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Chapter 16 Residents of 402

The next day at six o'clock in the afternoon, Shiyu woke up and took out a basket of steamed dumplings and a cup of soy milk from the system warehouse. Later, Shiyu was going to stuff the leaflets by himself. Now everyone's work and rest time is different, so publicity Just tuck it in, and those who need it will always come.

Climbing stairs is a strenuous job in this weather, so eat more.

After breakfast, he hung up a small fan, took the flyer he drew yesterday, and set off.

Unexpectedly, the efficiency was so high. It was all done in ten minutes. After distributing the flyers, Shiyu went home and took a shower to prepare for the opening of the canteen.

It is really inconvenient to take a bath now. No water can be discharged from the water pipe. Fortunately, it is summer. I took out the water received from the neighborhood committee yesterday and the water I stored myself, and poured it all into the bathtub.

I spent points from the store to buy a water ladle. When I was stocking up, I really didnt expect that I would need to use the water ladle one day. It seemed that there was a market for it. I would buy a few later and sell them at the canteen.

I poured water over my body and finished the bath.

The clothes are thrown into the washing machine, and the water inlet pipe of the washing machine is placed directly in the bucket on the side. At present, there is no problem with the sewage treatment in the community, but I dont know in the future.

So currently Shiyu only needs to solve the problem of water getting into the furniture. For example, when going to the toilet, he just puts a bucket of water next to it. The last time he goes to the toilet, he has to scoop water into the water tank.

Since coming back last night, the water distributed by the neighborhood committee has long been used up, from eating, washing dishes, bathing, and using the toilet to washing clothes. Shiyu has poured a lot of water himself.

It is so difficult for Shiyu to use it alone, let alone other families. Those families with children, the children's clothes will become dirty in a short time, and the home is also extremely messy. But now there is not enough water, and one night At that time, various problems occurred in every household.

Some people in the community began to borrow water and talk about the hardships at home. Only one or two people reached out to help, and the others remained silent.

At seven o'clock on time, Shiyu sat on the tall sofa in the canteen, turned on the TV, plugged in the flash drive with the variety show downloaded, and started watching the first episode of the first season.

As soon as the TV program started, Caiyin walked out of the room with breakfast.

"Good morning, Mayor."

Hearing Caiyin's name, Shiyu looked happy and felt like the mayor, which was great.

"Good morning, early morning, what are you having for breakfast?"

Caiyin came over and put breakfast on the table, a rice dumpling and a cup of soy milk.

"Want something to eat? Take out two more."

They were all prepared breakfasts stored in the space and were not taken out to eat at any time.

"No, I've already eaten, Xiao Long Bao with soy milk."

Shiyu praised himself in his heart. He was really a very hard-working mayor for getting up so early to work.

There were footsteps coming from the fire escape, and new customers and citizens came to the door!

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