Chapter 17 - "Is this love? Is it attraction? Only time will tell!"

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Mu: Bhai actually after what happened today... I don't think I want to go back to SPACE! Harshad will be there and I don't think I can face him. This event will haunt me!

M: But Mukku why are you scared of that jerk? We are here for you Mukti!

C: Yeah twinnie.... We're all here for you!

A: Babe please you can't stop living your life because of him!

D: Exactly Mukti and besides you have good memories with SPACE as well!

N: Mukti Dhruv is right! This one event is terrifying you but think about all the fun times you've spent in SPACE.... Were they not worth it? I'm sure you have lots of amazing memories with that place!

C: Yeah twinnie.... Choti is right! Remember our musicana win?

M: Or our first album release?

A: The time when you punched Rose because she was flirting with Dhruv and I was getting uncomfortable but was too scared to do anything!

D: The countless pranks we played on people.... Especially you and Cabir!

Mukti had a small smile on her face now and I was shocked listening to some of the things these guys did! But also proud of their success.

M: SPACE.... Yes Angel all these memories took place in SPACE! You can't just forget about it because of one incident!

Mu: Bhai I understand but this incident.... it has traumatised me! I'm insecure about myself... about my looks.... will any guy ever fall for me after this incident? Harshad told me he never loved me cuz I'm not his type.... I'm not sexy or beautiful!

M: Mukku what the hell are you saying?

Manik was getting a little irritated by now but this just made Mukti feel worse!

A: Babe what do you mean you aren't beautiful? Who's the girl jiske piche larko ki line parti hai.... Where's that Mukti Malhotra?

C: Yes twinnie.... You are a very beautiful girl and why would you even listen to Harshad?

N: Mukti listen! According to Harshad you are not sexy or beautiful! Toh he's right!

Fab 5 and Navya except Mukti: What???

Whilst Mukti gave me a confused look.

N: Let me finish guys.... So as I was saying Mukti according to Harshad you are not sexy or beautiful and he's right! Because for us beautiful means having a pure heart.... A sweet smile and mesmerising eyes! Mukti you have all of that. Unfortunately from his actions, I can conclude that beautiful for him is a girl who is ready to sleep in bed with him.... A girl who will fulfill his sexual desires and Mukti that is exactly what he was trying to get you to do! You are very beautiful but his perception of beauty is disgusting... If a girl is ready to be in bed with him then instantly she's beautiful and if she says no then voila .... She's ugly!!!

D: Nandini you have put it in a perfect way!

Mu: I guess you're right Nandini! Thank you Nandini! Thank you so much for making me feel good! You know what Bhai I am ready to do this! I will go to uni without being afraid of anyone! I will face my fears and fulfill my dreams!

M: That's the spirit Mukku! I love you loads Angel!

Mu: I love you more Bhai!

Awhh these 2 are so cute... Their bond is so sweet and pure! May they always stay like this!

C: So Mukti you will take part in the group task right?

Mu: of course I will!

N: Yay!

I started jumping up and down like a kid... I realised my actions after Manik's cough! I felt a little embarrassed and looked down shyly!

M: But what's our moral? We have to decide on a moral!

N: Manik if you don't mind then I have an idea. Can I share it with you guys?

M: Of course... Go ahead!

N: Guys what happened to Mukti today happens to a lot of girls everyday and luckily Mukti had us to support her but some people don't....they are very lonely and this can lead to depression and self harm. They feel insecure about themselves.... they don't always have people to reassure them.... to tell them that they are beautiful! So why don't we do our moral about self esteem and feeling great about yourself!

C: Wow!!! That sounds great!!! Waah meri choti tu kabsay itni intelligent hogayi!!!

N: I was born intelligent bro!

C: Really? I thought you got the intelligence from me!

M: You and intelligent? Hahahah stop with the jokes mate!

N: Mr Monster don't make a joke out of my brother! It's not like you're an intelligence ka dabba!

M: Like really? Intelligence ka dabba! Gosh you're unbelievable.

C: Guys lets not start with the fights again!

N: Fights and me? He started it!

M: No you started it!

N: You did!

M: Do you did!

Na: Bas Karo! She literally screamed! Anyways lets get back to the main topic. You guys should definitely do that!

D: Amazing idea!

A: It's high time someone takes a stand against this problem!

N: Manik.... Mukti... What do you guys think?

M and Mu: PERFECT!!!

Mu: Thank you Nandini! It's a great idea!

M: Yeah I love the idea.... Never knew you thought so deep Miss Whatever!

N: Oh really Mr Monster.

C: Guys stop with the flirting please!

M and N: What!!!!

Mu: Guys guys guys!!!! Stop fighting and let's do this! Which song are we going to use?

N: Urm I'm not too sure but I want people to know especially girls that they are beautiful..... Brave!

M: Brave and beautiful..... Brave and beautiful....

Manik was repeatedly saying those words trying to think of a song and that's when it hit me!

N: I've got the perfect song.... OMG this is gonna be so great! We need to meet up with Maddy and fill him in on all the details! We also need to sort out our other
performance....the warm up one!

I'd shared my idea with everyone and they loved it! We met up with Maddy and started to practice for our performance.... We were working so well as a group and I was so damn sure that it was gonna be an amazing performance! I really wanted to raise awareness against a topic which is not widely talked about! This was the perfect way to do so! A few days had passed and I was getting very close to Fab 5....even Manik. I had started to feel this connection towards him.... What was it though? Everytime he comes close to me my heartbeat increases... My feet start to tremble... My eyes won't stop staring at his well defined features! Is this love? No Nandini you barely know him.... NIs it attraction? Only time will tell. God this guy will make me go crazy!

A/N: So guys how was the update? Do let me know what you guys thought! Criticisms are welcome! Feel free to drop me a comment or Pm me if you don't understand anything or feel anything could be improved! Don't forget to vote! 😉 Lots of love xxx

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