Chapter 15 - "Can we start all over....Friends?"

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After what Mukti had said about me I was devastated but Manik comforted me!  Over these few days I have gotten to know Manik more.... Why do I feel that he is not the arrogant angry monster he pretends to be.... I have a feeling there is a sweet caring guy hidden inside him. I was walking to lesson when I realised whilst thinking I had gone to the terrace instead of the 5th floor. I mentally cursed myself and turned to walk down the stairs when I heard someone!

"Bloody hell! Leave me alone! How many times do I have to tell you WE ARE OVER!!!"

The voice sounded familiar to me.... Who is it??? Who is it??? MUKTI!!! That's Mukti's voice but what is she doing here. Shall I check? Actually No.... Then she'll accuse me of spying on her. But Nandini she sounds like she needs help. After mentally fighting with myself I decided to go ahead and check! The sight I saw shocked me! A guy was lying on top of Mukti on the floor.... He held her hands on the side and Mukti was tying her level best to get out of his grip.

Mu: Leave me! You jerk! If Bhai finds out then he won't spare you Harshad!

H: Oh come on babe.... You weren't like this when we were together... After convincing you so much you agreed to sleep with me and now I'm giving you what you want and you're saying no?

Mu: Yes because I thought you LOVED me then but after knowing your true intentions I started hating you!!! You are such a jerk!

H: Call me whatever you want Mukti but today no ones gonna save you. Not even your Bhai!

Mu: No Harshad please leave me!!! Harshad leave me!!!!

I was disgusted by listening to Harshad's talks! He is such a creep! I had to save Mukti but I didn't know what to do! Suddenly, I heard Mukti scream louder than ever!!!! He had ripped her top off from both sides! She was crying!!! I ran up to them and without thinking I got the stick which was lying on the side and started beating him up left right and centre! I was sooo angry at him.... How could he just do that? Thank god we were taught self defence in high school and mum thank you for taking me to karate lessons.

"You jerk! You creep! You disgusting human being! How dare you? How dare you even touch her? Who the hell do you think you are? I've called the police and they'll be here soon.... Ab tumhe kon bachaay gaa haan?"

After he heard the word police he ran from the terrace. I smiled at my victory and then turned to Mukti but she wasn't there! I started to look around and the next thing I saw shocked me to bits!!!!

She was walking towards the terrace wall.... She stepped onto the wall! I knew what she was going to do and without wasting any more time I ran towards her and pulled her back.... We both fell down!!!

N: MUKTI!!!! What the hell do you think you were doing?

Mu: Nandini let me die! What's there to live for? My life's a mess.... The guy I loved betrayed me! Nandini tell me muj mai kya kharabi hai?

N: Mukti there is nothing wrong with you! Kharabi us Harshad mai hai. He's the one who didn't see your true love! Mukti you're a very beautiful girl and Harshad just failed to see that!! We need to get you out of here.... Come with me!

I took my blazer off and put it over Mukti to cover her shoulders! I wiped her tears off and we went to the car park from the back entrance of Uni.... I got in my BMW and drove to my house!

Mu: Nandini where are we going?

N: My place!

We reached my place in half an hour and I gave Mukti some of my clothes and told her to freshen up! After a while she came out of the bathroom and I made a hot chocolate for the two of us! We both went and sat in the balcony.

Mu: Nandini thank you for everything. If you weren't there I don't know what would have happened to me.... I thought I was gonna be ruined today!

N: Mukti please.... It was my duty to save you.

Mu: Also I'm really sorry.... I said so many bad things about you and you still helped me! Mujhse galti hogayi tumhe samaj nai mai Nandini! You're indeed a very caring person!

N: Aray stop saying sorry! Mukti if you don't mind can I ask you something?

Mu: Sure Nandini! Go ahead!

N: What is it between you and Harshad? I mean usnai aisi gathiya harkat kyun ki?

Mu: Nandini me and Harshad used to date each other a year back. I loved him to bits but one day we found out that he was with me because he wanted to destroy Fab 5. We were the best band in school and college and we used to win all the competitions be it Musicana or talent hunt! Harshad was jealous of us and because of that he decided to use me against Fab 5. What he didn't realise is that we are very strong and nothing and no one can separate us!

N: Wow! So much jealousy can do to a person! But I must say Fab 5 have a very strong and beautiful relationship!

Mu: Yup! Woh to hai!

After saying this Mukti started to stare at the sea! Worry was clear on her face!

N: Mukti.... Are you okay? You look worried!

Mu: Actually Nandini I'm scared!

N: Scared... Of what?

Mu: People Nandini.... You know what that Harshad said to me....he said that no one will ever love a tomboy like me! I'm not pretty or sexy! No one will ever love me!

Mukti was crying her eyes out and I was shattered listening to all that she was saying!

N: Hey! Don't ever think like that! You are beautiful... Sexy... but most importantly you have a pure heart and that's the best thing about you! Remember that! I'm sure you will find your true love soon.... You just gotta wait and always be optimistic.

Mukti hugged me hearing all this and after a few minutes we broke the hug.

Mu: Nandini you're honestly an amazing person.... Can we start all over....Friends?

N: Hmmmm soch na parega.... Of course!!!! Now that you've told me lots about you... I'll let you in a few secrets of mine as well.

Mu: Really??? Go on then!!!

A/N: Sorry for the late update but I'm actually busy with my cousins wedding that's taking place next week! Hope you guys can understand! ☺️And exams are also coming up soon so I may not be able to update regularly. 😩Sorry! 😔Do let me know what you thought of this update! Thank you! ❤️😘Lots of love xxx

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