Chapter 72 - "I will always be there to catch you!"

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I was so mad I just had to leave from Malhotra Mansion, so I did! I stormed out of the room, went to Mukti's room to grab my bag and left the house. It was a good thing I had my car with me or I'd have to call an Uber. Manik would be super pissed if I'd do that. He always tells me not to take an Uber or use any public transport once it gets dark and I understand his concern. But we know that not everyone is the same. There are nice people too but Manik is simply Manik. He doesn't understand that. He never wants to take a risk when it comes to his loved ones. And that's what I love the most about him. Shittt! I've just realised what I've done! I went out late at night by myself, this means Manik must be coming behind me. Aiyappa he's gonna be mad! I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked even though I knew the person won't be able to hear me as I was sat in the kitchen. Hope it's not Manik! But who else can come at this time? I walked towards the door and peeked through the hole only to see a very concerned and worried Manik. I can't open the door! I turned to quickly go back to the kitchen quietly so he thinks I've gone to sleep.

"Nandini I know you're there! Don't even try to hide. I can feel your presence! Open the door right now!" Urgh! Ahhh every time! Every bloody time! He just knows I'm there. I quietly turned around and opened the door. I didn't even look at him, I simply turned and walked towards the kitchen to make myself some tea.

"Tea?" I asked.

"Please!" He replied as he took a seat on one of the seats at the kitchen counter. I put the kettle on and put some tea bags and sugar in the cups whilst I waited for the water to boil. The boiling of the water acted as the metaphor for the anger that was boiling in Manik's mind. Why is he so quiet? He must be mad! He must be mad that I left the house so late at night over a small thing. Well small for him but it was a big deal for me. He's always super quite when he's angry. I decided to not say anything. I simply poured the hot water into the cups, added a few drops of milk and placed the mug in front of him.

"Any biscuits?" I asked.

"Nope!" He replied plainly. There was a long awkward silence. It was getting too awkward but I didn't want to say anything because he might get more angry. But I can't stay quite for more than 2 minutes. So I finally spoke.

"Urm it's kind of cold outside, right?" I said quietly.

"Hmmmm!" Is all he said.

"Urm how's the tea?" I further asked.

"Hmmmmm!" He said again.

"So Urm it was a nice surprise nah! The surprise our families gave us!" I tried again.

"Hmmmm!" He said once again. Why the hell is he not giving me proper answers for? Kitna bhaav khaa rahaa hai.

"Manik what's this hmmmmm? Please kuch toh bolo naa!" I remained patient.

"What do you want me to tell you huh? Ohhhh Yeahh it is quite cold outside. The tea tastes like how tea should taste like. And the surprise, it was lovely! Aur kuch bolu?" He said sarcastically. Once a monster, always a monster! And that too a rude monster.

"Manik you know what I'm trying to say!" I stated.

"No Nandini! I don't know what you're trying to say. In fact a lot of the times I don't know. Tum bolti kuch ho aur karti kuch aur! You are such an impulsive person Nandini. Who the hell leaves the house like that in a fit of rage at 1:00! Who? You! Why? Because you're impulsive. You're stubborn! You're, you're just Nandini Murthy!" He finally spoke properly. Actually he didn't speak, he ranted.

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