I'm There For You!

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Scene 1:
Zone is jogging alone. Ally reaches him from behind and taps his shoulder.
Ally: (*sweetly) Zone, how are you?

Zone: (*Coldly) Fine!Ally: Do you stay nearby?Zone: Hmm

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Zone: (*Coldly) Fine!
Ally: Do you stay nearby?
Zone: Hmm.
*Awkward silence*
Ally: Hazel hasn't come with you, today?
(*Zone pauses for a moment)
Zone: Maybe she'll come with Aum. (*Continues to jog)
Ally: You
Zone: (*irritated) Don't you wanna go for yoga practice?
Ally: (*in a timid voice) Aren't you liking my company?
Zone: (*angrily) See, I'm not interested (*Ally looks afraid)
Zone: (*sighs) Why don't you go to BK Park? Hazel must be there already!
Ally: But, I'm liking it here, beside you.
Zone: Please (*she looks at him with puppy eyes, he sighs and jogs even faster)
(*Ally stops to pant, Zone runs away)
Ally: If not today, maybe tomorrow. But I'll win your heart, Zone. (*She smiles)
Scene 2:
At Maytee O'Gardens,
Kavin knocks at the door.

 (*She smiles)Scene 2:At Maytee O'Gardens,Kavin knocks at the door

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Kaning: (*cleaning up the store) The store's closed! Khod tode na.
Kavin: Even for me?
(*Kaning looks at him and looks away immediately)
Kaning: For everyone.
Kavin: Kaning, stop avoiding me, I need to talk to you.
Kaning: (*coldly) Busy right now! Maybe some other day.
Kavin: Please open the door once. Please, I beg of you.
(*Kaning opens the door, he walks in quickly and closes the door)
Kavin: Please, listen to me once.
Kaning: What is there to listen? Just leave, I don't want you to ruin my mood right now.
(*Kavin holds her hands and pins her against the wall, looking right into her eyes)
Kavin: Why don't you listen to me, damn it?
(*They drown into each other's eyes for a moment)
(*Kavin's phone rings)
*Call from Babygirl*
Kaning: (*sees the call) That's it! I'm leaving.
Pushes him and walks away, crying. Kavin throws the phone and haunches down gripping his hair tightly.
Scene 3:
It's evening time. MJ is in his car, on his way home. A man stops his car.
MJ: (*to the driver) What is it?
Driver: Sir, a man is standing in front of your car.
(*MJ gets down and sees a gangster)
Gangster: (*smirks) How are you, Methas Jarustiwa?
MJ: What are you doing here?
Gangster: Come on! Are you afraid of me?
MJ: Why would I be?
Gangster: You need to be! I can kill you.
MJ: Shut the fuck up!
Gangster: Your decision to close up your mafia business, ruined my entire life. I was in prison, I'm bankrupt. I will kill you.
He quickly punches MJ on the stomach, causing him to fall down on the ground. He strides towards him with a dagger. MJ retaliates. All other people and the driver come to his aid. The man runs away, the driver helps MJ get up. Aum sees the mob from a distance. She walks towards it. She sees MJ sitting in the car, exhausted as the crowd disperses.
Aum: (*crosses her arms) What a small world! Here I am again.
(*MJ is panting)
Aum: You okay? Looks like you have come from the battlefield.
Driver: Madam, just now sir was attacked by a gangster.
Aum: What? When? (*Concerned) Are you alright?
(*She sees a cut on MJ's hand)
Aum: Sheesh! Your hand. (*She quickly checks it) Bring the first-aid box. (* The driver complies.)
She bandages MJ's wound. He is still panting. She helps him drink water.
Aum: Who was it? Do you know him?
MJ: Those mafias again! Just because I closed up my mafia businesses completely, they've been threatening me.
Aum: You closed up your mafia.... When?
MJ: Years ago! When you said you despised me because of my background.
(*Aum feels sorry for him)
Aum: You must go home. You need rest. My house is close by, let me take you there. You can rest, Ren can take you home in the evening. I don't want you to move alone.
MJ: You sure?
(*Aum nods)
Aum gets on the car with MJ. Driver drives away to Aum's house. No one is in the house. She helps him to walk inside and makes him sit on the couch and goes inside to fetch something as he sits there feebly.
She walks to MJ with a bowl of water.
Aum: Splash some water on your face. You'll feel better. (*He complies)
*Awkward silence*
MJ: Khop khun krub
Aum: For what?
MJ: For taking care of me!
Aum: I'm always there for you!
MJ: (*surprised) Huh?
Aum: (*embarrassed) I said I had to do this to pay you back because you had helped me the other day.
(*MJ smiles)
Scene 4:
Ren is stuck in the traffic. He honks and checks the time.
Scene 5:
Hazel merrily walks out of her office with a file in her hand. She smiles imagining Ren waiting for her at the office gate. She furrows her eyebrows as she doesn't see Ren's car.
Hazel's POV: He isn't here yet. Why? He never gets late. Is he fine? Shiaaa, why negative thoughts? He must've been stuck in the traffic or maybe has some work.
(*Her phone's notification pops up)
Hazel's POV: This must be Ren! (*She smiles)
However, her smile vanishes as she reads the message.
*Message from 02-2174369*
Unknown: Waiting for someone? Why don't you come with me? You must be missing me already miss dumb secretary!
Yours only,
Don't you know me?
(*A chilly terror runs down Hazel's spine. Her doe eyes looking around, trying to find the dreadful person)
(*Notification again)
*Message from 02-2174369*
Unknown: Looks like someone's eyes are searching me! Want another offer?
Her legs shake. She looks around biting her lower lip in terror. Her phone slips out of her hand. Arthit appears in front of her on the other side of the road, an evil smirk on his haughty face. She holds her head and sits down on the ground in agony, her eyes almost tearing up. Arthit then hides behind the building. Crowd gathers around her as she weakly crawls on the ground. She helplessly rubs her arms, scratches them. Pulls out her hair.
Thyme sees the crowd in front of his office and rushes out. He sees Hazel, his eyes wide open, he rushes to her.
Thyme: (*shakes Hazel) Hazel! Hazel!
Ren reaches the spot and gets down his car seeing the crowd. Hazel is still shivering. Her eyes red. Her teeth gritting against each other. Her staight hair is matted. Her face wan and lips pale. Ren bends down on his knees next to her and holds her numb hands.
Ren: Hazel, see it's me, your Ren. Hazel! Breathe, Hazel, breathe. (*He quickly clasps her in his arms as she cries with her head dug on his chest)
Ren: (*to Thyme) What happened to her?
Thyme: Don't know, she was absolutely fine when she walked out until....
Ren: Thyme, can you please drive us to her house.
Thyme: Sure! Let us just help her get on the car.
They drag Hazel into the car. She continuously look back at the place where Arthit stood a moment ago. She palpitates.
Ren: Are you okay?
He takes off his jacket and covers her shoulders with it, hugging her tightly. She rests her head on his chest as he holds her. On the way, neither Thyme nor Ren utter a single word.
Scene 6:
In front of Parama office, someone picks Hazel's phone from the street.
Arthit walks out to the street and smirks.
Arthit: This is what you are Miss Hazel Sawængha! A timid, helpless hoe. (*Grits his teeth) And, I'll live to see your ruin Thyme Paramanaatra.
Scene 7:
They reach home and Thyme and Ren support her shoulders, each on one side and help her walk in. As Aum opens the door, she gets worried seeing Hazel's condition.
Aum: What happened?
(*MJ rises from his seat and limps up to them)
MJ: Hey, is she alright?
Thyme: I will tell you, but I guess we should take her to her room first.
(*Ren supports her shoulder with one hand and the other hand reaches for her snapped waist, he takes her to her room)
MJ: (*worried) Thyme, what happened? Did she fall ill again?
Thyme: I don't know, she was absolutely fine when she walked out of my cabin. I was about to leave when I saw her helplessly crying on her road. Perhaps a panic attack!
(*Looks at Aum) Did she ever suffer such seizures before?
Aum: Not really! This has been since that day's incident at your office. She even had nightmare. That event seems to have affected her a lot.
Scene 8:
In Hazel's room,
Ren makes her sit on her bed. He takes off her stilletos. She is crying and her hands and feet are cold. Ren kneels in front of her.
Ren: (*calmly) Hazel! (*Hazel doesn't look at him) Hazel, look at me, look into my eyes! (*She looks at him, stark terror in her eyes)
Ren: (*takes her hands in his own) Look at me! Why are you afraid? I'm there for you. You don't have to worry as long as I'm there for you. My heart beats for you and I shall run to you and protect you at all costs. I will shield you from all the dangers and ward off the evil eyes. Now, please, you need rest. Try to sleep. (*He helps her lie down)
She curls up on the bed, closing her eyes. Ren tries to leave but she clinges on to his shirt. She opens her eyes as he gets up and nods her head, pleading him not to leave.
Ren: No, I'm not leaving you now!
He sits beside her and caresses her hair. He lightly kisses her forehead as she falls asleep. MJ looks at them from the threshold.
Scene 9:
Gorya is working at her office desk. Employees are leaving one-by-one but Gorya is still working.
Colleague: Gorya, aren't you leaving?
Gorya: 5 minutes more! I need to get this done.
Her boss walks out of his cabin with an envelope in his hand.
Boss: Miss Thithara Jundee?
(*Gorya stands up as she sees him)
Boss: I have a news for you.
Gorya: What is it, sir?
Boss: Well, while the internship was just for 3 weeks, but seeing your dedication and work progress, I and my team have decided to approve your appointment. (*Gorya's face brightens up) Which means that you can join our Bangkok branch. And this is your appointment letter. (*Hands her the envelope)
Gorya: Sir, I am so grateful (*smiles)
Boss: Rather than being grateful, get ready for working hard! I'm taking the risk of giving an opportunity to a rookie like you, don't let me down.
Gorya: Never, sir. I'll try my best.
Gorya jumps in excitement as he walks away. She packs up her things from the desk. The boss turns back.
Boss: One more thing! You can leave for Bangkok in 2 days.
Gorya gets excited. She video calls Thyme as she walks out of the office.
Scene 10:
Thyme loosens his necktie and sits on the single sofa. He drinks a glass of water which Aum fetched for him. He sighs and looks extremely tired. His phone vibrates.
*Video call from Gorya<3*
(*He answers)
On call,
Gorya: (*exclaims joyfully) Thyme!
Thyme: (*listlessly) Hmm?
Gorya: (*frowns) What's wrong, Thyme? Aren't you at home?
Thyme: (*he looks a bit distracted because of the exhaustion) Nothing just tired.
Gorya: This place doesn't seem like your house.
Thyme: Yeah, I'm at Hazel's place.
(*Gorya's face turns down as she hears Hazel's name)
Thyme: Can we talk once I reach home?
Gorya: Hmm.
*Call disconnects*
(*Gorya immediately disconnects the call, looking agitated)

*The End*

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