CHAPTER 6 - "Friends???? NEVER!!!"

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"Saalay! Kahaa gaayab ho gaya tha tu? I was looking for you everywhere.... Have you found your Choti yet?"

Bhai: Haa I've found my Choti! Here she is.

Bhai moved away as all that time I was standing behind him not wanting to face that figure. As soon as Bhai moved I looked up to see his face. It had shock written all over it.

"Cabir.... This is your choti?"

C: Yes... This is my Choti. I call her Choti because she's younger than me and well..... shorter.... Bhai said laughing.

N: Very funny! I just rolled my eyes at Bhai.... Sarcasm was clear in my voice!

C: So bro meet Nandini my Choti and Choti meet Manik my best buddy who is more of a brother.

N: Mr Monster!!!! (I almost yelled)

M: Miss Whatever!!!! (Manik said frustratingly whilst gritting his teeth)

C: Guys! What's wrong? Why are you calling each other these weird names?

N: Bhai... Firstly tell me this guy.... This monster is your best friend?

M: What do you mean by this guy??? And Cabir so this is your Choti...???

C: Shut it both of you!!!! Do you two know each other from before?

N&M: Yes!!!!

C: What? How? When?

M: Few minutes ago.

N: Near the airport entrance.

M: When you went to call your mum.

N: And when I was trying to find you.

Both of us narrated the whole story to Bhai who was in shock after hearing it all. After a few minutes of complete silence he burst into laughter. We both looked at him in confusion.
Why was he laughing? This isn't some joke.... It's serious!!!! His best friend and his Choti have not had a very pleasant first meeting....They officially hate each other and he's just laughing away. Like really?

C: Great! Just great! What an encounter??? My Choti and my best buddy now hate each other.... Choti and Manik your habit of always being right isn't gone right?

M: Cabir!!!!

N: Bhai!!!!

C: What???? You guys fought with each other because of your egos seriously. Now come on be friends and start all over again.

N and M: Friends??? Never!!!

We both exclaimed together.

M: Friends and with her.... I'd rather be friends with a monkey then her!

N: Oh Please.... I ain't dying to be friends with you mate! Of course.... I bet all your Friends are monkey's!

Sugars!!!! I just realised what I said! Oh god.... Nandini Murthy when will you learn to think twice before speaking.

C: Excuse me Choti! He's my best friend and I'm his! Are you calling me a monkey as well now?

M: Haa Nandini bolo.... Answer your Bhai!

That smirk on his face drove me mad! He loves to tease people! Honestly, if he wasn't Bhai's best friend I would have punched him by now! That would show him who Nandini Murthy really is!

N: Bhai.... Sorry I didn't mean that! He's just getting on my nerves so I just said it in the heat of the moment!

C: Choti chill! Mai mazak kar raha tha. Acha so guys what have you thought about it?

M and N: About?

We both had confused looks on our face!

C: Aray about being friends! Why don't you give each other a second chance?

N: Bhai please I already said No!

M: Cabir please a No is a No!

C: Guys please.... For me.

N: No Bhai and you know that you can't force me. Nandini Murthy's friends are special.... And he is definitely not special.

M: Oh hello Miss Whatever even I'm not interested in being your friend.... I have all the friends I need.... I have Fab 5! I don't need anyone else.

N: Fab 5?

C: Actually Nandini when I had told you everyone knows us in college.... By us I meant Fab 5. Me, Manik, Dhruv, Alya and Mukti. We're the best of friends!

M: Yeah the best of friends! We're unbreakable!

N: Wow!!! Anyways Bhai can we please go I'm way too tired.

C: Yeah sure let's go!

We all walked to the car.... Bhai put my luggage in the car and sat in the driving seat whilst Manik sat besides him and I sat at the back.

N: Bhai how far is the house from here??

C: Nandini it's an hours drive and with traffic it might be longer.

N: Okay

C: Any problem?

N: No Bhai I'm just tired you see.

C: Okay

Cabir started driving.... The journey consisted of Me and Bhai talking whilst Manik put his headphones in. He was not interested in listening to our conversation. I'm glad though.... Atleast the music made sure he kept his mouth shut! After a while I dozed off. After an hour and a half we reached Dhawan Villa....

C: Choti we are here!

Bhai turned around to see that I had fallen asleep. Typical me... I sleep anywhere and everywhere!

A/N: Did you like the shock? Manik's best friend Cabir is Nandini's dear Bhai!!! What will happen now? How is Cabir going to manage both of them 🤔 Please do leave me comments.... Once again praises and criticisms are both welcome!☺️ I want to know how people feel about my story! And dont forget to vote! 😉
Also I am thinking of uploading 3 chapters a week. One on Monday, one on Wednesday and then one on Saturday! These timings may vary when I have exams or I'm a little busy but I will try my best to stick to these days! Let me know what you think! Thank you! Lots of love xxx

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