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Chapter 23 The Man in Black Reappears

After finishing his breakfast with satisfaction, Shiyu took out a small cart from the warehouse and took out a lot of frozen breakfast and semi-finished products. After being out for such a long time and with so many people in the shop, the vending machine should be almost sold out. .

Seeing that Wen Yinian still showed no signs of waking up in bed, Shiyu was going to go out to restock the canteen.

Now everyone in the whole building except Ouyang Xiaoxiao basically lives in the small shop. Although it is uncomfortable to sleep, there is food, drink, air conditioning and TV here. No place is more comfortable than here.

Everyone took advantage of the time when the neighborhood committee distributed water, went home to clean up briefly, took a shower, and then came to the small shop to rest.

So when Shiyu opened the door, the sofas and stools in the store were full of people. Most of them brought coats and blankets, draped them on themselves and lay down in the store to sleep.

Shiyu pushed the cart to replenish each vending machine. Unexpectedly, the first thing to empty out was lemonade.

"Host, the vending machine with 100,000 templates can turn on the automatic replenishment mode, so the host does not need to work so hard to restock. I hope the host will continue to work hard to open new templates."

The voice of the system appeared, like a boss trying to make a pie for his employees. Shiyu secretly arranged in his mind that there were so few tasks and few reward points. Where could he save these 100,000 points?

Since he is not allowed to recruit too many residents, it seems that there is only one way. It is not impossible to wait for a while, go shopping for zero yuan, and exchange items from outside for points.

I dont know if many people have started shopping for zero dollars while many shopping malls and other places are empty now. Then by the time I go there, will there be nothing left!

No, after Wen Yinian wakes up, this matter must also be put on the agenda, and the 100,000-point template will be activated as soon as possible to free up his hands.

The setting time of the summer sun gradually gets later. It is already six o'clock and the sun has not completely set yet.

One person waited anxiously in the room. When it got dark, they all failed. The anger above could not be suppressed, but it finally fell on a little person like himself.

There is no better way, I can only hand someone over to do the task.

After replenishing the goods, Shiyu continued to take care of Wen Yinian in the room. According to the doctor's instructions, seeing that Wen Yinian's mouth was a little dry, Shiyu stuck a cotton swab with mineral water and gently tried to wipe it.

Looking at Wen Yinian's mouth, Shiyu swallowed quietly.

This man is really good-looking. I have seen eight, not to mention ten, handsome men since I was a child. Wen Yinian can definitely be ranked first.

This face, if he were a movie star, would drive countless fans crazy.

Shaking his head, Shiyu, Shiyu, how can you judge a person by his appearance? How can you only look at this skin? What if he is a man with a bad temper and no quality, right?

I dont know what his personality is like, how he can covet someones beauty so much.

However, he is really good-looking. With this face, he shouldnt be a very evil person.

Just when Shiyu was obsessed with Wen Yinian's beauty and couldn't help himself, a system prompt popped up in front of him.

"Warning! Warning! Warning! There is an intrusion by outsiders. Do you want to expel them?"

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