Recipe for Disaster

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Scene 1:
Kavin is driving. Kaning is sitting just next to him, looking outside through the window.
Scene 2:
MJ is standing next to Aum in the sportsground.
Coach: So, I shall now announce the names of the team members who are participating in the next international cup. The substitutes will be Shirley,........ And the 5 players on thr court will be Jane,......... Aum and Kaneet.
Aum jumps up gleefully and hugs MJ, who is standing next to her. She realises what she's done and immediately leaves MJ and walks back.
Aum: (*embarrassed) Khod tode! I got overexcited.
She turns around and walks away. She slaps her own forehead and goes to speak with other players. MJ is still not over the shock of the hug, he stands open-mouthed.
Scene 3:
Outside Parama Groups' office,
Arthit's assistant: {he is an old man} What is taking Khun Arthit so long? I guess we should go and check.
Bodyguard: Sir asked us to stay back while he gets his wallet.
Arthit's assistant: It has been more than 20 minutes. It doesn't take this much time to just bring the purse. Let's go and check.
(*They walk in and enquire at the reception and hastily enter into the elevator)
Scene 4:
In the conference room,
Hazel is again and again trying to shout and push him but he is holding her hands forcefully and trying to get closer to her. The door bangs open. Arthit turns around immediately and stands up while straightening up his clothes . Thyme enters and is shocked to see Hazel crying in the corner, her hands covering her flushed face. She is sweating and is shivering out of fear. Thyme angrily looks at Arthit and storms towards him and grabs him by his collar.
Thyme: How dare you harm my employee and that too in my office? I'll kill you.
(*Arthit pushes Thyme and fixes him collar. Thyme tries to attack him again, but he signals him to stop)
Arthit: Wait, Mr. Thyme! Why so hurry? Let me explain you the situation. (*Thyme looks at Hazel pitifully)
Arthit: (*pulls out a chair and sits) I came here to take my purse, (*Points at the purse on the table) but ended up meeting your assistant. I was just making an offer but maybe she got scared. So, let me rather make an offer to you. You want the luxuria deal to be finalized at any cost, right? So, let's do another deal, wanna exchange PA? (*Hazel looks at him fearfully. Thyme clenches his fists) I mean I have much better women at my service, prettier and hotter, but the thing is I am tired of the same menu for dinner every night. You get it, right? (*Laughs)
Thyme lashes towards Arthit and beats him up. Causing his nose to bleed.
Thyme: How can you say such things about a woman? Are you even a human? You lusty bastard! (*Punches him repeatedly) I shall kill you, a womaniser like you doesn't deserve to live.
Arthit's bodyguard and assistant enter along with the receptionist. They all stop Thyme.
Arthit: (*growls) You don't know my power, Mr. Akira Paramanaatra, I'll kill you, just wait! (*Curses)
Arthit's assistant and bodyguard take him out.
Scene 5:
Outside Parama Groups' office,
As Arthit's assistant and bodyguard bring him out, reporters surround them and click photographs and question him. Arthit tries to cover his swollen face and walks towards his car as quickly as possible.
Scene 6:
In the conference room,
Hazel is still sitting in the corner, crying bitterly. Thyme walks up to her and kneels down and lightly holds her arms almost startling her. She looks at him with eyes full of dread.
Thyme: Calm down, calm down, I'm here, you're absolutely safe, now.
The receptionist brings a glass of water. Thyme makes Hazel drink some water. They help Hazel get up and make her sit on a chair. Hazel is still shivering. Her hands and feet are cold and numb. Thyme rubs her feet to keep them warm. Hazel cries plaintively and holds her neck. She coughs and  covers her mouth with her hand. Thyme tries to comfort her. As she brings her hand away from her mouth , Thyme sees her hand covered in blood. Her mouth is filled with blood. Thyme panics and tries to hold her, she feels dizzy and collapses in Thyme's arms.
Thyme: (*panics) What should I do now? (*Pulls out his phone and rings up Ren) Pick the fuckin' call, Ren!
Scene 7:
Ren is at the construction site.
(*Loud construction noises)
Ren's phone rings but he doesn't hear.
Scene 8:
Thyme calls Ren again and again but he doesn't answer. Calls Kavin and finds his number out of reach. Calls MJ but he too doesn't answer.
Thyme: What do I do now? I can't let her remain like this! (*He picks Hazel up in his arms and runs to the elevator. The receptionist runs behind him and they both reach the ground floor. Thyme hastily calls his driver and runs to his car with Hazel in his arms. Reporters try to block his way while clicking photographs but he runs to the car and the driver drives away.
Thyme: Drive to Aira hospital. Come on, faster! Quick!
Hazel is seated next to Thyme, unconscious. Her head resting on Thyme's left shoulder. He looks at her, his eyes are filledl with tears.
Thyme: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone. (*Thyme's phone rings up)
*Call from Gorya*
(*Thyme clears up his throat and answers the call)
On call,
Gorya: (*Excitedly) Thyme, Thyme, I'm so happy for you! Congrats! This has been your dream project, you must be so happy. Hello, Thyme, why are you not answering?
Thyme: (*bites his tongue so as to stop himself from crying) I'm a bit busy, can we talk later?
*Disconnects call*
Scene 9:
Gorya is sitting in her office. She confusedly looks at the phone as Thyme disconnects the call.
Gorya: What's wrong with him? Just a few minutes back he texted me so merrily then what happened now? (*Thinks deeply)

Gorya: What's wrong with him? Just a few minutes back he texted me so merrily then what happened now? (*Thinks deeply)

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Scene 10:
Ren sees Thyme's 11 missed calls. He looks tensed. He calls Thyme.
(*Thyme answers)
On call,
Ren: (*anxiously) You called so many times, is everything okay?
Thyme: (*sniffles) Nothing's okay, Ren. You come to the Aira hospital as soon as possible. Ren, I'm afraid, Hazel (*his voice breaks)
Ren: (*concerned) Hazel what, Thyme?
*Call disconnects*
Ren is nervous. His heart beating fast. He runs to his car and drives away.
Scene 11:
MJ and Aum are walking out of the stadium. Numerous notifications pop on MJ's phone. He stops to check his phone. Aum too pauses.
*3 missed calls from Thyme*
*Viral news: Thyme Akira Paramanaatra spotted with*
MJ looks stressed. Anxiety on his face. He clicks on the live news link. Aum looks at him and raises an eyebrow.
On the phone,
(*Video of Arthit covering his wounded face and walking out of Parama Groups' office)
News reporter: What is it that the two well known tycoons of Bangkok Mr. Arthit Thongthan, son of Mr. Thongthan Weerasit, and Thyme Akira Paramanaatra, the heir of Parama Groups are hiding? Was there a fight?
(*Shows the picture of Thyme carrying Hazel in his arms)
News reporter: Is this something related to this? This was Thyme Akira 5 minutes after Arthit Thongthan left hastily.
(*MJ drops the phone out of shock, Aum picks it up quickly)
MJ: (*covers his mouth, a dreadful look on his face) What must've happened to her? Aum, Nong Hazel is in danger, she needs us.
Aum: (*shocked) What happened? What is it? (*He takes Aum and drives away as fast as he can)
Aum: (*almost crying) I'm afraid, MJ. Please tell me what is it?
MJ: (*in a shaky voice) I don't know, I just saw a picture of Thyme carrying her in his arms, his shirt red with blood. I don't know, I don't know (*cries) What must've happened to her?
His face clearly shows how stressed he is and how much concerned he is for Hazel. Aum looks at him and thinks. Aum quickly turns on her phone and checks the news. She looks perturbed.
Aum: God! Please protect my P'. But where has Thyme taken her?
MJ: Don't know, just ring up Thyme. (*Hands her his phone)

*The End*

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