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Scene 1:
Aum enters just as the f4 boys and Kaning are about to leave the room. She looks at MJ and turns her eyes away and keeps her bag on the couch.
Aum: (*Caresses Hazel's hair) You're awake? Sorry, I had to leave for the practice urgently. (*Hazel gives her a faint smile)
Aum: (*to the doctor) Doctor, is she recovering well?
Doctor: I'm checking wait. (*He checks Hazel thoroughly with his stethoscope)
Aum: How long does she have to stay here?
Doctor: Well, her recovery is quite fast. But her larnyx still seems a bit inflamed. Can't say anything about her recovery right now but otherwise it seems that you can take her home in 2-3 days. (*To Hazel) I have given you a medicine, you'll feel drowsy, so, sleep now. Once you wake up, what I want you to do is try to sit up straight for sometime and practice deep breathing, okay? (*Hazel nods)
(*The doctor and nurse walk out)
Scene 2:
Outside the ward,
Kaning: I think I will leave now. Bye-bye.
Kavin: Let me drop you outside.

(*They walk away)Thyme: I think we should also get going

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(*They walk away)
Thyme: I think we should also get going. It's 2'o clock already and we will have to reach at the event by 6. Let's go, now her sister can look after her.
MJ: Let us say goodbye to them once.
(*Thyme agrees)
(*Kavin comes)
Thyme: Kavin, let the four of us leave now. We will freshen up and then will again have to get ready for the party.
Kavin: Right, let's go. We will bid them goodbye.
(*They proceed to go but Ren doesn't move. He stands still with his hands in his pocket, gazing at them)
Kavin: Ren! Laew!! (*come fast in Thai)
MJ: What's wrong, Ren?
Ren: Nothing's wrong, it's just that I have decided against your plan. I'm not at all in a mood of attending any parties. I'll better stay back.
Kavin: But Ren....
Thyme: Oiii Ren! You're being silly now. Did you just forget that you are a businessman too? Thongthan has major shares in Aira group of companies, and definitely you aren't gonna disappoint that irascible and difficult man.
Ren: But I don't want to go! I will drop him a text about my inability to attend his party and that's all! I'm not going!
Thyme: Ren, be pragmatic. You've done a lot of humanitarian service, you stayed here last night and the whole day today. Now, she has come to her senses and even her sister is here. There's no need of your staying back and you can come back here anytime after the party. (*Puts his hands on Ren's shoulders)
Ren: (*brushing Thyme's hands away, in an annoyed tone) I don't really need your advice, Thyme! You all go, I'm not stopping you, but at least don't force me! (*Walks into Hazel's ward, leaving Thyme and Kavin confused)
Scene 3:
Ren enters and sits on the couch and opens his official files and laptop. Thyme, Kavin and MJ enter shortly, they go near Hazel.
MJ: Nong, we will be leaving now. Will come back to see you tomorrow.
Kavin: Take care.
(*They say goodbye to Hazel)
MJ: (*to Aum) Bye! Take care of yourself and Hazel!
Aum: (*nonchalantly) Ummm.
They walk upto Ren. Ren doesn't look at them.
Thyme: We won't force you. But take care of yourself. Bye!
(*They walk away)
After some time, Hazel is asleep.
Aum: (*to Ren) Oiii!
(*Ren seems to be busy in his work and doesn't hear Aum)
Aum: Renrawin Aira?
Ren: (*looks at her) You can call me Ren.
Aum: (*rolls her eyes) Whatever! But why are you here? Don't you wanna go out with your friends?
Ren: (*closes his laptop and crosses his arms) I feel better here! Maybe I will stay back till she recovers completely, it's my responsibility.
Aum: So, you think it's a burden? That, because you were responsible for the accident, you are bound to stay here? But, wait, you're not bound. I can take care of my sister. You can just pay the hospital dues to fulfil your responsibility.
Ren: I don't have to pay the dues, it's my hospital. After my father's demise, now I'm the rightful owner. I am not here just because I am guilty of Hazel's accident but.... (*He pauses)
(*Ren stands up to walk out)
Aum: But what?
Ren: But nothing. Ren never backs off when it comes to his responsibilities.

 Ren never backs off when it comes to his responsibilities

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(*He walks out)
Scene 4:
Ren closes the door. His face is flushed.
Ren: (*mutters) Why am I blushing? What is it that is making me stay back? Shiaaaa! I'm confused.
Scene 5:
In the car,
Thyme: I still don't understand why he behaved in that way. All I wanted was Ren to come to the party with us.
Kavin: Maybe, he's a bit traumatized by the accident. After all, we know our Ren, he always helps people and can never hurt anyone.
(*MJ is thinking deeply, Kavin touches his shoulder almost startling him)
Kavin: What are you thinking so much? About Aum?
MJ: Mai dai! It's just that I'm a bit confused with Ren's behaviour. I mean fine, he's a super good humanitarian and even a philanthropist, but this time the case seems different.
Thyme: What makes you say so?
MJ: Not sure! But from the very first meeting that girl seems to have an impact on Ren.
Thyme: Does that mean he has met her before as well?
MJ: Chai! Remember the day you all went to take me from airport? Ren seemed a bit lost and when I asked he told me he saw a woman and he was constantly thinking of her eyes. And again, that day outside Gorya's college we helped her.
Kavin: Do you think Ren likes her?
MJ: Can't say. He is too good at hiding his emotions but he seems to be happy around her.
Thyme: Exactly, these two days he is so much engaged with her that he forgot about his mea calling him to meet him!
Kavin: Whatever it is! If he is happy being around her and if our doubt is true then we must support him.
(*Thyme and MJ nod)
Scene 6:
It's already 6 pm.
Ren enters the wardroom with a packet lunch. He hands it over to Aum.
Aum: I don't want it.
Ren: Come on, have it! I can hear the rumbling noises in your stomach. (*Aum looks embarrassed) Consider this as a part of the compensation money. (*Aum takes it haughtily)
Aum: Thanks. (*she pandiculates)
Ren: This seat is uncomfortable. You can go and rest on the couch.
Aum: I don't wanna sit with you!
Ren: I meant I'll sit here and you go there.
Aum: Fine!
(*Aum makes a face and goes)
Ren looks at Hazel intently. He pats her hand affectionately. Aum sees him and frowns.

*The End*

F4 Thailand Sequel: Somboon Baep (Perfect)Where stories live. Discover now