Chapter 24 -It's time to party!

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We drove around Mumbai for an hour.... It was so peaceful. Finally, Manik dropped me to my house around 11. I wished him good night and said a huge thank you before he left. Today has been an amazing day... I loved every bit of it. I was extremely tired so I quickly got changed and jumped straight into bed. I didn't realise when sleep took over me. I woke up around 11 in the morning. I checked my phone, as usual, to browse through my social media and my messages. I'd got a message from Mukti....

"Hey! Good morning beautiful! Hope you haven't forgotten about the party at my house today.... Be there at 7!😉"

Ah yes! The party! How could I forget?

"Good morning Mukti! I'll definitely be there. By the way what's the address?"

"I've talked to Cabir... He said he'll bring you with him."

"No worries! See you in the evening"

Gosh! I can't believe I totally forgot about the party! It's the first time I'll be going to Mukti and Manik's house... I should take a gift... But what? I'll go do some shopping right now. I quickly got out of bed... Had a shower... Had some breakfast... Got ready and headed for the mall. After looking around I found the perfect gift. But I wasn't sure if Manik and Mukti would like it so I decided to message Bhai and ask him.

"Hiya Bhai! So I'm at the mall buying something for Manik and Mukti. I've seen this really cool chocolate bouquet... Do they like chocolate? 🤔"

"Hey choti! That's so sweet of you! ☺️Like? They both love it! They're complete chocoholics like you! By the way don't forget my chocolates! 😉"

"LOL! 😂Thanks Bhai! 😘"

After I bought the chocolates I did some of my shopping and then went straight home! I completed my research I had to do for psychology and then decided to have a little snack

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After I bought the chocolates I did some of my shopping and then went straight home! I completed my research I had to do for psychology and then decided to have a little snack. After I was done I started to get ready! But what should I wear? Gosh! The hardest decision to make for any girl. After rummaging through my wardrobe I finally found the perfect dress! I started to get ready. After an hour I was ready! OMG Nandini! You look beautiful! Yeah I know I'm praising myself but I can't help it! Every girl should praise themselves and feel good about themselves. After all we are pretty in our own ways. I rang Bhai to pick me up and he was here in no time! I got into his car and we drove off to Manik's place. Manik was right... His house isn't that far from mine. We reached there in less than 5 minutes. OMG! His house is sooo pretty from the outside! Imagine how good it'll be from the inside.

A/N: Manik's house pic is in the media box ☺️

C: Come on choti! Let's go!

N: Bhai! Their house is so pretty!

C: I know right! It's even prettier inside.

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