Chapter 38 - "My Mr Right"

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Aru dropped me off to my house. I invited him inside but he refused! He said he'll come down some other time because it was already quite late. So I gave him a hug, wished him good night and then went in my house. The first thing I did was get changed into my pyjamas. I removed my make up and put my hair in a loose braid. I was all ready for bed! I got into bed and checked my phone..... 4 missed calls from Manik! My phone was in my bag all this time and I had kept it on vibrate as well... Hence why I didn't realise he called. To be honest, I wouldn't have picked his calls up anyway because he's an idiot! I was thinking about today's events, getting rejected by Manik, our fight, getting reunited with Aloo and Arya, mine and Manik's fight getting worse... This was an eventful day! So many things happened! I was lost in my thought process when I heard the door bell ring! Who could be here at this time? I mean it's 12:30! I walked out of my bedroom and into the living room. I peeked through the hole and saw none other than Monkey sorry Monster Manik! What's he doing here? I decided not to open the door! I turned around to walk back to my bedroom when I heard Manik's voice!

M: Nandini I know you're behind the door... Don't even think about ignoring me! Open the door now! Otherwise I'll...

How did he realise I was here? I guess he knows me too well! *sigh*

N: Otherwise you'll what.... Huh?

M: Otherwise I'll stay outside your house all night.... And you know that I'll do it!

He's right! I know that he'll actually do that! So I had no choice but to let him in!

N: Why are you here? Haven't you hurt me and annoyed me enough for the day?

M: Nandini please I just came to check if you reached safely or not. You didn't pick your phone up so I got a little worried!

N: Manik my phone was in my bag and on vibrate. Aru had come to drop me off... He's my childhood friend not some stranger! Of course I was going to reach safely!

M: Yeah but he hasn't been in Mumbai for a long time so I thought incase he gets lost or...

N: But Manik I've been here for nearly a year now. I also drive in Mumbai so I know my ways. You didn't have to worry!

M: Yeah! Anyways I'll get going now. I just wanted to check on you that's all! By the way are you fine?

N: Mujhe kya hoga? ( What's going to happen to me?)

M: I mean you're not getting any headaches or runny nose or anything like that, are you?

N: I'm fine! And why do you care so much huh? I really don't understand you.... You hurt someone so much but you also care for them at the same time. Why?

M: Nandini I've told you before and I'll tell you again... My intentions were not to hurt you and I don't know! I don't know why I'm always so worried about you! I really don't...

He started to walk slowly towards the door murmuring "I don't know... I really don't know" and finally said a bye with his back towards me and walked out! He's such a confused soul.... He cares for me but he doesn't know why! Manik I hope you realise your mistakes soon! A guy who cares about my health, a guy who stops me from making silly mistakes, a guy who bears my stupid tantrums,ba guy who comes to my house to check if I've reached safely, that guy can never be wrong for me! I hope he realises that soon... Manik Malhotra you can never be the wrong guy for me... Or for any girl for that matter! You have all the qualities a girl looks for in her Mr Right! I don't know how you assumed that you're not right for me... I really don't know! Believe it or not Mr Manik Malhotra... You are my Mr Right! I closed my door and went back to bed... I just couldn't sleep! The events of the day flashed back in my mind and unknowingly my tears started to roll down my cheeks. I miss you Manik... I miss you a lot! I closed my eyes hoping to get some sleep... After what seemed like forever, my body finally gave in and I fell asleep... Entering a different world... My dream world!

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