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Chapter 18 Large Force

The canteen has been renovated. Due to the power outage notice from the neighborhood committee, Shiyu is planning to change the business hours to 24 hours.

In order to allow more people to apply for cards, and also for the safety of residents, although the basic understanding of the system is given, it does not interfere too much with the development of the apocalypse and only provides basic salvation. Therefore, many things cannot be sold and can only be sold within a certain range. Otherwise, Shiyu is going to sell all the nuclear power sockets.

I bought two small blackboards with LED lights from the system mall. One said that the store on the 6th floor is open 24 hours a day (24-hour free air conditioning), the other said "Open" on the front and "Temporarily closed" on the back.

Although it is intended to be open 24 hours a day, it is always good to be prepared in case something happens.

After thinking about it, Shiyu bought another large blackboard that he could stand at the door and write down the store rules.

1. No one is allowed to fight.

2. Insert the card to make purchases when the store owner is away.

3. If you need to apply for a card, you can leave a message (the pen is on the back of the blackboard)

Although it was planned to be open 24 hours a day, it was only open to allow them to do their own shopping and rest. Shiyu was not prepared to stay in the store 24 hours a day.

A small blackboard was hung on the first floor for Caiyin to attract more people to apply for cards. Another sign of Shiyu was hung on the door of the safe passage.

The small blackboard lights up, like a beacon in the darkness, illuminating the future that cannot be seen clearly.

When today's neighborhood committee water distribution time comes, everyone in this building should be able to see this notice. There will definitely be a lot of people applying for cards by then.

302 and 402 were the first to know. Originally, both families arrived at the 7 o'clock opening time. Unexpectedly, they saw the small blackboard lit up as soon as they reached the stairs.

Everyone was overjoyed when they saw that it said it was open 24 hours a day. The neighborhood committee had just issued a power outage notice for a day, and it was already very uncomfortable to stay at home.

During the day, sunlight still shines on various parts of the home through thick curtains. Originally, the selling point of high-end residential areas was transparency.

The air conditioner couldn't be turned on, and the temperature rose extremely. Although it was not as high as the 60-plus degrees outside, the temperature at home was still very uncomfortable when the temperature was 40 or 50 degrees.

As long as he stood there, his clothes would be soaked through in a short while, and sweat would break out from his forehead, dripping down his cheeks and chest.

There wasn't enough water, so I couldn't take a shower all the time, so I could only make myself so wet and sticky.

Add a little salt to the water you drink to replenish electrolytes, otherwise you will be sweating like this and you will leave in a few days.

The two old men in 402 are quite strong and can still carry it.

Other elderly people in the community who are in poor health cannot bear it. I wonder how many people will be left after the power outage for a few days.

Pushing open the security door on the 6th floor, the air conditioner was turned on fully, and my heart suddenly changed from restless to calm. This door is like a door of time. This side of the door is before the end.

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