Is She All Right?

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Scene 1:
Ren walks into the emergency room slowly and sits on an attendant stool.
Ren: I don't know who you are but you've been in my mind. (*With teary eyes) And today, I'm your criminal. Khod tode! (*He holds her hand) I never wanted to harm you. It was an accident. Life's been taking my tests off late and I failed to hold my patience and ended up hurting you. I am feeling extremely miserable but....
(*Doctor enters)
Doctor: Khun Ren could you please excuse us. We need to take her for a CT Scan.
Ren nods and the ward boys take her away in a stretcher. Her hand slowly slipping away from Ren's.

Scene 2: Aum and her father are sitting inside the moving car

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Scene 2:
Aum and her father are sitting inside the moving car.
Aum: God knows, what that rich saraleo has done to Hazel. I'm so worried.
Uncle: Call him and ask na.
Aum: Mai dai! We'll be there in some time. (*Face palms herself)
Scene 3:
Ren is standing outside the CT Scan room, the ward boys take Hazel to another room on the stretcher. The doctor too walks out behind them. Seeing doctor's stressed countenance, Ren worries. He stops the doctor.
Doctor: We are trying. But I guess she'll need a blood drip. But her blood group is B-ve and it's not available in the hospital right now. We are looking for donors but it would be good if you could arrange it.
(*Ren panics)
MJ: (*walks forward) My blood group is B-ve, you can take my blood.
Ren: (*stops him) But aren't you afraid of needles?
MJ: Yes, I am. But right now, saving her life is more important than this. I'll close my eyes. Don't worry, I'll be fine.
Doctor: Come along then, sir.
Doctor walks away and MJ follows him. Ren walks after them and stands outside Hazel's ward.
Scene 4:
Doctor prepares a bed for MJ and he slowly inserts a sterile needle. MJ doesn't look at the needle and closes his eyes and clenches his fist.

Doctor: Sir, it's done! (*MJ opens his eyes slowly)Doctor: (*bandaging MJ's hand) You must rest for a while

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Doctor: Sir, it's done!
(*MJ opens his eyes slowly)
Doctor: (*bandaging MJ's hand) You must rest for a while.
MJ turns to see unconscious Hazel lying on the next bed. He feels sorry for her.
MJ: (*to himself) Poor girl, she must be in pain.
After some time,
Doctor:  You have something and drink a lot of fluids. You can leave.
MJ nods and walks out. Kavin comes. Kavin hands Ren a glass of lemonade. Ren refuses to drink it.
MJ: Ren! Have it, you'll feel better. Don't worry, she'll be fine. (*Side hugs Ren)
Ren: I don't know why I'm worrying so much for her. But I feel so sorry, I've never hurt anyone but this time because of my fault that poor girl is in such a pitiable condition. I want her to get well soon.
Aum hears this and comes walking in furiously. She holds Ren's collar.
Aum: (*agitated) What did you do to my sister, huh Renrawin Aira?
MJ and Kavin try to pull her away.
MJ: It was just an accident, Aum! We never intended to hurt anyone.
Aum: Just an accident? (*Looks inside the ward through the glass door and sheds a tear) Then, why is she lying here in the hospital?
Uncle: (*panics) What happened to her? Is she all right?
(*Doctor walks out looking extremely stressed)
Aum: Doctor, is my sister all right?
Doctor: I was apprehensive of such a thing to happen. I mean the patient's throat area was severely injured in the accident and after the CT Scan, it seems that she underwent vocal paralysis.
Ren: (*shocked) What?
Doctor: Yes Mr. Ren, in case of vocal paralysis patients at times temporarily lose their voice for a few days however we've seen cases where the patient permanently loses his/her voice and her case seems no different.
Aum: (*stutters) You mean she'll not be able to speak.
Doctor: Yeah! This can be either for a few months and if not then forever. Maybe vocal exercises and medicines will help her regain her voice, but can't guarantee that.
(*Everyone stands shocked hearing that. Nurse whispers something in the doctor's ear.)
Doctor: Miss, she might come to her senses anytime. She might receive a trauma because of this, but please try to control her. She mustn't overstress. Please excuse me. (*Walks away)
Aum takes her father inside the ward.
Ren grips his own hair tightly and cries as he kneels down.
Ren: (*gabbled) What have I done? How am I supposed to make it all right?
MJ and Kavin console him. Thyme walks in. He shows them a driving licence.
Thyme: (*panics) Is she Hazel? Is she all right?
MJ: Thyme, we don't know her name but the person in this photograph (*points at the photograph on the licence) is her. Why, do you know her?
Thyme: Shiaaa! She is my new recruit. She was supposed to join right away.
Kavin: What a pity! She won't be able to join in now, Thyme.
Thyme: Maybe, after she gets discharged.
Ren: (*shouts) Even then she'll not be able to join.
Thyme: (*confused) But why?
Kavin: In the accident, she suffered a severe injury resulting in vocal paralysis.
MJ: Which means she won't be able to speak temporarily.
Ren: (*hits himself) It's all because of me. Only if I had been a bit more careful, then this wouldn't have happened. (*bangs his hand on the wall)
Thyme stops him.
Thyme: Don't worry, she'll be fine. Are we allowed to meet her?
Kavin: Chai! Let's go.
They walk in with MJ consoling Ren.
Scene 5:
Aum cries while patting Hazel's forehead.
F4 boys walk inside the cabin. Aum sees them and gets infuriated.
Aum: (*shouts) Now why the hell are you all here? She's lost her most valuable thing because of you. Perhaps you don't know but she's a singer and her voice is everything for her but now look what you have done. (*Looks into Ren's eyes)
Kavin: Please Aum, he's already feeling extremely guilty now please don't make him feel more miserable.
Aum: Miserable, I feel like killing him right now!
Hazel makes some abrupt movement.
Uncle: (*gets closer to her bed) Hazel, my child!
Aum runs towards the bed. F4 boys too try to come closer but Aum gestures them a no.
Hazel remembers the accident scene, her fingers flutter. Tears flow down her eyes, she holds her neck with both the hands, trying to whimper, but no voice coming out of her throat. She helplessly moves her arms and legs and slowly opens her eyes. She confusedly looks around. Her countenance clearly shows her pain. Uncle and Aum try to calm her down. Ren looks at her helplessly. She tries to speak but only her lips move in inaudible sounds. She questioningly looks at Aum and forces her vocal cords to produce sound, but in vain.  She glares at Aum questioningly. Uncle tries to comfort her.
Aum: (*holds her hands) See Hazel, now you need to listen carefully to what I'm saying. (*Her voice shakes) You..... (*Hazel looks into her eyes feebly)
Uncle: My child, the doctor said you'll be fine after doing a few exercises regularly but because of the injury, you are having a vocal paralysis.
Upon hearing this Hazel goes insane.
Aum: (*angrily) This is all because of this Ren! He's the one who is responsible for the accident. (*Points at Ren)
Hazel becomes restless, she throws away the medicine plate kept near her at Ren and angrily pulls out the cannula from the vein in her left hand, leaving the left hand bleeding. She breaks down, gripping her hair tightly.

MJ and Kavin run out to inform the doctor

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MJ and Kavin run out to inform the doctor. Aum hugs her to control her and uncle pats her head.
Uncle: My brave child, you're so strong, you should not lose hope, the doctor told that with regular vocal exercises, you'll get back your voice real soon. Please don't cry, it was just an accident, no one is to be blamed.
Ren cries inconsolably and walks out. Thyme walks out next and comforts Ren.

*The End*

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