Walk with Me?

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Scene 1: 
It's morning time, birds are chirping. Hazel has taken a bath already and is dressed in black trackpants and a white Verlenchor t-shirt. She is sitting at her desk, writing in her diary.
She writes:
Dear Diary,
Earlier you could hear me, you've always been the first one to hear my thoughts but you won't be able to hear them anymore for..... But pushing away all the negativity, I want to start afresh, overcome every obstacle and live an absolutely normal life just the way I did before the mishap.
Hazel closes the diary and goes to Aum's room. Aum is fast asleep, Hazel jerks her so as to wake her up. Aum opens only one eye, half-asleep.
Aum: (*in a raspy voice) P' let me sleep na, I don't have practice today in the morning.
(*Hazel tries again, fails and ultimately gives up.)
Hazel: (*to herself) It seems that you'll have to walk alone today, no problem! Be healthy, be happy! (*She wears her shoes and ties her shoelaces)
Scene 2:
Ren's alarm rings, he snoozes the alarm. The alarm rings again. He looks at the time and jumps out of his bed.
Ren: (*mutters) Shiaa! He must've taken her already. No, this won't happen. I won't let this happen. (*Slaps his face to break his sleep)
He walks up to the couch where MJ is sleeping. He recalls how MJ and he watched movies the last night and MJ drank too much and crashed at his place. Ren: MJ! (*Shakes him) MJ! Wake up!
MJ: (*unconsciously) Ugh, let me sleep, I won't go to meet Aum so early in the morning.
Ren: We're not going to meet Aum but please help me na! (*MJ snores)
Ren: (*gnashes his teeth) Stupid.
(*He unlocks his phone and rings up Thyme)
*Phone rings*
(*Thyme answers)
Thyme: (*drowsily) What makes you call at 5'o clock in the morning?
(*Ren checks the wall clock)
Ren: Khod tode, Thyme. But wanna go for a walk?
Thyme: Ren! Stop annoying me. Who goes to walk so early in the morning? You go with (*thinks) Auntie Yu, she must be awake already.
(*Ren is frustrated)
*Call disconnects*
Ren: Now only one last person is left.
Scene 3:
Kavin is swimming in his private pool. His phone rings. He swims to the edge of the pool and climbs out of the pool.
*Call from Ren*
Kavin: (*frowns) What makes him call so early in the morning?
(*Answers the call)
On call,
Kavin: Hello?
Ren: Kavin, you awake already?
Kavin: Krub! Why have you called now? I was busy.
Ren: Tode! Tode! (*Sorry in Thai) What are you doing right now?
Kavin: I was swimming. You disturbed me.
Ren: (*hesitantly) I just wanted you to be fitter.
Kavin: (*confused) Huh?
Ren: I mean, I was thinking that maybe I should go for a walk to remain healthy and who else can be a better partner than a morning bird like you. (*Kavin is flattered)
Kavin: Now? It's too early, I guess.
Ren: Not really, I mean we can leave in like 20 minutes. I shall come to pick you from your place.
Kavin: Maybe we can start tomorrow.
Ren: (*abruptly) That's not possible!
Kavin: Huh?
Ren: I mean I feel we should start from today itself. See, the weather outside is so perfect for a walk.
Kavin: Fine! Let's go! Let me first get ready.
Ren: (*excitedly) Thank you so much, Kavin. You're a savior. I'll be there in 15 minutes.
*Call disconnects*
Kavin is confused, he scratches his head, wondering what's wrong with Ren. Kavin walks into his bathroom, takes a bath and enters into his walk-in closet.

 Kavin walks into his bathroom, takes a bath and enters into his walk-in closet

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