Chapter 50 - Blissful nights!!!

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We finished playing the game around 3am and decided to call it a night! I was soo tired! When Bhai first mentioned about playing games I was unsure because I was just so tired and I wanted to go straight to bed! But it was fun! Manik was in the washroom and I was writing about today's events in my dairy... I've got soooo much to write about! After a few minutes I finished writing and as I was about to close my dairy Manik came from behind and screamed "boo" in my ear and I jumped and let out a scream as my immediate reaction. I turned around to see the source of my fear and realised it was none other than my monkey!

N: Manik! What the hell was that? You scared the living hell out of me!

M: Woah calm down! I was just having some fun!

N: You think this is funny huh?

M: Yessss

N: Acha! Wait then... I'll show you what's funny!

On saying this I started to walk towards Manik and he started to walk backwards. We carried this on until he hit the wall. We were an inch apart now and I really wanted to kiss him on his lips but only God knows how I held myself back. I gently cupped his face with one hand and placed the other on his chest. He was lost in my eyes and I wanted to get lost too... But I couldn't because I wanted to take revenge! Manik was expecting me to kiss him but I shocked him by tickling him on his tummy. That was the only body part where Manik felt ticklish. I thought he would laugh it off but he put up a serious face and went and sat on the bed. I quickly walked up to him and sat on the floor in front of him, near his legs. I held both his hands and he looked away.

N: Manik I was only joking. 

M: Nandini that wasn't a joke okay? You don't joke about such things.... These moments... They mean a lot to me. They might not mean a lot to you but they definitely mean a lot to me.

N: Manik please don't say that! These moments mean a lot to me as well... Trust me!

M: No Nandini! You're just lying!

N: Manik please....

His words were hurting me and unknowingly my tears started to make their way down. Manik heard me sniffling and immediately sat on the floor in front of me and cupped my face.

M: Nandini shush baba! I was only joking!

N: Joking? Yai sab tumhe mazaak lagtaa hai?
This isn't a joke Manik and if it really was then it wasn't funny!

M: You also joked with me and I thought I should do the same. 

N: Urgh seriously Manik you're impossible! You're acting like a little kid.

M: I know! And I only act like that with you!

Hayee! This guy has the ability to steal my heart over and over again no matter how angry I am with him. How does he manage to be so adorable and cute all the time?

N: Manik you're adorable!

M: I know! Tell me something new!

N: Bas bas! Itni zyaada self praise bhi achi nahi hai.

M: Look who's talking!

N: When do I praise myself?

M: Oh really? Okay then who's that girl that stands in front of the mirror and calls herself beautiful every morning? Who's that girl who praises herself when she's done something amazing? You! And I feel every girl should be like that.... Every girl should wake up in the morning and tell herself that she is beautiful no matter what people say! She is perfect in her imperfect ways! Her body, her eyes, her smile, her hair, her lips, they are all beautiful! She's not too fat or too skinny, her eyes aren't too dark or too light, her lips aren't too big or too small, her hair isn't too short or too long. They are perfect in thier own ways. That is what I feel girls should think about themselves and Nandini you do think like that. You don't give a monkeys about what others have to say... You live life on your own terms and maybe that's why I fell in love with you. And I don't ever want to fall out.

How does he manage to melt my heart with his words every single time? He's such a pure soul. I wish everyone thought like him. I'm soooo lucky to have him in my life. Words couldn't express how I was feeling at that time, so I just put my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest. We both didn't say anything, we didn't have to! After a good 10 minutes or so we came out of the embrace and decided to sleep. Manik kissed me on my forehead and went towards the sofa.

N: Manik why are you sleeping on the sofa? You won't be comfortable. You can sleep next to me... I don't mind!

M: It's fine Nandini... I'll manage! You might not feel comfortable if I'm sleeping with you!

N: Manik I find my comfort in you... So how is it possible that I will feel uncomfortable with you? Now no more arguments!

Manik gave up and we both lied down on the bed, holding hands and facing each other. It felt sooo good to hold his hands and lie down. I found my peace in him, holding his hands gave me the feeling of being secure.

N: Manik

M: Hmmm

N: Yai haath kabhi mat chor naa! Please never let go off my hand.

M: Never!

N: Promise?

M: Promise!

He held me closer and I snuggled into his chest. The warmth of his body was something I never wanted to leave. He provided me with comfort, he gave me a sense of security and most importantly he gave me the feeling of being loved. He loved me immensely! He didn't have to say this to me.... His gestures were more than enough to know this. Like they say actions speak louder than words and in our case, it most definitely was true. Manik caressed my hair and I stayed close to his chest. Manik talked about today, how nervous he was when he proposed me, his happiness when I said yes! Whilst I kept smiling and listened to my 19 year old boyfriend talking like a 9 year old child. My eyes started to close I snuggled into my guys chest and fell fast asleep.

A/N: Chapter 50 updated guys!!! Can you believe it??? 😱🙈 Our story has crossed 50 chapters!!! 🎉 And as promised an update on my birthday!!! 😘 I'm so sorry it's small... I really wanted to give a big update but I trapped my finger in the car door and it hurts a lot. 😩😭 Hence, I couldn't type a lot. Hope you guys will understand. ☺️ Do let me know what you thought! 😬 Don't forget to vote and comment! Lots of love xxx

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