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Scene 1:
Gorya disconnects the call with Lita.
Gorya: (*mutters) 45:30, God, I spoke for such a long duration. Let me just call Thyme quickly and give him the good news. He'd be so happy to hear the news about Lita's wedding. (*Smiles as she calls Thyme)
Scene 2:
Thyme and Hazel are in Siam Paragon. (*a shopping complex in Bangkok)

They are choosing a variety of gifts for Gorya, a necklace, a clutch, hairpins, fragrant candles, soft toys, Polaroid camera and many more

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They are choosing a variety of gifts for Gorya, a necklace, a clutch, hairpins, fragrant candles, soft toys, Polaroid camera and many more. Thyme's phone rings in his pocket but he doesn't hear the ringtone amidst the hullabaloo inside the mall.
Scene 3:
Gorya looks stressed as Thyme doesn't answer her call.
Gorya: Thyme never leaves my call unanswered. If he were busy, he would definitely have declined my call. What's wrong? Is he alright? Shall I ring up Kavin? No, he must be at work, so will be MJ and Ren. I ought not disturb them. But..
(*She calls Thyme's office's receptionist)
Scene 4:
The telephone rings. Receptionist answers.
Receptionist: Hello?
Gorya: Hey, View!
Receptionist: Madam Gorya, is that you?
Gorya: Chai! I just needed a quick favour. Could you please tell me if Thyme is attending any scheduled meeting right now? Or something important?
Receptionist: No madam, sir just now left with his PA. I heard him telling her about going to Siam Paragon to purchase something.
Gorya: (*bites her lower lip, mutters) What it must be?
Receptionist: Sorry ma'am, I couldn't follow.
Gorya: Uh, nothing. Thanks anyway.
*Call disconnects*
Gorya's POV: Why is the increasing closeness between Thyme and Hazel making me feel insecure? Don't I trust my Thyme? I know he's loyal but....But nothing, Gorya. Focus on your work.
Scene 5:
Hazel stops mid-way seeing sketch books.
Hazel: (*to herself) Shall I buy one for Ren?
Thyme: (*whispers) He would be glad to receive a gift.
(*Hazel looks at him, surprised)
Thyme: Only if you were thinking to purchase one for Ren. Not many people buy him gifts. (*Hazel looks shy)
Thyme: I'll go and make the payments, okay? (*Hazel nods)
She quickly chooses a sketch book and goes to the billing counter. Thyme sees her from a distance and smirks.
Scene 6:
Ren drops Hazel at home. Hazel gets down and walks to his side. Ren remained silent the entire time.
Ren: I won't get down, okay? I have some work. (*He proceeds to leave)
Hazel stops him by grabbing his hand. Ren looks at her hand, she quickly pulls it back.
Ren: You wanna say something?
(*Hazel opens her bag and pulls out the art book wrapped in a gift wrap)

Ren: For me? (*A slight smile on his face)(*Hazel nods and smiles with her eyes) (*Ren's phone rings) (*Hazel waves at him and walks inside her house)(*Ren carefully keeps the gift on the passenger seat and drives away without answering the call)H...

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Ren: For me? (*A slight smile on his face)
(*Hazel nods and smiles with her eyes)
(*Ren's phone rings)
(*Hazel waves at him and walks inside her house)
(*Ren carefully keeps the gift on the passenger seat and drives away without answering the call)
Hazel enters into the house to see uncle getting ready to go somewhere, a person is sitting on the sofa. She confusedly looks at Aum.
Aum: Phaw has some work at his village. He urgently needs to go there. P'Phukong has come to pick him up. (*The man sitting on the sofa smiles at Hazel)
(*Auntie Ubon's son pulls out the suitcase from Uncle's room)
Uncle: Hazel, I am going to the village for a few days. I need to urgently run an errand. Please look after the house, okay? Take care. (*Pats her head as she bends down near his knees)
(*The man helps uncle get on to his car and Aum, Hazel, Auntie Ubon and her son wave at him as the man drives away with uncle)
Scene 7:
Ren enters into a restaurant. A woman is sitting, her face not clearly visible. Ren bangs a bundle of notes on the table.
Ren: (*angrily) This is all you wanted, right? Take this, and goodbye!
(*He leaves and the whimpers of the woman can be heard)
(*Ren wipes off the tear that rolls down his cheek as he drives)
Scene 8:
Thyme is in his bedroom. He sees Gorya's missed calls.
Thyme: Shit! Now she'll beat the hell out of me! 😟
(*He calls Gorya, she answers)
On call,
Thyme: (*in a low voice) Gorya?
Gorya: (*trying to act normal) Thyme, were you busy? I called you several times.
Thyme: Uh (*pauses)
Thyme's POV: If I tell Gorya about going to the mall, she'll definitely ask me the reason. What will I tell her? (*Bites his nails)
Gorya: Thyme?
Thyme: Yeah! Business meeting.
Gorya: But...
Thyme: But nothing, Gorya. I was busy that's why couldn't answer, you should understand.
Gorya's POV: Why is he lying? He never does that. Maybe he doesn't want me to know. (*Sighs)
Thyme: W-What did you call for?
Gorya: (*remembering Lita's invitation) Oh yes! I forgot to tell you. You remember Lita?
Thyme: Lita Lalita?
Gorya: Chai! You remember her?
Thyme: Goodness, how can I even forget that brat? I often see her on friendsbook page but don't have her number.
Gorya: Thyme, she's getting married!
Thyme: (*surprised) Wait what? When? (*Smiles)
Gorya: She called me this morning and (*tells him everything)
Thyme: So happy for her, finally she found the right person.
(*They continue with their excitement filled conversation)
Scene 9:
Ren reaches his bedroom. He throws his bag on the bed. He pulls off his tie and untucks his shirt and sits on the bean bag. He sighs and massages his own forehead.
Ren: (*angrily) What has she come for? Why?
(*His phone's notification pops)
(*He checks)
*Message from Hazel*
Hazel: Good night! You looked tired, take rest.😊
Ren: Good night! Take care!
He smiles as he reads the text. He recalls her gift. He quickly checks his bag and pulls out the gift. He opens it and smiles seeing the art book and a small note which reads:
Dear friend,
Thank you for helping me out in every step. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for being the sweetest person. I am so very grateful to you, and I wanna let you know that you're such a humble person, may God pursue all your wishes. I don't really need a special occasion to buy you gifts. Do I? Take care!
(*He smiles and smiles and smiles and lies down on his bed)
Scene 10:
It's morning time. Hazel gets ready for morning walk.
Aum: Shall I accompany you today?
(*Hazel nods smilingly)
They walk out. They almost reach BK Park when they see Zone walking on the other side of the street. Aum calls out his name loudly. He sees them and walks upto them, smiling awkwardly.
Aum: Long time no see. Where have you been?
Zone: (*looks at Hazel, his eyes sad) Just needed a break. (*Smiles slightly)
Aum: Please join us today.
Zone: Not really, I would rather walk an extra mile. (*Aum pulls him by his hand and takes him into the park)
Aum collides with a woman.
Woman: Sorry! (*sees Hazel and exclaims) Hazel? How are you?
(*Hazel smiles at her)
Woman: (*whines) You didn't even ring me up after leaving my birthday party that day.
{Remember the birthday party Hazel went to attend and while returning met with the accident}
Aum: You must be Ally, right?
Woman: Chai! Aren't you Hazel's cousin? Isn't she, Hazel?
(*Ren walks upto them and stands by Hazel's side, smiling at her)
Aum: Yeah, I am.
Ally: (*Raises her left eyebrow) Zone, right?
Zone: Yeah!
Ally: Hazel?
Aum: She can't speak.
Ally: (*furrows her brows) What? Why?
Zone: Because of an accident.
Aum: That night while she was returning from your party, (*explains everything, Hazel looks melancholy)
Ally: Oh what a pity! I'm so sorry for you, Hazel. (*Hugs her) You must've been struggling so much. Do you guys come here for exercising everyday?
Aum: She does. (*Points at Hazel)
Ally: Mr. Zone, how have you been doing?
Aum: You guys know each other?
(*Zone remains silent)
Ally: Yeah! We met in a business party.
(*They all talk, while Hazel and Ren start their yoga practice, Zone too joins them, leaving Aum and Ally.)
Ally: Can I join you guys everyday? I mean I just shifted here and I feel so lonely, it would be great if I had a company.
Aum: Sure, P' comes here everyday.
Ally: What about Zone? Does he come here often? (*She looks starstruck at Zone)
Aum: He used to.

*The End*

F4 Thailand Sequel: Somboon Baep (Perfect)Where stories live. Discover now