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Scene 1:
Thyme hands Hazel a laptop.
Thyme: And this one's for you! (*Hazel gives him a restraining look) Don't worry! This is a part of company's COE. (compensation of employees) (*Hazel takes the laptop)
Thyme: Let me show you around the office. (*He takes her and shows her all the cabins, rooms, meeting room, washrooms, and medical room and introduces to the other employees)
Thyme: (*opens the door of a cabin next to his own private cabin) This is your cabin. You can keep your belongings here (*points at an almirah) and this one is your desk. (*points at the table in the middle of the room) My cabin is just next to yours so that as soon as I call you, you can come. (*Hazel nods)

Thyme: And regarding your work, (*he gestures her to come along and walks into his cabin and opens his own laptop and shows her some files

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Thyme: And regarding your work, (*he gestures her to come along and walks into his cabin and opens his own laptop and shows her some files. He takes out a pendrive from his desk's drawer) I have transferred everything to this pendrive, you can take the files in your laptop. Also, (*hands her a file) for now, I want you to thoroughly check the blueprints of the Luxuria in this file. Today is an extremely crucial day, we need to crack this deal and I want you to accompany me in the meeting, okay? (*Hazel nods while checking the file)
Thyme: (*pats her head) You'll do well! Now go to your cabin, I'll call you before the meeting. (*Hazel walks out)
Thyme: Miss Sawængha! (*Hazel turns around) Although I'm your boss, but I'm like your brother, so if anything bothers you, let me know at once. And if you feel unwell, tell me at once, I'll tell my driver to drop you at your home. (*Hazel nods and smiles and walks away)
Scene 2:
Hazel enters into her cabin and breathes in deeply and smiles. She sits down on her chair and pandiculates. She opens her bag and takes out her father's photo frame and places it on her desk.
Hazel: (* bows in front of her father's picture and, closes eyes and prays) Phaw, today's my first day, please help me throughout this journey. I need your blessings! (*Opens her eyes and smiles)
Hazel turns on her laptop and opens the file and reads everything with utmost concentration.
Scene 2:
Kavin and Kaning reach at the dental clinic. The dentist is a tall, handsome man. He is busy treating another patient and talking to her amiably.
Kavin: (*Whispers) Are you sure, he is a good doctor? He doesn't look like one.
Kaning: Come on! I have come her before and he is very good in his job.
(*Kavin makes a face)
Scene 3:
Thyme is talking to his mother on a video call.
On call,
Thyme: Yeah, he said he'd be here by 3 or 4.
Roselyn: You better treat Arthit well. You know na how much important this deal is for us.
Thyme: Chai! I'll make sure that he doesn't get any rooms to complaint about. Mea, I forgot to tell you one thing.
Roselyn: What?
Thyme: Hazel Sawængha has joined in today.
Roselyn: Hazel who?
Thyme: Psst! You forget things so quickly. Hazel, my new PA.
Roselyn: Oh yeah, the dumb one?
Thyme: Please mea, don't call her dumb, it's just temporary vocal paralysis, she will soon get her voice back.
Roselyn: Hmm. Can you show her to me once?
Thyme: Yeah, wait! (*Walks out)
Roselyn: You should've rather called her than going yourself.
Thyme: Come on again, it's totally fine. Thyme enters Hazel's cabin. Hazel's busy studying the file, she stands up immediately upon seeing Thyme.
Thyme: Hazel, my mea wants to tell you something. (*Hands the phone to Hazel)
On call,
(*Hazel bows in front of the phone)
Roselyn: So, you are Hazel, chai mai? (*Hazel nods smilingly) Well, I called to clear some rules on the very first day. First of all, I expect my employees to be punctual. Secondly, you should be regular, alert and spontaneous. And lastly, you may be Thyme's PA, but you aren't supposed to interfere in his personal matter. Am I clear? (*Hazel nods nervously) Well, that's all! Thyme has a lot of confidence on you, hopefully you'll not let him down. (*Hazel nods again and bows) (*Thyme takes the phone)
Thyme: Okay mea, we'll talk later.
Roselyn: Hmm.
*Call disconnects*
Thyme: (*to Hazel) You don't have to be nervous. My mea is a bit too strict in case of work that's why she cleared up everything. You do your work well and I know you'll definitely win her heart with your hardwork. (*Hazel smiles and nods)
Thyme: Wait! Let me click a picture with you. After all, you are now officially working with Parama Groups. (*Clicks a selfie) I shall share this with my f4 gang. After all, you're MJ's sister. (*Giggles)
Opens LINE messenger and shares it in the group 'F4 Fam' with a caption "It's her first day, wish her luck, guys!".
Scene 4:
Kavin receives a message.
*Message from Thyme in F4 Fam*
Kavin opens the message and sees the picture and smiles. He shows it to Kaning.
Kaning: Has she joined already?
Kavin: Today's her first day.
Kaning: I'm so happy for her. Hopefully work will keep her happy and away from stress.
Kavin nods. He types a message in 'F4 Fam'
Scene 5:
Ren is at the construction site of the new block of Aira hospitals. He is guiding the workers. His phone's notification sound rings twice. He turns on his phone and opens LINE messenger.
*2 messages from F4 Fam*
Thyme: Photo ∆
Kavin: All the best, Nong! We know you'll shine.
(*Ren opens the photo and smiles seeing Hazel)
Scene 6:
MJ is sitting in the gallery. Aum is playing basketball in the field. He is intently watching her. Umpire blows the whistle and warns Aum. Aum and her coach argue that it was a flagrant foul commited by the opposition team's offensive player but the umpire doesn't comply. MJ walks down the gallery. All the young girls look at him in awe and gossip.
MJ: You can check the replay, it was a clear personal foul by the opposition player. (*The umpire immediately identifies him as the popular businessman Methas Jarustiwa)
Umpire: Khun Methas Jarustiwa, you're here?
MJ: Chai! Couldn't you be a bit more careful. It wasn't her mistake at all. Check the replay video.
They check the replay and find out that the opposite team's players had committed a foul. The umpire apologizes and announces a break. Aum goes and sits on the gallery. MJ hands her a bottle. Aum takes it.
Aum: Khop khun na! How does the umpire know you so well?
MJ: I'm popular you see! You are the only one (*sighs) who doesn't know me even after years of being an acquaintance. (*Aum rolls her eyes)
Aum: By the way, why are you sitting here idly? Don't you have any work?
MJ: Not really! Today, I don't have any important meetings in my schedule. That's why am sitting here.
Aum: Slacker!
MJ: What did you just say?
Aum: Nothing! (*Sticks her tongue out and runs down)
Notification pops on MJ's phone.
*2 messages from F4 Fam*
Thyme: Photo ∆
Kavin: All the best, Nong! We know you'll shine.
(*MJ looks proud as he sees Hazel's photograph)
MJ texts: Best of luck, Nong. Make your brother proud!

*The End*

Next Break: Thyme welcomes Arthit. MJ and Aum talk. Arthit tries to molest Hazel. Thyme comes and stands shocked. Hazel falls down crying. She vomits blood and collapses.

F4 Thailand Sequel: Somboon Baep (Perfect)Where stories live. Discover now