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Chapter 14 Opening a Canteen

Caiyin held the card in her hand. There were no points in this card. The canteen was open, but she couldn't buy anything!

Forgot about this, users need to sell their items before they can get points. The problem is that no one has points now, so even if they see something they like, they can't buy it.

Apart from this, Caiyin continued to remind. "You haven't priced these things yet."

The shelves are full of items, but the price list in the row below is empty.

There is still much to do.

Shiyu took out a small notebook and started to record it. Although our memory is not good, a good memory is not as good as a bad pen. I can write it down and solve it slowly.

The first one is to solve the problem of residents having no points after applying for a card.

Second, shelf product pricing.

The third one is to promote the canteen and develop new residents.

The fourth is the area for selling residents items.

There are only these four questions at the moment. Lets put aside the publicity matters first. If its for sale, Shiyu went to the system warehouse to rummage, took out a wooden cabinet three meters long, half a meter wide, and half a meter high, and put it in the public Right in the middle of the area.

I picked this up when I went to the farmer's market. It was originally used in the mall to buy vegetables. Shiyu thought it was good and bought it directly.

Those who need to be replaced are placed directly here. When people come to buy things, they can check here to see if there is anything they need.

Then theres the pricing of shelf products. Its still early days and everyone doesnt have many points, so it might not be too high.

Milk, 15 points per bottle; mineral water, 5 points per bottle; milk tea, 50 points per cup; Coke, 25 points per cup; breakfast, steamed buns, 10 points per cup; other items, 20 points per cup; fruits, apples, bananas, 25 points each; watermelon, 50 points each. That's pretty much it, the price is not too high, not too low, just right.

As for the issue of points, Shiyu thought about it and planned to lend the 1,000 points that the system will reward him after everyone opens the card to everyone first.

Anyway, as soon as everyone buys something, it goes back to their pocket. After the points in the points card reach 2,000 points, you can set the system to automatically deduct the borrowed 1,000 points.

Shiyu feels that he should have the gene for doing business, and these problems can be easily solved by his own hands.

After working hard all afternoon, the two of them finally made this public area look presentable, and they could go to the neighborhood committee to get water later.

In fact, both Caiyin and Shiyu have quite a lot of water stored, and there is no need to go to the neighborhood committee to get water. However, if they stay at home all the time, it is difficult to understand the news from the outside in the first place.

The canteen has just been established, and Caiyin suggested not to promote it in the community first, but to promote it in the building first, and try to see the effect before making any plans. Shiyu felt that what he said made sense.

Shiyu placed 10 water storage barrels in the replacement area. She had stocked 500 of them before, of various types. This time she took 10 15L ones.

A water storage bucket is not a bucket in the traditional sense, but a rectangular water tank with a lid on top, which can be opened to collect water.

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