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Scene 1:
Kavin is sitting in his office room. He picks up his phone and calls Kaning.
*Kaning answers*
On call,
Kaning: Hello?
Kavin: What are you doing?
Kaning: (*sighs) At Maytee O'.
Kavin: Busy?
Kaning: (*while arranging flowers) Not really, tell me what is it?
Kavin: Nothing, just that I'm missing you. (*Like a kid) I haven't met you for a long time.
Kaning: (*blows) We just met yesterday.
Kavin: That was a long time ago.
(*Kavin's mother enter into the room)
Kavin: (*in a grave tone) Yes, Mr. Kunlatorn, we will speak later.
*Call disconnects*
(*Kaning looks confused on the other side of the phone)
(*Kavin's mother looks at him and then bursts into laughter)
Kavin: Mea, what is it?
Kavin's mother: You think you're a good actor? My son, you may hide it from your phaw but you can't hide it from me. Weren't you speaking with your girlfriend?
Kavin: (*shyly) Girlfriend?
Kavin's mother: Told you, no use of hiding. Tell me, am I right or not?
Kavin: Umm.
Kavin's mother: How long have you been together?
Kavin: Years now!
Kavin's mother: I knew it. How old is she?
Kavin: 23
Kavin's mother: Photo?
Kavin shows her a pictures. She stands, transfixed in stupefaction.

Kavin's mother: (*smiles) She's beautiful

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Kavin's mother: (*smiles) She's beautiful. Perfect choice! My son has grown up now. (*Caresses his hair and hugs him)
Kavin: Don't tell phaw.
Kavin's mother: Hmm. I had heard a little bit about it from Roselyn but I wanted to hear it from you. So when are you making me meet her?
Kavin: Soon!
Kavin's mother: See, love is an extremely fragile emotion, you must handle it very carefully. (*Kavin nods)
Scene 3:
It's evening time, Ren is with MJ in the car, MJ is driving. Ren seems to be thinking something deeply. MJ notices him.
MJ: What is it?
Ren: Arai?
MJ: What is bothering you?
Ren: Nothing.
MJ: Come on! I know you very well, what is it? Spit it out.
Ren: (*describes what Thyme told him) I don't know, I mean I'm not sure. It's just that she feels very homely and I genuinely care for her.
MJ: Just like a brother, right?
Ren: (*looks at him) Bao!
(*MJ smirks)
*They reach in front of Aum's house. MJ stops his car. Ren runs inside while MJ parks the car. The door is open, Ren walks in. Aum comes out of the room and sees Ren.

um: (*stormily) Why are you here?
Ren: Hazel's at home?
Aum: (*with her hands on her waist) And why would I tell you? Tell me one thing, why are you again and again trying to get closer to P'? You wanna die?
Ren: (*crosses his arms) Not really! It's regarding her job. Thyme needs to talk to her.
Aum: He can directly text her up. Her phone number must be there in the CV.
Ren: I was willing to help. Now can you please tell me where she is? (*Loudly) Hazel?
Aum: She's in the terrace. You can go this way. Points at the staircase.
Scene 4:
Gorya is speaking with Thyme on the phone. She opens the door and enters into her rented room.
On call,
Gorya: And that's how they quarrelled throughout the phone call. (*Giggles)
Thyme: Life become so beautiful when you have the right person by your side. When you find that one person who is meant to be with you, your heart will know it at once.
Gorya: (*lies down on bed) Hmm. *Silence*
Thyme: Let's get married, Gorya.
Gorya: (*surprised, quickly sits up) Huh?
Thyme: (*in a warm and loving tone) I want us to be together for ever, Gorya. Forever and ever!
Gorya: Thyme (*her eyes almost tearing up) I miss you, Thyme.
Thyme: I miss you too!
Scene 5:

F4 Thailand Sequel: Somboon Baep (Perfect)Where stories live. Discover now