woman "Mea". The woman turns, he says "Khod tode".

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