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Chapter 37 Murderer

Wang Zhuo didn't expect that woman to run away, let alone that someone would dare to come to the door!

Last night, in order to prevent other people in the building from finding out, the two chose to kill the family with a knife.

Why should they be allowed to live in such a nice room? Who do they think they are and why they want to clean it themselves?

What time of day is it now? Is it possible that the police can still control me?

Wang Zhuo was initially planning to rob the supermarket, but he didn't expect Zhang Hong to come to the door himself.

I originally thought that the supermarket and the neighborhood committee had repaired the building, but when Zhang Hong said that all the electrical appliances in the house were normal, Wang Zhuo was moved.

Not long after I and Yan Shuang'er moved here, and we hadn't even enjoyed life for a few days, the high temperature came.

I have robbed several households in the building and survived until now, until the last time the neighborhood committee sent someone to register, and they took me to the sixth floor to apply for a points card.

This made Wang Zhuo and Yan Shuang'er's hearts aglow again. If such a large supermarket was under their control, then the people in this community would also be under their control.

What's more, he has a gun, so he can dominate this neighborhood.

After making a plan and preparing to take action, Zhang Hong came to the door. The two of them discussed that it would be better to have this room and stay here first.

It wasn't too late to take action after getting to know the supermarket owner and the neighborhood committee, but I didn't expect that the woman last night was so resistant to the beating and was stabbed so many times that she didn't die.

Today, I didn't expect that anyone would dare to come to avenge her, so don't blame yourself for taking action.

When the time comes, Ill catch you all and lick your own shoes.

Wang Zhuo and Yan Shuang'er were in the room at this time, each holding a gun. No matter who walked in through this door today, they couldn't even think about walking out with their arms upright.

Anyway, if they are all discovered, just shoot them all to death.

At this time, Shiyu was asking the system to question.

"You said this doesn't count as a fight? What counts if this doesn't count?"

"Host, this is a murder. They didn't fight last night. It was a simple murder."

"According to the system's understanding, fighting refers to a kind of fierce confrontation and mutual harm between people in real life that exceeds the constraints of reason."

"No harmful behavior was detected."

The system's explanation made Shi Yu burst into tears. This was a murder, so does it matter whether they fight or not?

This is a unilateral crushing!

"Then how can we prevent this from happening in the future?"

"Host, it's unavoidable. This is not included in the three rules you made."

"Then I'm going to change my rules now."

"Host, the rules cannot be changed after they are made."

Otherwise, just make me mad to death.

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