A Good Fortune

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Scene 1:
Kavin is speaking with Kaning on call.
Kavin: I'll pick you up.
Kaning: Let me know when you come, okay?
Kavin: Krub.
Kaning: Then, bye-bye, I've a lot of work.
Kavin: Okay bye! Rak na!
Kaning: Hmmm....
Kavin: What hmm?
(*Kaning smiles and disconnects the call.)
Kavin: Chipmunk (*smiles)
(*Kavin walks towards the ward and stops seeing Thyme)
Thyme is on a call, he looks serious.
On call,
Thyme: Right now?
Caller: Krub, it's quite urgent.
Thyme: But I'm not in my office.
Caller: We require it in an hour.
Thyme: An hour?
*Call disconnects*
Thyme panics. Kavin taps his shoulder.
Kavin: What is it?
Thyme: Kavin, our foreign investors require a blueprint or the draft of the Parama Luxuria project, right now. And my assistant is on leave, I don't even have my employees' numbers in this phone. Mea and P'Tia must have already left for airport. What do I do now? I can't mess this up.
Kavin: Thyme, calm down. You sit and check the files and try to prepare the draft.
Thyme: That's not possible Kavin, if I start writing in English now, I will finish till tomorrow. They need it in an hour.
Kavin: You have your laptop with you?
(*Thyme nods)
Kavin: Come, sit and handle this calmly.
They walk into Hazel's ward. Thyme hurriedly sits on the couch and takes out his laptop from a bag and starts reading the files. Kavin looks at Hazel who is looking at Thyme with a furrowed brow. She gestures Kavin with hand to ask what's wrong.
Thyme: (*pulls his hair) Ughh, this is impossible. I can never prepare the draft in an hour. (*He sees Hazel, she takes a paper and writes something on it and gives it to Kavin)
Kavin reads: Can I help you somehow?
Thyme: Oh yes! You are fluent in English, right, please, I need an urgent help, (*hesitates) but it's gonna be difficult.
(*Hazel gestures to let her try once)
Thyme: I'm sorry, I'm troubling you but you see there are 4 files and I need to prepare a summary report kinda draft in English and mail it in an hour. (*Doubtfully) I don't think you'll be able to do it.
Hazel takes the laptop and quickly checks all the files, her eyes mechanically running over the laptop screen. Thyme stands beside her nervously. Kavin too is standing with his arms crossed. Aum enters, Ren walks in next. Aum sees Hazel working on the laptop.
Aum: (*angrily) Shiaa! How can you be so mean and indifferent? She's ill, and without considering her health, you are making her work. (*Disgusted) Really heartless!
Thyme: We didn't want to make her work, she herself volunteered for it.
Aum: As if she's your employee. I very well know that you'll never appoint her as your employee, now that she has lost her voice. (*To Hazel) You don't have to do this, you need rest P', return this hekkin' laptop to him. (*Hazel is concentrating on the screen, she doesn't even look up at her)
Aum stands there frustrated. Thyme checks his watch every now and then and then sees Hazel's fingers moving across the keyboard like the tongs of a machine.

Ren: (*to Kavin) What is it?Kavin: Thyme's urgent draft

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Ren: (*to Kavin) What is it?
Kavin: Thyme's urgent draft. He needs to send it asap, like in an hour. But I don't think she'll be able to get it done on time. She's not to be blamed anyway, she has to read the files first and then only she can prepare the draft. It definitely will take time.
Maybe Thyme has to request his investors for some extra time. Aum goes to sit on the couch.
48 minutes have elapsed already. Hazel sees the time and increases the pace of typing. It's 56 minutes and there she goes, she finishes everything and smiles at her own accomplishment. She hands the laptop over to Thyme and drinks water. Thyme quickly proof reads everything and sends the mail.
Thyme: (*smilingly) How's that even possible?
(*Everyone looks at him. Hazel flushes proudly)
Thyme: (*exclaims) You are amazing! I never thought that you would be able to finish it on time. Like I still can't believe it that you finished up reading all the files and then. You are a human computer.
(*Ren smiles proudly at Hazel. Aum walks up to Hazel and appreciates her, Kavin too admires her spontaneity)
Thyme: Parama groups can't just let go off such a budding talent. Hazel, I had sent you an appointment letter but upon seeing your condition I thought of reconsidering it previously, but now I'm pretty sure about what to do. If you want you can definitely work with us. (*Hazel's eyes shine, tears flow down her cheeks out of happiness.)
Thyme: Regarding your voice, I am sure, you'll soon get it back but you don't have to worry about it now, I'll handle everything, you just have to assist me. Will you?
(*Hazel nods readily)
Thyme: Then, job final!
Kavin: Wuhu! Congratulations! It's party time.
(*They all cheer for Hazel. Ren walks up to her)
Ren: I believe in you and I know you will be an efficient employee. Don't let your illness be an obstacle in your path of success. (*Hazel smiles, they have a short eye contact)
Kavin proceeds to flirt with Hazel and Aum, leaving MJ and Ren fuming. Aum walks away, making a face.
Kavin: Nong Hazel, let's click a picture together, after all we are the only beautiful people here. Ren, could you please? (*Evil smile)
(*Ren comes and takes the phone from him angrily, they pose and Ren clicks a picture and returns the phone to Kavin)
Kavin: Only one picture? And that too such an ugly one, I don't look chic in this, try clicking another.
Ren: (*in a solemn voice) Bad picture quality for bad people! See, she too is getting irritated.
Kavin: (*To Hazel) Are you? (*Hazel shakes head and laughs)
(*Thyme and MJ tease Ren)
Scene 2:
Gorya is sitting at her office desk. She unlocks her phone and video calls Kaning.
*Kaning answers the call*
On call,
Gorya: Kaning, where are you?
Kaning: Same place, Maytee O'. What about you? How's your work going on?
Gorya: Quite good! I am so happy working here. All the people are really hardworking and diligent here.
Kaning: Is it? That means you aren't missing me there. (*Makes a face)
Gorya: Come on my teddy bear! I miss you the most. The reason why I'm skipping my tea break, just to video call you.
(*Kaning smiles cutely and blows a flying kiss at the phone screen, Gorya smiles)
Gorya: So much love for me? (*Teasingly) Why is Kavin Kittiyangkul not there today?
Kaning: Bao! He went to the hospital.
Gorya: (*Furrows her eyebrows) Hospital? Why?
Kaning: (*remembers Thyme telling her not to inform Gorya about the accident) Yeah! (*Nervously) Aira hospital. To meet Ren.
Gorya: Is it?
Kaning: Yeah
Gorya: They don't usually meet each other at their workplaces. (*Pauses)
Kaning: They do. I mean today they all went together to Aira hospital.
Gorya: (*in a solemn voice) Oh! Everyone's fine, right? I heard Thyme blabbering something about an accident, is someone injured?

Gorya: (*in a solemn voice) Oh! Everyone's fine, right? I heard Thyme blabbering something about an accident, is someone injured?

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Kaning: Not really! All of us are absolutely fine, you don't have to worry. You just work properly and come back soon.
Gorya: Chai! Okay then, I'll disconnect the call now, I've to get back to work.
Kaning: Umm. Take care na ka!
Gorya: You too. Jer gan.
*Call disconnects*

*The End*

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