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Scene 1:
It's morning time, the sun is shining brightly outside Hazel's room. Hazel and Aum are sitting near the window, chatting.
Aum: I had quit my studies but my decision to at least complete my graduation wasn't really bad. Chai mai? (*Right in Thai)
Hazel: (*smiles through her eyes) Chai! It was your best decision. Last year, when I graduated from NUS (National University of Singapore), phaw was so happy. He told me now I could work and he could just sit at home and do nothing. (*Sighs) I am in a desperate need of a job.
Aum: Why do you want it? Are you worrying about us? Phaw has his pension money and I too am earning from my games. I had to quit my job at KFC because of practice but still I'm getting some prize money. We can manage.
Hazel: It's not about that (*pauses)..... It's just that I don't wanna sit idly at home but use my creativity and intelligence.
Aum: Don't worry, you'll soon find one.
Hazel: Hmmm...(*sighs) You know what? Yesterday, while going for the interview, I met a mor doo on my way. She told me that an accident might snatch away something special from me. I'm still pondering if her predictions can ever come true.
Aum: Don't believe such people, they are a bunch of thugs.
Hazel: I didn't really believe her at first but yesterday when I almost landed in front of that fast-moving vehicle, my heart was almost in my mouth.
Aum: Eh! these mor doos are just too clever. They speak in such a way that you feel compelled to believe them. What they say are never the truth, but rather are lame conjectures.
Hazel: Hope so. (*Pandiculates and lies on the bed) I don't feel like going to the party tonight. I just hate parties and after all I'm such a wet blanket.
Aum: (*lies beside Hazel) I too feel like skipping today's practice.
Hazel looks at her. Aum bursts into laughter.
Scene 2:
At the Hua Lamphong railway station, Gorya's parents drop Gorya at the station.

Scene 2: At the Hua Lamphong railway station, Gorya's parents drop Gorya at the station

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Gorya's mother: Gorya, please take care of yourself. We are directly going to our village. We will come back to meet you again after you return but please eat healthy and don't push yourself too hard.
Gorya: (*hugs her) Chai, mea. Don't worry.
Gorya's father: Gorya, my blessings are always with you. You'll do really well and get selected for the job. (*Gorya hugs him. He pats her head)
Glakao: P'Gorya, although I'll never miss you (*half-jokingly) but come back soon. I want to meet you soon. (*She caresses his hair lovingly)
Gorya: Take care, okay? Study well. After 2 years when you've decided to continue with your studies, then please do it well. (*Pulls his cheeks)
Glakao: Umm.
They ride their grocery van aftet they bid farewell to Gorya.
Gorya moves inside the station.
F4 boys come running.
Thyme: (*shouting) Goryaaaaa!
Gorya turns around and smiles seeing them.
Kavin: Your train's almost in 5 minutes.
MJ: We got late. We almost flew to the station. (*Gorya broadly smiles)
Train whistle can be heard.
Ren: Gorya, since you wanted to do this internship, Thyme didn't stop you but the work schedule is definitely gonna be tight so, don't forget to take care of yourself amidst your busy schedule.
Gorya: Ummm.
Kavin: Our little Gorya is all grown up now. (*Places his hand on her head)
Gorya: (*pouts) Kavinnn, you ruined my hair.
Kavin: Khod tode (*clumsily runs his hand through her hair)
All of them laugh as Gorya sulks.
MJ: Now I guess you hair looks better.
Gorya: You bullies! (*Proceeds to beat Kavin and MJ)
Thyme: (*hands over a bag) Mea has prepared something for you. She wanted me to give this to you.
Gorya: (*excited) Arai na? (*What? in Thai) what's inside?
Thyme: You may see it by yourself.
Gorya: Khop khun ka. Please convey my thanks to mea. She's just too sweet. Tell her that I love her.
Thyme: (*makes a childlike face) And what about me?
MJ: Oh my gawdddd!
Kavin: Umm, the scene is getting hot now.
MJ: Please continue, we are watching.
Ren: And why are you two becoming the third wheel?
Kavin: Noo, we are not third wheel.
They laugh. Train arrives.
F4 boys pamper Gorya as she is about to leave.
Thyme: (*kisses her on the forehead and whispers) Please take care of yourself and don't forget to call me whenever you are free.
Gorya and nods and rides the train.
MJ: (*teasingly) We heard that!
Kavin: (*imitating Thyme) Please call me tee rak, I'm missing you.
Train starts, they wave at Gorya. MJ and Kavin continue to tease Thyme and run away as he chases them. Ren is smiling at their childish behaviour, and waving at Gorya who is now at a distance. Although there's a faint smile on his face but you can sense his loneliness in his eyes. He looks at the sky. (*soft background music)
Scene 3:
ru wa chiwit mai chai reuang ngai dai
bok dtua eng hai chan pan man hai dai meuan ti pan ma
yang mi prungni kae piang chan ro
mai kit ja to kae piang on la
{One last cry by Violette Wautier. Do check out the English translation (*not the Romanisation) of the lyrics, it's a lovely song.}
Hazel is playing the guitar and singing. Her serene voice echoing in the room. She stops, Aum applauds.
Aum: Why don't you pursue your career as a singer? I can bet you'll rise and shine.
Hazel: (*keeps the guitar aside) Only if it were so easy. For an ordinary girl like me, having a decent white-collar job in hand is enough. I don't have the courage to dream so high. (*Sighs)
Aum: But you love singing, right?
Hazel: Ummm.... This has been my only refuge from distress. I wonder how would I have been able to live without a voice to sing, to speak.
Aum: You don't have to think about it. You already have this god's gift.
Hazel: But I'm afraid, I can never live without my voice. (*Her eyes are shining bright in the sunlight, entering the room through the window.)
Scene 4:
Ren is painting a beautiful pair of eyes. He remembers Hazel's eyes.
Ren: (*to himself) What's making me think of her again and again? I don't even know her, then why does she feel so homey? (*Lightly hits his head) Stop thinking about her, Ren.
MJ: Think about whom? (*Ren gets startled)
Ren: Oh nothing! When did you come?
Kavin: He's not alone, I too am here.
MJ: Actually, we 4 haven't spent time together for a long time.
Kavin: So, MJ and I thought why not organise a mini party. Let's go!
Ren: What about Thyme?
MJ: Thyme will join us after his work gets over. You get ready.
Ren: (*turns away to finish his painting) Mai chai! I will rather go and supervise Aira hospitals. You know right, how much I hate parties?
Kavin: We know that you are wet blanket but you can come at least for our sake.
MJ: Exactly! You can just sit in a corner and do nothing but at least accompany us.
Ren: Okay, okay. Let's go then! (*puts his paintbrush down)
Kavin & MJ: Shiaaa!
Ren: (*confused) What now?
Kavin: Look at yourself. Will you attend the party in these clothes? The hottest girls in the town will be there!
Ren: Yeah! What's wrong with these clothes?
MJ: Nothing's wrong but you look like an uncle in them, so you better go and put on some partywear.
Ren: (*reluctantly) Do I have to?
Kavin: Definitely (*pushes him into his walk-in closet)
Ren picks some clothes, combs his hair and gets ready.
Scene 5:
Hazel wears her accessories and sprays perfume.

*The End*

F4 Thailand Sequel: Somboon Baep (Perfect)Where stories live. Discover now