Chapter 31 - "I don't think I'll ever be able to love Nandini"

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Dear Dairy,

You're probably wondering why I haven't written for the past year but I'll be honest with you, I used to write to express my feelings of being with Soha, I used to feel so happy but when she left, I left writing. Whenever I would pick you up to write, all the memories of the past would come back to me. However, since Nandini has come into my life those bad memories don't haunt me anymore. She's always positive and that helps me to become positive. So here I am, in my usual writing place, In the garden, under the beautiful starry sky. You know how I love star gazing and writing. ( itshappieme thank you for this idea of star gazing. I really liked it so I had to use it!) Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you about Nandini, she's Cabir's cousin sister. And my best friend! At first we hated each other but now we've become inseparable. Everyone at SPACE calls us Rahul and Anjali-you know the ones from kuch kuch hota hai! Nandini has taught me to live my life fully. She's taught me to not dwell on the past memories. She's taught me that some things in life are just not meant to be because God has other things planned. That gives me hope that maybe someday I may find someone who will truly love me. Someone who won't betray me like Soha. But I don't know if I'll be able to love anyone like I loved Soha again. I don't think I'll ever be able to love anyone again. I was speaking to Mukti today and you won't believe what she said! She said me and Nandini-we're made for each other. She feels that we would make a perfect couple. But I don't think I love her. I mean she is a really close friend of mine but I don't think I'll ever be able to love Nandini. Anyways, tomorrow is going to be an exciting day! So I'll talk to you tomorrow! OkayThanksBye!

         Your handsome owner, Manik Malhotra

Next Day

Manik's P.O.V

I'm just waiting outside Mumbai airport waiting for my buddy to come. He's a part of fab 5 but he's never been interested in music hence he's not in our band. We've all been together since childhood! But he left us a few years back and went to Dubai. But now he's coming back for the holidays and I'm damn excited. But why is he taking so long?! Urgh! Hurry up yaar! Just then I got a phone call! Without looking at the caller id I picked it up assuming it was my buddy.

"Kaha hai tu salay? (Where are you idiot?)"

"Manik! Koi ladki kai saath kya aisay baat karta hai?"

"Oh sugars! Sorry Mona Darling... I mean uh Nandini! Woh I thought you were...."

"I was who? One of your guy friends? I don't know why you boys talk like this to each other."

"Madam! Listen to me! You remember I told you about my friend coming from Dubai?"

"Ohhh yes! I do!"

"Well he's coming back today and I'm just waiting at the airport for him."

"But Manik wasn't he supposed to come after 2 weeks?"

"Yeah but his holidays have already started so he decided to come early!"

"Oh right! Okay I'll speak to you later then. Take care."

"Why did you ring?"

"Oh yeah! Me, Navya and Cabir Bhai were just going to watch a movie. Mukti and Alya have gone shopping and Dhruv is busy with some Uni work so we thought we'd ask you if you wanted to come along."

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