Is it Just Sympathy?

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Scene 1: 
Thyme is on a call with his mother.
On call,
Thyme: Yeah! I'm pretty sure, believe me, she'll do her job well.
(*MJ enters and hears the conversation)
Roselyn: But Thyme, having a dumb
Thyme: (*interrupts) I know, it's gonna be quite difficult for both of us to communicate, but I feel that she can be a good resource for our company. Also, if God wants, then she might even get her voice back.
Roselyn: Well, in that case, if you are so confident about her, then do what you deem fit. Maybe she also deserves a chance.
Thyme: Chai! By the way, are you still at the airport?
Roselyn: Yeah! Flight delay again.
Thyme: Is it? Hmmm. I have started missing you already.
Roselyn: (*chuckles) Is it, my little boy? Don't worry, we will be back soon. But take care of the company and make sure you crack the deal with Khun Thongthan's son.
Thyme: (*nods) Umm.
Roselyn: Take care! Bye!
Thyme: Bye-bye.
*Call disconnects*
MJ: (*exclaims) Thyme, are you really appointing her?
Thyme: (*smiles) Umm.
MJ: I'm so happy for her. (*In a serious tone) But are you just doing it out of sympathy? I mean if that's the reason why, then you should reconsider your decision.
Thyme: Mai dai, MJ, she is really talented and deserves to get the job. (*Explains him how she helped him) And that's why I feel that we might lose an efficient employee if we don't appoint her. She's really good.
MJ: (*proudly) See! After all, she's my sister.
Thyme: And when did this happen?
MJ: What? I have accepted her as my sister.
Thyme: Is it? (*Mockingly) That's why I was thinking how could a moron like you have an intelligent sister.
MJ: Oiiii
(*They tease each other and laugh)
(*They both walk in)
Ren and Kavin are sitting on the couch, Aum is sitting near Hazel.
MJ: I'm back again.
(*Hazel smiles warmly, MJ walks up to Hazel)
MJ: My dear sister, (*pats her head) I heard the news about your job, and I'm super happy for you. You know what? I knew that you would definitely get a job real soon. (*Gasps for breath)
Kavin: MJ! Since you found a new sister, did you just forget your old brothers?
MJ: Bao! I knew you all would be here, that's why I have brought instant noodles for everyone and (*shows a tiffin to Hazel) this special apple porridge is for you.
(*They all open their noodles can and savour the food.)
MJ: (*giving Aum a noodle can) This one's for you.
Aum: No thanks, I'm not hungry.
MJ: I'm keeping this here, you may eat when you are hungry. But the noodles are super tasty, isn't it Thyme? What say Kavin?
Thyme: (*slurping the noodles) Definitely!
Kavin: Umm. It melts in the mouth and has the tastiest gravy.
(*MJ sniffs the noodles)
MJ: Yum! It smells so good.
Aum's mouth waters. She looks at the can and swallows her own saliva. Ultimately, she fails to resist and picks up the can and starts eating hurriedly. MJ smiles seeing her eat. Kavin, Ren and Thyme also get happy.
Hazel: (*thinks to herself seeing Aum) After all, the person you are meant to be with will come to find you. Because only love can find out the hidden essence of one. (*She smiles, Ren smiles seeing her)
(*Thyme's phone rings)
*Video call from Gorya*
Thyme: Gorya is video calling. Shall I answer? I mean we are here.
Ren: You answer, we will cover it all up. Come let's sit there. (*Points at the couch)
*Thyme answers call*
On call,
Gorya: (*angrily) Thymeee! What takes you so long to answer a call?
Thyme: (*points at himself) Me?
Gorya: Chai! Why, huh?
MJ: (*bends Thyme's phone so that all four of them are visible on the phone screen) Gorya! Khod tode, we had your Thyme engaged in some work.
Kavin: (*teasingly) Don't worry he will answer quickly when alone in his bedroom, at night.
(*They all laugh, Aum and Hazel try to control their laughter at the lame joke)
Gorya: You fools! Y'all completely forgot me na. I haven't been there for just 3 days, and you all have forgotten me already, huh? I'm not gonna talk with you all. (*Sulks)
Ren: (*in a soothing voice) Sorry Gorya! We were all engaged in some unavoidable work but trust me, we were remembering and missing you everytime.
MJ: Exactly! How can we just forget our princess?
Kavin: Umm, I thought of calling you yesterday while I was pooping, but then
Gorya: Enough! Fine, Kavin, you may stop there, I understood that you were missing me a lot. By the way, how's everything there? How's your work going on?
Thyme: Gorya (*Kavin slaps his hand on Thyme's mouth to stop him from speaking)
MJGorya, everything's
Kavin: (*interrupts) Absolutely fine, we are missing
Thyme: (*interrupts) Let me speak first
MJ: No, let me do the speaking
Kavin: Oiii
(*F4 chaos)
Ren: Guys! This is my hospital. Here are patients.
(*They pause, while Gorya chuckles)
Ren: By the way Gorya, tell us about your job. How's it going?
Gorya: It's really good here. I'm enjoying my work. Just a bit hectic. 🤏🏼
MJ: Are you eating well?
Kavin: Don't miss your sleep while missing Thyme.
Gorya: Shit! I have grown up already, come on guys! Today y'all are at the hospital, why?
Thyme: We had our busy schedules, so decided to meet up here, to relax.
Kavin: Everything's so cool here at Ren's workplace.
MJ: We are relaxing really well.
Gorya: (*with a 👍🏼) Nice place to relax! (*Looks around) Well, well guys, I have to leave now, have a group meeting to attend. See you later. Take care!
F4: Bye-bye! Take care!
*Call disconnects*
Thyme: (*sighs) Thank God, Gorya did not question us much.
Aum: (*in an annoyed tone) If you all can't even disclose about the accident to your beloved, why are you all even here to show your false sympathy?
Thyme: We aren't here to show any kind of false sympathy.
Kavin: Aum, please be reasonable, if we would have been here out of sympathy than we would've only turned up once but we come here every day, not just because of sympathy but because we care for her. MJ: Whatever happened was unfortunate and we couldn't prevent it but at least allow us to make amends for our mistakes and take care of this kiddo right here. (*Caresses Hazel's hair)
Aum: But (*Hazel holds her hand and shakes her head, indicating her to stop)
Kavin: And we never meant to hide anything from Gorya.
Thyme: She will overstress, that's why we've hidden the truth from her but we will let her know once she comes back.
(*Aum sits silently)

*The End*

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