Chapter 77 - "Hold on to me!"

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Once we reached the hospital, Cabir went to park his car whilst me and Navya quickly went inside.

"Excuse me it's an emergency! We need to see a doctor now!" Navya told the girl at the reception desk.

"Rajesh, Shivani, get a stretcher for the lady and please call a doctor too!" The woman quickly instructed the two nurses that were stood nearby. They quickly did as they were told. Rajesh came with the stretcher and I placed Nandini on to it. Then the other nurse came with the doctor.

"Doctor please check my Nandini! Please Doctor!" I said with panic.

"Calm down! Calm down! First of all tell me how this happened!" The doctor asked us.

"Actually Doctor...." I was about to tell the doctor how Nandini had phoned us that someone was at her house and when we got there we found her in this state. However, before I could say anything more Navya interrupted me.

"We don't know! We got to her house and found her like this!" Navya exclaimed.

"Navya..." I tried to speak but she did not let me. Why was she lying to them? We have an idea of how this may have happened so why are we not saying anything.

"Manik please stay with Nandini. I'm talking to the doctor." Navya said as she gestured me something with her eyes. I was unable to understand what it is that she wanted to tell me but I decided it was best to remain silent. Just then Cabir too came and stood near us.

"Doctor like we said, we found Nandini at her house like this. Only Nandini will be able to tell you what happened! Now can you please get on with her treatment?" Navya said with frustration. The doctors were clearly getting on her nerves.

"Okay. Nurse take the patient inside. We will need a family member to fill her form." The doctor said.

"I'll do it!" I immediately said.

"How are you related to the patient? Her husband?" The doctor inquired.

"No her boyfriend!" I replied immediately.

"I'm sorry but it has to be a legal relative." The doctor said.

"What do you mean by that? Her family is in Delhi, her parents, brother, grandma, they're all in Delhi!" I explained.

"We may have to fax the papers to them then!" He informed.

"Are you mad? We don't have the time for that! And we can't inform her parents right now. They only went back to Delhi today from Mumbai. They'll be so worried." I said with frustration. Why can't he just do the treatment?

"Well please decide quickly!" He exclaimed.

"One minute! She's my sister! My cousin sister! Surely I can fill the form!" Cabir suggested. Why did we not think of this before? Of course Cabir is her blood relative!

"And how are you related to her?" The doctor questioned.

"I told you, she's my cousin! My mum and her dad are siblings. I hope that's enough information for you!" Cabir spoke irritatedly.

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