Chapter 60 - Let's prepare for Valentine's day!

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As the sun rays peeled through my curtains and hit my eyes, I twisted and turned in bed to catch up on some more sleep. Just when I had found a good position to sleep in away from the sun, my alarm went off! Urgh! Stupid alarm! I hit the snooze button and closed my eyes. After hitting the snooze button for a good 10-15 minutes I finally got up and checked my phone. I replied to any messages I had received and scrolled through my snapchat and Instagram. Just as I was scrolling through my social media, an image popped up! It's Valentine's Day tomorrow! Ohhh crap! It's going to be mine and Manik's first valentine together and I have to make it special. Manik has planned amazing dates for me and now I want to do something amazing for him. But what? What can I do for him? Idea! Alya! She can totally help me, after all she's amazing at planning events. I rang Alya straight away and after a few rings she picked up the phone.

"Good morning Nans!" Alya spoke in her ever so chirpy voice. Where does she get so much energy from early in the morning?

"Aloo! Aren't you too energised for a Friday morning?" I questioned Aloo.

"Babe I've just come back from an awesome workout session at the gym!" She replied proudly.

"What? Aloo it's 8 right now! From what I know you spend an hour in the gym so you went at 7 which means you must've been awake at 6:30. How? Sooo early for gym. You are sacrificing sleep for the gym!" I spoke in disbelief.

"Nans is that why you rang me up? You should be proud of me! Finally getting those abs! You know summer body!" Alya said with a giggle.

"Lol you little cutie! Anyways I needed your help. It's Valentine's Day tomorrow and I want to do something special for Manik tonight at midnight. He's planned amazing dates for me in the past and now it's my turn. It's gonna be our first Valentine's and I wanna make it special."

"Nans I'm sorry to burst your bubble babe but I really don't think celebrating valentines with Manik is a great idea."

"What do you mean?" I asked Alya.

"Nans Manik hates valentines. After that break up from Soha, he absolutely hates valentines. I remember last valentines we were at college, all couples were celebrating Valentine's Day. The college was covered in heart balloons. A girl threw a soft heart pillow to her boyfriend, he dodged it and it accidentally hit Manik. Manik then literally ripped that pillow up and mocked all the couples for celebrating love. It was a horrible sight to watch Nans, our loving friend turn into a monster because of one stupid girl! It was horrible. In fact me and Dhruv had to celebrate valentines in secret. I know Manik wouldn't have said anything to us but we really didn't want to hurt him."

"Alya that's horrible. But Manik, he believes in love again now, that monster has gone right? Manik loves love! He loves the idea of love! And I want to make this day of love special for him. Aloo it's our first valentine together. I want to make it special!"

"Nans I completely understand your desire. I just wanted to warn you. I really don't want him getting mad at you. If you really want to celebrate it then go for it. And I'll give you all the help you need. All the best! You've changed Monster Manik into loving Manik and I'm sure you'll be able to change his views on Valentine's Day too." Alya said in a supportive tone!

"That's more like it! Listen I've got an amazing idea planned. I'll need your help. Also, what are yours and Dhruv's plans?" I questioned Alya.

"Ooooh I've got that sorted. Dhruv's gonna love it!" Alya said proudly.

"Awwwhhh you cuties! Acha I'll talk to you later. I have a monkey to wish."

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