Aren't you strong enough?

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Scene 1:
Ren is trying to persuade Hazel to go along with him.
Ren: Please, you'll feel much better.
(*Hazel raises her left brow)
Ren: I mean, it's important. Please, am I not your friend?
(*Hazel gives in)
Scene 2:
MJ and Aum are quarreling and Aum is beating MJ up. Ren and Hazel come and try to stop them.
Ren: (*flustered) You two brats, what is it this time?
Aum: I'm not a brat, this crazy friend of yours is. How dare he call me cat?
MJ: Because you are a cat! A dangerous cat.😛
(*Hazel is trusfrated)
Ren: Stop it now! Wait! Listen up.
MJ: Are you leaving already?
Ren: Yes, I mean no. I need to take Hazel to a place. Can I just take your (*pauses)
MJ: (*hands him the car keys) Yeah, take my car.
Ren: Uh, no. How will you go, then?
MJ: I will just call my chauffeur to bring another car.
Ren: You sure?
MJ: Definitely, you guys go! But please take care of her.
Ren: Umm. (*Smiles)
MJ: Bye!
(*Ren walks out with Hazel)
(*MJ sits on the couch)
MJ: (*to Aum) I loved the coffee you made.
Aum: So?
MJ: Wonder, if I could just get..
(*Aum walks in)
MJ: (*sighs) Better luck next time, MJ!  (*To himself) Cat, cute cat. (*smiles)

MJ calls his chauffeur and orders him to bring his car for him

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MJ calls his chauffeur and orders him to bring his car for him. He is checking the news updates on his phone. Aum walks in with two cups of coffee. She places the cup right in front of MJ and doesn't say anything. MJ is surprised.
MJ: (*points at himself) For me?
Aum: Phaw wouldn't drink coffee at this hour and there's no one else to drink.(*shrugs)
MJ readily takes the cup and smiles while sipping the coffee.
MJ: So, when is your competition?
Aum: Maybe in 3-4 months. (*MJ nods, Aum looks into his eyes) By the way, why is (*emphasising) your fuckin' Ren getting so much involved with my sister? What's going on in his mind?
MJ: Love, maybe.
Aum: Huh? (*Scrunches her nose) Something's fishy.
MJ: I'm not sure, (*whispers) but I guess Ren is low-key falling for her.
Aum: (*jumps up) What? When?
MJ: Oh, come on! How am I supposed to know?
Aum: Whatever it is, I'll break his bones if he ever tries to break my P's heart.
MJ: Silly! Why would he even do that?
Aum: (*murmurs) I don't know, but I'm afraid, P' is a bit too fragile and sentimental. She gets over-involved with people.
(*MJ's phone rings)
*Call from Kaning*
(*He answers)
On call,
MJ: Hello?
Kaning: (*nervously) MJ, is Kavin with you? Did you meet him today?
MJ: Uh, no. Why? What happened?
Kaning: I don't know. His phone is out of reach since last night and he hasn't even called or texted me. I even tried barging in to his house but the guards did not let me in.
MJ: Wait! Let me go and check. Don't worry, chipmunk. Your Kavin will be alright.
Kaning: Hmm. Please let me know if you happen to meet him.
*Call disconnects*
MJ rings up Kavin but finds his phone switched off. His chauffeur brings the car.
MJ: (*frowns) Now, what's wrong with him?
Aum: What is it?
MJ: Nothing much! Need to go and check on Kavin.
Aum: He isn't really a kid.
MJ: He is! He is a kid, a dumb kid.
He finishes the coffee and proceeds to leave.
Aum: You're leaving?
MJ: (*smiles at her) Hmm.
They both stand up. MJ suddenly sniff kisses Aum on her cheek and runs out while Aum curses him angrily.
{Just in case if you don't know, in Thailand a sniff-kiss is a way of showing affection. It is call hawm in Thai where you just place your nose on the other person's cheek and inhale. They do so instead of kissing to avoid making the other person feel uncomfortable with a direct kiss}
Scene 3:
Zone checks his phone but looks dejected as Hazel hasn't texted him yet.
Scene 4:
Ren is driving. The car jerks and Hazel lunges forward, Ren quickly places his hand on her forehead to protect her from getting hurt. She looks at him. He brings the car to a halt and leans in front of Hazel, their faces a few centimetres apart, however, Ren makes sure that he's not close enough to make her feel uncomfortable. He pulls out the seatbelt and fastens it carefully. Hazel breathes out as he moves back. He turns on the radio and drives away.
It's closer to midnight
Still we're talking just us two
Surrounded by the stars
Oh, they're shining just for you
It's getting colder baby
Let me keep you warm all night
Tell me what you wanna do
'Cause baby I'm all for you
Please don't you go
I'll be alone
Wait until the morning
I'll hold you close
Please don't you go
I'll be alone
Wait until the morning
Ride until it's dawning
{Ride by HYBS. Guys, this one's a lovely song, do listen to it once. Credit goes to P'Bright for introducing me to this song, he has a great taste in music.😉}
Scene 5:
MJ is speaking with Kaning over call.
On call,
MJ: Chai! I've almost reached Kavin's place. Don't worry, he must be fine. Let me just go and check, you please remain on hold.
Kaning: Okay, okay!
MJ walks in and asks the servants about Kavin. They inform him that he hasn't come out of the room since last night. MJ hastily  bangs his door open and walks into Kavin's room. Kavin is still drinking, he is sitting on the floor. He tries to stand but flings back on the floor
Kavin: MJ, my friend, you're here! Come, party with me.
MJ: (*runs to him and helps him to get on the bed) Kavin, why are you in this condition? What happened to your phone? Why are you not answering Kaning's calls? She worrying so much.
(*Kaning is hearing the entire conversation over phone)
Kavin: Kaning? Kaning who? A substandard woman? Low class girl?
MJ: Kavin, what the hell are you saying? Come to your senses. (*He quickly turns off the loudspeaker and speaks to Kaning)
On call,
MJ: Kaning, let me handle this, I'll call you later.
*Call disconnects*
Scene 6:
Kaning breaks down recalling Kavin's words.
Kavin's voice rings inside her head.
Kavin: A substandard woman, low class girl
Kaning cries. He father walks into her hurriedly hearing her weeps. He consoles her.
Kaning's father: What's wrong my child? Did someone say you anything?
Kaning: (*hugs her father) Phaw (*chokes)
Kaning's father: Please, my child, tell me what's wrong?
Scene 7:
Ren stops the car at a beach. It's evening time and the area is very much empty, but serene. The full moon mounting the horizon, its reflection on the seawater. The seawater is glowing. It's a bioluminescence beach where the phytoplanktons glow in the dark.
{Bioluminescence beaches are a beauty to relish. Just imagine sitting by a beach that glows!}

Hazel gets down the car, a perplexed countenance on her face

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Hazel gets down the car, a perplexed countenance on her face. She is amazed by the breathtaking beauty of the place. Ren walks towards the shore and Hazel follows in his footsteps.
Ren: (*walking towards the sea) You must be wondering why I brought you here? I told you I had work but ended up deceiving you. I'm sorry but I have things to tell you. So, if you don't mind. (*Extends his hand)
Hazel holds his hand, her eyes are glowing as brightly as the full moon in the sky. They walk towards the surf and make themselves seated.
Ren: You see, whatever happened yesterday was something very much unexpected and undesirable but... (*Pauses to look at Hazel)
Ren: Whether you want to continue working or just leave the job and find yourself something else to do, is upto you. But aren't you strong enough to face this once? Aren't you strong enough to fight back your fear and for one last time just give yourself a chance?
Hazel: (*to herself) I know I can! I have the courage but having a worthless employee like me is not worth the trouble for P'Thyme.
Ren: (*Cupping her face in his hands) Are you blaming yourself for whatever happened? (*Lies down on his back) You know what? (*Looks at her while in a supine position) Thyme once told me that he only recruits the best among the best and never compromises when it comes to his employees and I definitely don't doubt his choice. Trust me, Thyme appointed you because he knew that you're worth it not because he was taking pity on you. So, give this a second thought. Maybe, Thyme trusts you more than you think. (*Hazel contemplates)
Ren: (*sits up and speaks joyously) By the way, this place is my favourite place to come. Everytime I'm sad I come here and the serene beauty of the surroundings heals all my wounds. Not many people know about this place and it remains deserted almost the time, and that's why I come here often in search of peace, maybe. (*Smiles at Hazel)
Hazel smiles back. He brushes off the hair strand from Hazel's face and tucks it behind her ear.
*Awkward silence*
Ren: You know, everytime I had a fight with phaw, I'd just runaway from home to this place and each time he would find me here and take me home. We were so close and so happy. (*He smiles)
Ren: (*turns towards Hazel) You too were very close to your phaw, right? (*Hazel nods) Sorry to ask, but I've never seen any pictures of your mea, no photo frames or nothing of that kind. (*Hazel opens her locket and shows him a picture of her mother and a child)

 (*Hazel opens her locket and shows him a picture of her mother and a child)

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Ren: She was beautiful just like you.
(*Hazel looks at him suspiciously)
Ren: I mean she was very pretty, now I know where you've got your genes from. That must be baby Hazel, right? (*They both laugh)
Ren: Growing up with a mother to take care of you, someone with whom you can share everything would be so nice. Crying on her lap, hugging her when you're afraid.
Ren heaves a heavy sigh. His face turns red, his eyes watery. Hazel looks at him and leans her head against his shoulder. He blushes as she does so.

*The End*

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