Chapter 62 - Valentine's day outings!

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The sun rays hit my eyes and I slowly opened my eyes. Last night was a beautiful night. I spent it with the love of my life doing all the fun things we like do. I didn't even realise when we fell asleep. I turned to look at my side only to find it empty. Where was Manik? I pulled the blanket tightly against me as it was quite cold early in the morning. I then pulled my phone out from under the pillow to check the time and message Manik. It was 7:00 am! Where can Manik go so early? He hadn't sent me any text. Where did this idiot go without messaging me? I decided to look around the terrace in case he had left any message for me. I got up wrapping the blanket around me as I was feeling very cold. I was about to step out of the little tent when I saw the bunch of roses from last night. I picked them up and saw an open page of one of the notebooks we used to play our compatibility test. There was a message on it. I picked the book up and started to read the message.

"Good morning gorgeous. You're probably wondering where I am right? I had to go somewhere and I didn't want to wake you up so early. I'll be back in a few hours. Don't make breakfast, I'm gonna make it today. You just do one thing, go downstairs to your room and sleep. It's quite cold this morning. And I'm sure you're really tired after all the hard work you did to plan our date yesterday. I'll wake you up once I'm home. Should be here by around 11. Go back to sleep now! Love you always, Manik!"

Awhhh this guy is so adorable! I nodded my head pretending to reply to his letter and headed downstairs to my room. As soon as I got in my room, I jumped into my warm bed and fell asleep in no time. I was actually really tired and exhausted from yesterday. I could do with more sleep. After a few hours, I was woken by a gentle tap on my face. I knew it was Manik. I smiled a little and held his hand against my cheek.

"Nandini get up. Come on. It's 11:30!" Manik spoke.

"Few more minutes Manik, please." I whined like a little child.

"Aray Nandu no. We have a lot of things to do so get up. Come on!"

"Really? Like what?" I questioned.

"Get up! Freshen up! And then I'll tell you!"

"Fine! I'll get up!" I said with a frown. I dragged myself out of bed, gave Manik a hug and then headed for the washroom.

"You have a shower, I'll just finish making breakfast!" Manik said whilst walking out the room.

"Okies that's cool!" I replied back. I had a quick shower and then got changed into comfy clothes. I brushed my hair and left it out. The curls from last night had come out leaving my hair nice and wavy. I put my moisturiser on and some lip balm and walked out to have breakfast. When I got to the kitchen, I saw the dining table had a big bouquet of roses. Manik was nowhere to be seen. There was a note on the table which read, "Happy Valentine's Day Nandini! Here's to our first Valentine's together and may we have many more! Lots of love yours, Manik." I smiled looking at the card and picked up the roses and smelt it. They smelt so good! I love the smell of fresh flowers. Just as I was sniffing the flowers, I felt two hands hugging me from the back. Manik! He put his head on my shoulder and whispered "Happy Valentine's Day love! Thank you for making me believe in love again. Thank you for coming into my life. I'm forever grateful for you."

Awwwhhh my cutie patootie!!! I put the roses down and turned towards Manik. I gently cupped his face and spoke, "Thank you for first being my best friend and making me feel at home in a country which was completely new to me. Thank you for loving me and giving me me a chance to show you just how beautiful life can be. Thank you for putting up with my tantrums and food cravings. Thank you for everything!" I spoke my heart out.

"Hat pagli! Rulaay gi kyaa!" Manik responded with a slight giggle. We both laughed at that dialogue and then Manik pulled the chair out for me and I happily sat down. He brought breakfast for me and I was sooo happy when I saw what he made. He made a full English breakfast for me. There was egg, sausages, beans, hash browns and toast with orange juice. OMG I was craving a proper English breakfast in ages but I was way too lazy to make one. Too much effort required and Nandini Murthy ain't about that life. I hugged Manik as a thank you gesture and started to eat my breakfast. It was sooo yummm!! Once we were done eating breakfast, I helped Manik clean up the table and wash the dishes. We cleaned the kitchen up together and headed for the living room to take some rest.

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