A Clue

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Scene 1:
It's morning time. Zone is jogging on the sidewalk. He smiles recalling the time spent with Hazel the other day.
Zone's POV: Maybe trying to win her heart would do me no harm. (*He shakes the sweat off his hair and jogs merrily)
He stops in front of Hazel's house and looks at the closed window.
Zone: (*Mutters) Her window is closed. Is she not up yet? Should I call her? Did she leave already? What should I do? (*Thinks)

 Is she not up yet? Should I call her? Did she leave already? What should I do? (*Thinks)

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(*Ally runs in from behind)
Ally: (*loudly) Zone, long time no see. How are you?
(*Zone sees her and has an immediate repulsive countenance on his sweaty face)
Zone: (*murmurs) Shiaa, not again. She'll hang on to me. I need to escape. (*Loudly) I have something important to do, I'll see you later.
Ally: But Zone...
(*He runs away)
Ally: Arghhh!😫 He ran away again. How will I speak to him?
Scene 2:
Hazel packs up her files and gets dressed for office. Aum gets up hearing the clink-clanks.
Aum: (*rubs her eyes) P', what are you doing? Where are you going so early in the morning? Office? But why? Don't you remember you were fired?
(*Hazel sits back on the sofa in despair, she sighs as she covers up her face with her hands)
Aum: I know you did not betray anyone but you see Thyme still doesn't trust you. And definitely on the face of the evidences no other employers would have trusted you but since Ren is on your side, I know he'll find some way out of this trouble. Have faith in him, he won't let you down.
Scene 3:
Ren wakes up and hastily goes to take a bath. He gets ready.
Ren: (*to himself) I need to find out the entire truth at the earliest. I won't let anyone blame my Hazel for something she hasn't done.
(*His phone rings)
*Call from Manager*
On call,
Ren: Hello, what is it?
Manager: Sir, you have an important meeting....
Ren: Just reschedule it, I have to run an errand urgently.
Manager: But sir this will be the third time that we will be rescheduling. Wouldn't they be angry? Mr. Clarkson called me this morning to remind you because they need to talk to you urgently. (*Ren looks frustrated)
Ren: How about tomorrow?
Manager: Sir, they'll be leaving for the US tomorrow. The reason why they are urging to meet today itself.
Ren: Okay, I'll be there.
*Call disconnects*
Ren: I'll get late if I sit in the meeting but I guess there's no other option.
(*He walks out with his coat in one hand and his phone in another)
Scene 4:
Thyme gets out of his car and hurriedly enters into Parama office. He calls for a meeting with his staff and they all discuss on the issue. The staff gets agitated when they hear about Hazel being behind leaking confidential data.
Employee 1: Sir, she is a traitor. She has betrayed you. She doesn't just deserve to be fired but also you should file a lawsuit against her.
Employee 2: Exactly sir, your mea would have done the same. No use of showing sympathy.
(*Thyme tries to control the chaos but in vain.)
Scene 5:
At Gorya's home,
Gorya gets a call from her boss. She answers.
On call,
Gorya: Hello, sir?
Boss: Yeah, Ms. Thithara Jundee, I want you to come to the Bangkok office asap, we need to get some paperwork done.
Gorya: Okay sir, coming!
*Call disconnects*
Scene 6:
Hazel is sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed. Suddenly she remembers Krist coming to her cabin to take a file for Thyme. She recalls how he behaved in an uncanny manner when she spotted him secretly entering into her cabin while she was not there.
Hazel: (*thinks) I know there must be someone who's helping Arthit otherwise he couldn't have done all this. Could it be Krist?
(*She stands up and gets ready to leave for the office)
Scene 7:
At Maytee O',
Kaning's phone rings up again and again.
*Call from Kavin*
(*She puts her phone on DnD mode)
Uncle Ga: (*with a raised brow) You sure you will not answer?
(*Kaning sighs)
(*She receives several messages from Kavin)
Kaning: Shiaa, he's so annoying.
(*She blocks his number)
Scene 8:
Kavin tries calling her again but her phone doesn't ring.
Kavin: Why isn't the phone ringing? (*Bangs the phone on the table)
Staff: Sir, probably she's blocked you.
Kavin: Hoiii, how could she do this? Bring me a few other sim cards.
*Time skip*
The staff returns with several sim cards.
Kavin inserts one and calls Kaning. She answers.
On call,
Kaning: Hello, who's this?
Kavin: (*pretending to be an old woman) Hello, dear child, how are you?
Kaning: I'm fine. But madam may I know who you are?
Kavin: (*imitating old woman's voice) Silly, you don't have to know me. (*The staff laughs, Kavin hits him lightly on the head)
Kaning: (*hears the laughter) Kavin, I know that it's you. Chai mai? Why are you so annoying?
Kavin: Wait, please!
(*Kaning hangs up)
*Call disconnects*
Kavin: (*holding another sim in hand) If not this, then another one, but I'll not give up so easily. (*Smirks)
Scene 9:
At Maytee O',
Kaning hangs up the call.
Kaning: (*mutters) Stupid. (*Smiles) Shiaa, why am I smiling?
(*Her phone rings)
Kaning: Unknown number. Not Kavin again. (*Annoyed)
Scene 10:
Thyme watches the reporters waiting outside his office from his cabin's window.
Thyme: How am I supposed to get out of this mess? I can deal with Mr. Veerasit but these reporters. (*Tensed)
He sits back on his chair and sighs. As he rests his head on the table, his bracelet hits the photo frame on the table, producing a clinking sound. He looks up and sees his and Gorya's photograph.
Thyme: Shiaaa, I forgot about Gorya. How could I be so careless? Why wouldn't she be angry? (*Hits his head) Should I call her?
(*He rings up Gorya)
Scene 11:
Gorya is putting her signatures on the employment contract papers. Her phone rings but she quickly turns it off.
Scene 12:
At Thyme's office,
Thyme: Shiaa Gorya, why aren't you answering?
(*Calls her 101 times)
Scene 13:
In the meeting at Aira hospital,
Ren looks restless. He is tapping the pen on the table and shaking his legs vigorously as other people are talking.
Person: Mr. Ren, are you fine? You seem a bit under the weather today.
Ren: (*startled) Nothing, just a headache. (*Mutters) I need to get out of here quickly.
Scene 14:
Hazel tries to enter into Parama office but the security guards stop her. Krist watches from inside and smirks. Hazel notices him and glances at him angrily. She tries to force her way into the office but guards throw her out.
Receptionist: Khod tode, Hazel but it's P'Thyme's order to not allow you inside. But why did you ditch him? He trusted you. (*Hazel shakes her head helplessly. She gathers up her fallen files and walks away)
Scene 15:
Gorya is walking on the pavement. She checks her phone.
*7 missed calls from Thyme<3*
Gorya: (*mutters) 7 missed calls! He never calls me so many times, this must be something urgent.
(*She rings him up)

Scene 16:Thyme smiles faintly seeing Gorya's call

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Scene 16:
Thyme smiles faintly seeing Gorya's call. He answers quickly.
On call,
Gorya: (*panics) Thyme, arai na? Are you fine? Why did you call? Is everything alright?
Thyme: Why are you so good Gorya? (*Thinks) I left her alone yesterday. I didn't even call her once but still she worries so much for me.
Gorya: Arai?
Thyme: I'm sorry!
Gorya: (*Confused) For what?
Thyme: Sorry for everything. Sorry for not being able to give you time. Sorry for being rude.
Gorya: Thyme, are you okay na? You sound sad.
Thyme: Gorya, can we meet now? I have to tell you something important.
Gorya: Now?
Thyme: Chai!
Gorya: What is it?
Thyme: I want to tell this to you in person.
Gorya: Okay, okay, can you come to pick me?
Thyme: I can't! I'm stuck here. I need you to pick me up.
Gorya: From?
Thyme: My office. It's an emergency.
Gorya: Everything's alright na, Thyme?
Thyme: Can you please come?
Gorya: (*in a low voice) Hmm.
*Call disconnects*
Scene 17:
Hazel is sitting on the staircase of a small shop opposite Parama office, observing the reporters clustered around the office. She sees Gorya walking towards Parama office, Hazel tries to reach out to Gorya but decides against it. Thyme walks out of Parama office. The reporters surround him.
Reporter 1: Mr. Akira Paramanaatra, is this true that your company's confidential data of the Exoro project got leaked yesterday?
Reporter 2: Who do you think is behind all this?
Reporter 3: A rival or an unfaithful employee?
Reporter 1: Parama Groups' shares are falling rapidly. It seems that this mishap will have adverse implications. What would you say on that, Mr. Paramanaatra?
(*Hazel tries to hear what they are asking but in vain)
Thyme's bodyguards try to ward off the reporters and Thyme hastily makes his way out of the crowd. He sees Gorya, he holds her hand and runs away and gets on his car. Hazel tries to stop them from behind but they don't see her.
Scene 18:
Ren meets the cybersecurity expert.
Expert: Sir, I was waiting for you.
Ren: Yeah! Quick fast, tell me what is it?
Expert: This one took me hours. It's so perfectly morphed that one can hardly recognise. Whosoever got this done must've hired someone who's an expert in his feat.
Ren: Does that mean it's morphed?
Expert: Yes! Just look at this carefully. (*Points the cursor on the edge of the photograph on his computer) Although they tried to crop the picture, but still a little part of the watermark remained.
Ren: (*Snaps his fingers) Perfect! This is what I needed.
Scene 19:
MJ walks into Aum's stadium. Aum sees him but ignores. As the practice gets over, she walks out without exchanging a word with MJ. He runs behind her.
MJ: Hey! Why are you ignoring? I need to talk to you. (*Aum ignores) it's important. It's about Hazel. (*Aum pauses)
MJ: (*looks into her eyes) I know that you know something about her. Tell me and tell me true, what is it? Thyme told me about her betrayal. Was he speaking the truth? (*Aum looks at the ground) Answer me, Aum! I wanted to confront her myself but before that I want to hear from your mouth.

*The End*

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