Yet Another Blow

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Scene 1:
Gorya walks into Maytee O' and finds Kaning sitting in a corner, making garlands.
Gorya: Kaning?
(*Kaning is lost into her thoughts)
Gorya: (*loudly) Kaning?
Kaning: (*startled) Huh?
Gorya: What's wrong?
Kaning: Nothing! When did you come back?
Gorya: Are you not happy? You don't seem excited.
Kaning: Oh! Nothing! I was caught off-guard. (*Hugs her) Tell me, when did you come back? Weren't you supposed to stay there for another week?
Gorya: Chai! But my boss sent me here.
Kaning: Hmm.
(*Gorya looks sad as she was expecting Kaning to ask her more about her but she didn't)
Gorya: (*sits down and takes a flower in hand) Kaning, you know what? I fought with Thyme yesterday. (*She goes on describing)
(*Kaning is lost in her thoughts. She recalls how she met Kavin last night.)

Gorya: Kaning? Are you even listening? Kaning: Hmm

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Gorya: Kaning? Are you even listening?
Kaning: Hmm.
Gorya: (*lightly hits Kaning on her head) I am telling you about myself and you are...
Kaning: (*annoyed) That's the problem Gorya! You are always talking about yourself. Did you even ask me if I am fine or not?
Gorya: (*astonished) Kaning?
Kaning: Always, you talk about your problems. Deal with them yourself!
(*Drops the garland and walks out angrily)
Gorya: (*mutters) What's wrong with her? Is she sick? Or is she angry? Is it me who is dragging the issue a bit too much?
Scene 2:
As Aum walks out of the stadium, she sees MJ sitting on the car's bonnet. He jumps off it as he sees her.

MJ: Hey! (*Aum looks at him but doesn't respond) What happened? Why that long face? (*Worried) Are you not well?Aum: I'm fine! Just that the coach has asked me to participate in a competition which will be held in 3 days

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MJ: Hey! (*Aum looks at him but doesn't respond) What happened? Why that long face? (*Worried) Are you not well?
Aum: I'm fine! Just that the coach has asked me to participate in a competition which will be held in 3 days.
MJ: (*excitedly) That's great! It will be practice match for your team.
Aum: Yeah but the issue is that the competition will be in Nakhon pathon and we'll have to stay there for 2 nights. Phaw is not at home, how will P' manage alone?
MJ: (*broods while scratching his chin) Don't worry, we'll find some way out but you don't have to skip this match.
Aum: Hmm.
MJ: (*pats her head) You don't have to worry as long as I am there. She's not just your sister, remember that. (*Aum smiles but as soon as she realises, she makes a mean face.)
MJ: Get on the car! I'll drop you home,you look tired.
(*MJ walks into the driver's seat while Aum stands admiring him.)
MJ: Get on! (*Aum gets startled) I know I'm handsome but you can see me inside the car as well.
Aum: Handsome who?
MJ: Definitely me!
Aum: Hahaha! Nice joke.
MJ: What do you mean?
Aum: Nothing!
MJ: Fine! If you don't wanna come along then I guess I'll have to find myself a better company. (*A girl walks past them)
MJ: (*to the girl) Hey miss! Looking hot today! Want a ride?
(*The girl turns around and flirts with him. Aum gets jealous seeing that, she quickly gets on the car.)
Aum: Let's go! We are getting late. (*MJ smirks)
Aum: (*to the woman) Excuse us, miss! It's dangerous to stand so close to a moving car.
(*MJ smiles looking at her flushed face as he drives away)
Scene 3:
Kaning is walking on the pavement. Her phone rings.
*Call from Kavin<3*
(*She declines the call)
Scene 4:
At Kavin's office,
Kavin: (*worried) Why isn't she answering? How shall I meet her?
Scene 5:
Thyme goes to the jewellery shop.
Thyme: Show me the best ring for my girlfriend.
(*The saleswoman smiles and brings him a number of rings. Thyme clumsily rummages through them all. He gets confused.)
Thyme: Shall I buy this one? Or that one? Or maybe that one? Or that?
Saleswoman: All of them are of intricate designs, sir.
Thyme: Tell me, which one is the best?

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