Not My Fault

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Scene 1:
Gorya is walking on the road,her cheeks wet with her tears.
Gorya's POV: Thyme has always loved me so much, but what for did he just bring in that woman so easily into his life? Am I no longer important to him? He shouted at me for her. Did I overreact? Or is he actually falling out of love?
She walks into her old shabby house, unlocks the door and starts cleaning up her room, wiping the tears off her cheeks.
Scene 2:
Ren walks into Thyme's cabin.
Ren: (*without looking at their faces) What is taking you so long? (*Notices their upset faces) Shit! What happened? Hazel are you fina na? (*Taps her shoulder, she nods sadly) What is it? I just now saw a woman walking out of here, she looked like Gorya but I am still not sure. (*Thyme is lost in his thoughts) Thyme?
Thyme: (*annoyed) What is it?
Ren: Why are you shouting? Thyme is something wrong? Was it Gorya for real?
Thyme: Yes, she was. So what?
Ren: Did you both fight again?
Thyme: No! It was Gorya who lashed at me for nothing. How could she just doubt me of having an affair with Hazel? Have I not been loyal to her?
(*Hazel looks melancholy)
Ren: Shit! Did she say so?
Thyme: Chai! She doubted me. She questioned me, Ren. She was never like this before.

Ren: Did you just lie to her or something that made her doubt you?(*Thyme recalls how of late he couldn't give her much time and how he lied about the shopping centre thing)Thyme: Chai! But whatever she needs to understand na

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Ren: Did you just lie to her or something that made her doubt you?
(*Thyme recalls how of late he couldn't give her much time and how he lied about the shopping centre thing)
Thyme: Chai! But whatever she needs to understand na.
Ren: Thyme, (*puts his hand on Thyme's right shoulder) you can't expect her to understand you everytime even when the fault is yours. Let me go and tell her everything. (*Hazel nods, Ren proceeds to leave)
Thyme: Mai dai, Ren! You won't tell her. If she doesn't trust me even after being together for so long, then I don't have to clarify anything. If she loves me for real, she'll come back on her own. It wasn't my fault after all.
Ren: Thyme, is your ego more important than your love? Why don't you understand? It's a natural instinct. People tend to feel jealous and communication is the only remedy for this disease. It wasn't your fault, neither was hers. It's just the wrong time and wrong circumstances.
Thyme: (*sighs) Okay, I'll talk to her but I don't want you to tell her anything before I do.
Ren: Sure! We will give you space, but please clear everything up. Weren't you explaining the same thing to Kavin the other day? Why are you making the same mistake?
(*Thyme remains silent)
Ren: Thyme, you love Gorya and don't do anything that can cause you to lose her. Love is fragile, Thyme. I'm telling you, misunderstanding can ruin everything in seconds.
(*Thyme quickly grabs his coat and angrily walks out of the office)
Scene 3:
Ren is driving the car and Hazel is silently sitting on the passenger seat.
Ren: Are you alright? (*Hazel nods)
Hazel's POV: No, I am not. The fault is mine. P'Thyme quarrelled with Gorya because of me. He was so excited to celebrate her birthday but everything's ruined just because of me. If it weren't for me being in his cabin, Gorya would never have doubted him.
(*Ren stops the car and intently looks at Hazel. She looks at him as he brings the car to a halt)
Ren: No, you are not okay. Something is bothering you. You must be thinking about Thyme and Gorya, right? You must be blaming yourself for whatever happened.
(*Hazel looks at him, her eyes clearly shouting out that Ren is right)
Ren: You must be now wondering how come I know it. (*He smiles) At least being around you all this time, I can now read your silence, the words that don't come out your mouth, I already hear them. (*He smiles at her through eyes filled with love, he kisses her lightly on her forehead causing her to turn red like a tomato)
Ren: And now I can hear your stomach shouting for something to eat. (*Hazel with her disgusted face)
Ren: Come on! Don't know about you but I am hungry. After all I waited for more than an hour outside your office. I deserve a treat. Will you come along or I shall bring it to the car? (*Hazel gestures him to go)
Ren comes back with the food. They eat in the car while listening to music.
Ren: You don't have to worry about Thyme and Gorya. They fight all the time, the more you'll see them together, the more you'll realise how clumsy they are. But they are cute together, aren't they? (*Hazel nods and smiles)
Ren: But not more than us! (*Hazel frowns and then smiles shyly as Ren laughs)
Scene 3:
Kavin drives unconscious Kaning to her home but finds it locked. He takes her to his own house and stealthily enters into the house with Kaning in his arms without anyone noticing them. He quickly takes her to his own room. Kavin's father see them from a distance but stands there silently. Kavin makes her lie down on his bed and calls in his housemaid. An elderly woman walks in and he gives her the instructions and walks out of his room. He goes and sits in the living room and smokes a cigarette. Kavin's father brings him the ashtray and sits next to him. He gets startled and stands up.
Kavin: (*surprised) Phaw?
Kavin's father: Sit down! I won't eat you up.
(*Kavin sits)
Kavin's father: Why aren't you going to your room?
Kavin: Because... Because
Kavin's father: Because your faen (*lover in Thai) is in there? (*Kavin's eyes widen up)
Kavin's father: I saw you bringing her in. Now don't lie.
Kavin: Chai! She passed out and I found her house locked, so had to bring her here.
Kavin's father: You know what? You haven't spoken a single word to me ever since I spoke ill against her that day. I believe she is the one Do you think she is suitable for you? Compatible?
Kavin: (*sighs) I don't know whether she's suitable or not. I don't even know if I am fit for her but I know that our love and affection for each other can literally turn every unsuitable thing about us into suitable.
Kavin's father: What's so special about her?
Kavin: (*a tear rolls down his cheek) Phaw, you know what mea was the most suitable lady for you. The reason why you fell in love with her. She couldn't fit into your rich standards but she did fit into your heart's standard. About my love, I never expressed my love for Kaning but deep inside I very well know that she is the one for me. No matter how rudely I treat her, no matter how many women I hang out with, end of the day, she is the one who's always rooting for me. Even if you happen to find me a woman 1000 times better than her, I'd still go back to her cause I know she's the one meant for me. You loved mea but you failed her, you failed your love. But I won't let this happen. (*Pauses as his father heaves a sigh)

Kavin: (*Yawns) I am feeling sleepy, I'd better go and sleep in the guest room. And do think once about what I said just now about you and mea.
(*Kavin walks away while his father sighs heavily and broods)
Scene 4:
Gorya sleeps on her bunk bed but her eyes are wide open. She sighs every now and then and

checks her phone waiting for just one text from Thyme

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checks her phone waiting for just one text from Thyme.
A knock is heard on the door. Gorya goes to open it. Thyme is waiting there silently. Gorya sees him.
Gorya: (*rudely) What are you doing here? I don't feel like talking to you. Be off! (*Tries to shut the door but he holds the door open)
Thyme: Gorya please listen once. We need to talk. Please!
Gorya: But I don't want to. Why don't you go and talk with Hazel? She must be a smooth talker, isn't she?
Thyme: (*gets irritated and bangs on the door) Gorya, why are you repeatedly saying the same thing? Don't you believe my words?
Gorya: I used to Thyme Akira Paramanaatra!
(*Closes the door right on his face.)
Gorya lies down on the ground, weeping bitterly remembering Thyme being around Hazel. Thyme knocks at the door but gets tired and walks away.
Scene 5:
In Thyme's bedroom,
Thyme jumps on his bed. He unlocks his phone and opens LINE. He texts Gorya.
He types: Gorya, I'm sorry, can we please talk? I need you. I'm missing you. I awaited for your arrival but.... (*He deletes the text and sighs)
He scrolls through their previous messages and smiles and becomes sad at the same time.

*The End*

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