Chapter 18 - Hasi ban gaye

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So today is the day! The day where we have to perform not only in front of the class but the rest of the year! I'm so nervous but damn excited as well! Our opening warm up performance is an Indian one which was decided by Manik! All groups have to sing their warm up song first and then the second round is the moral performance round! Our group decided to colour co ordinate and our colour was baby pink.... No I did not choose it! Infact Manik and Maddy did. Shocking??? I know!!! But they felt that it went well with the theme of our performance so why not!

(Can you guys guess what song I'll be using for the moral performance? Hint: It's an English song by a girl band! 😉)

Mad: So guys.... Are we ready for this? Our first performance at uni!

M: Yes I'm damn excited!

Mu: Me too.... I can't wait! Nandini how do you feel?

N: Nervous.... I feel nervous because I've never performed in front of so many people and that too on Indian music! Yes I would sing in front of my friends and family but never in front of soooo many strangers! Oh god please help me!

After listening to my worries Manik came towards me and held both of my hands!

M: Nandini close your eyes....

N: WHAT????!!!!

M: Just close them!

N: Ohhhhkay

He was holding my hands and telling me to close my eyes! Like really???? What was he trying to do to me? He's increasing my worries not making it any better!

M: So Nandini.... What do you see?

N: Really Manik? Obviously nothing! It's dark!

M: Okay so Nandini if I told you to sing with your eyes closed... Would you be able to sing?

N: Of course Manik.... I mean I don't need my eyes to sing... I need my voice!

I was so confused by his behaviour.... I just couldn't understand his words!

M: Exactly Nandini! You need your voice and do you trust your voice?

N: Haan! I mean I'm a decent singer!

M: Nandini as long as you have faith in yourself and in your voice you don't need to be afraid! Why should you be worried about the strangers? Imagine them as the darkness you see when your eyes are closed! Pretend that they can't see you but can only hear you! And Nandini just sing.... Sing from your heart.... Sing like nobody's watching.

N: Wow Manik... Thank you so much! This all means a lot to me.... You have honestly made me feel a lot better and I'm not really worried now! I'm ready... Ready to face my fears and prove to myself that I CAN do it! And I WILL do it!

M: That's the spirit!

Mu: Bhai that was indeed very inspiring.

Mad: Yeah Dude! Amazing!

M: Thanks guys! Anyways lets get ready for the warm up performance.... We're up next!

I started to sing.... My hands were shaking but then Manik gave me a warm reassuring smile and I forgot about everything else and just started to sing! I started to play some notes on the piano and Mukti and Manik played their guitar softly in tune with me. Maddy played soft beats on the drums!

Haan aa o...
Main jaan ye vaar doon
Har jeet bhi haar doon
Keemat ho koi tujhe beinteha pyaar doon (x2)
Saari hadein maine meri, ab maine tod di
Dekar mujhe pataa awaargi ban gaye

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