Did I Overreact?

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Scene 1:
Kaning wakes up in Kavin's room. She is dressed in a super large shirt. She looks around and is shocked to find herself in Kavin's room.
Kaning: (*massages her own forehead) Ugh! This headache.
(*Kavin walks in with a tray of food)
Kavin: You will feel better after a hearty breakfast.
(*Kaning looks at herself in shock and then looks at Kavin)
Kavin: You look much better in that shirt. (*Smirks)
(*Kaning quickly covers herself with the blanket)
Kaning: (*stammers) I-I, w-what am I doing here?
Kavin: Nothing, you drank a little too much last night. Got drunk, slept over me and then (*winks)

Kaning: (*her eyes widened, nervously) And then?Kavin: (*lightly pulling the blanket) And then what? (*Dramatically) Poor me! I fell victim to a wild cat

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Kaning: (*her eyes widened, nervously) And then?
Kavin: (*lightly pulling the blanket) And then what? (*Dramatically) Poor me! I fell victim to a wild cat. (*Crossing his arms over his chest)
(*Kaning shyly looks down, and pulls the blanket even closer)
Kaning: (*worried) Did you do something wrong with me?
Kavin: (*giggles) Don't you worry, I didn't touch you, I was a good boy all the time.
Kaning: B-but my clothes?
Kavin: I thought you were uncomfortable in that dress you were wearing. I mean it was a bit too long for you, wasn't it? (*Kaning looks embarrassed) Also, you puked all over your dress and my favourite coat. That's why your clothes had to be changed.
Kaning: (*eyes wide open) You mean you changed my clothes.
Kavin: Ah that (*creepy smirk)
Kaning: (*nervous+embarrassed) What did you see? I mean did you undress me?
Kavin: (*trying to control his laughter) Don't worry, I did not get to see much.
Kaning: (*her grip tightening on the blanket) Huh?
Kavin: (*falls down on the bed, laughing) Chipmunk! How can you be so silly? I didn't change your clothes, I didn't even see you. It was Auntie Bey who helped you while you were drunk. She is our maid. She got your dress changed, cleaned your face and hands and made you sleep comfortably. Also, I didn't sleep with you, if you were wondering. I had to compromise my bed because I was afraid I might get attacked by a drunk woman.
(*Kaning hits him lightly)
Kavin: You don't have to worry! I would never touch without your consent. (*Pats her head and kisses her on her forehead)
Kavin: Now, you go! I brought some clothes from my mea, choose one for yourself and freshen up. I've brought you breakfast, we will eat together. I have a lot of things to talk about.
Scene 2:
Thyme wakes up. He unlocks his phone and texts Hazel.
Thyme: Hazel, I'm not going to office today. It's a day off for you.
(*He then texts Gorya)
Thyme: Can we meet? I need to talk.
Scene 3:
Gorya is still in her bed. Her eyes wide open.
Gorya's POV: Whatever I did yesterday, was it wrong? Did I actually overreact? What is happening? Why am I......
She checks her phone hearing the notification sound.
*Message from Thyme <3*
Thyme: Can we meet? I need to talk.
Gorya's POV: Should I meet him? I guess I should, we will never be able to clear the differences if we don't talk.
(*Gorya types)
Gorya: Fine! I too have a lot of things to ask.
(*Gorya gets up from her bed and walks into the bathroom and stands in front of the mirror.)
Gorya: (*mutters) It's good that Thyme asked me to meet up. We need to talk. Today, he has to tell me everything. We need to get even. It's either me or his PA.
Scene 4:
Ren honks in front of Hazel's house. Hazel walks out, dressed in her house clothes.
Ren: You aren't ready yet? (*Hazel shakes her head)
Ren: (*worried) Why? You didn't even come for morning yoga practice. Are you feeling unwell? (*Gets down and keeps his hand on her forehead) You don't have a fever. Loose motions? (*Hazel and her disgusted face)
Ren: What? (*Hazel shows him Thyme's text) Oh, it's a day off. Then, I will leave for work now. (*Hazel shakes her head)
Ren: (*confused) What?
She pulls him inside her house and makes him sit in the dining room. She serves him freshly prepared Khao Tom (*A thick rice soup, arguably the most common Thai breakfast) and Patongo. (*Thai version of donuts)
Ren: For me? (*Hazel nods happily and gestures him to eat)
Ren: (*bites into the Patongo) Umm, yummy! You cook so well. I feel like appointing you as my personal chef. (*Hazel smiles)
Ren: (*teases) Or maybe my wife? (*Hazel's disgusted face) Just kidding. Aum isn't up yet? (*Hazel shakes her head)
Ren: (*sighs) Thank God! Otherwise she would have been shouting over my head.
Aum: (*walking into the dining room) So, will I! Why are you here?
Ren: See! Told ya!

Aum: Breakfast? (*Eyes wide open) My goodness, Patongo and Khao Tom, khanom krok (*Thai pancake), too? Did you prepare all these, P'? Ren: Chai! But not for you, for me

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Aum: Breakfast? (*Eyes wide open) My goodness, Patongo and Khao Tom, khanom krok (*Thai pancake), too? Did you prepare all these, P'?
Ren: Chai! But not for you, for me.
Aum: Shut up! (*She eats) Yummmm!
(*Hazel serves them other dishes)
Ren: God! You've prepared so many dishes. I'm full. I won't require to eat anything for another year.
Aum: (*murmurs) So small is your tummy
Ren: Huh?
Aum: Nothing! By the way, your friend MJ isn't here today?
Ren: (*imitating Aum) My goodness! It seems someone is missing MJ. Shall I call him here?
Aum: Fuck off! The reason why I call you a troublemaker.
(*Ren's phone rings)
*Call from Sr. Doctor*
On call,
Ren: Okay, okay, I'll be there in 5 minutes.
*Call disconnects*
Ren: I guess I'll have to leave now. It's urgent (*looks at Hazel) otherwise would've stayed a little longer. Then, bye, I guess? (*Hazel smiles and nods) Bye, (*emphasising) Aum.
(*Aum sticks her tongue out 😛)
Hazel walks Ren to the car.
Ren: Bye! See you later. And thank you so much for the breakfast, I had such a hearty meal after a long time. Bye! (*Hazel waves at him smilingly as he drives away)
Scene 5:
Kaning washes her face and wears fresh clothes. She walks out of the bathroom and sees Kavin speaking to someone over phone. He doesn't see her. She walks away quietly.
*Time skip*
(*Kavin knocks at the bathroom door and finds it open. He walks around looking for Kaning. He sees a servant and asks him)
Servant: Sir, I saw her walking out of the house. She's gone already.
Kavin: (*mutters) Shiaaa, chipmunk. You ran away again. But I will make you talk to me, no matter what.
Scene 6:
Someone knocks at Gorya's door. Gorya opens the door and finds no one, she sees a bouquet of daisies and picks it up, frowning. She finds a note and opens it, frowning. She walks into her house and closes the door. Hazel who's hiding behind the door smiles. She recalls taking Gorya's address from MJ.
Hazel texts MJ over LINE.
Hazel: P', could you please do me a favour?
MJ: Anything for you, tell me what is it?
Hazel: I need Gorya's address. Could you please send it?
MJ: But Gorya is not at home.
Hazel: She's come back and I need to urgently meet her.
MJ: Really? When? Shall I drop you there? I too will meet her then.
Hazel: Mai dai! It's something confidential. You just send me her address.
MJ: ¶Location
(*Out of flashback Hazel prays for Gorya and Thyme to get back together)
Scene 7:
Gorya reads the note:
Dear Gorya,
Whatever happened yesterday was absolutely unexpected and at the same time disappointing. P'Thyme is really a good man and he loves only one woman and that's you. You must've been wondering how come a certain stranger someone like me knows about your favourite flowers, the credit goes to P'Thyme. He always speaks about you and only you. He treats me like his own younger sister and I really appreciate him and look upon him. Please, don't misunderstand P'Thyme.
Your friend,
(*Gorya sighs reading the note)
Scene 8:
At the stadium,
Aum is standing in the queue.
Coach: Okay girls, attention! Everyone listen to me. There's a zonal competition in Nakhon Pathon in 3 days. And I want you all to participate in it. I know it's gonna be difficult in a short period notice but you see unfortunately I received the news today itself. So, please, I request, in fact, I insist you all to fill the forms at the earliest. Organisers will provide you the transportation and accomodation facilities, so you don't have to worry about it.
(*He asks his subordinates to distribute the forms and goes and sits at the edge of the basketball ground)
Aum looks stressed upon hearing the announcement. She walks upto the coach with the form in her hand.
Coach: (*without looking up at her) What is it again, Aum? Any problem?
Aum: Sir, phaw isn't there at home and....
Coach: I don't wanna hear all these. Simply tell me if you want to participate or not for I need to send these forms back to the organisers.
Aum: But sir...
Coach: (*looking into her eyes) Will you participate or will you not?
Aum: (*nervous) Yes, sir!

*The End*

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