Chapter 73 - "I will always love you!"

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It had been an adventurous night to say the least. We had girls time together, we had fights, we had tantrums, we had drama, we had love, we had Disney, we had food, and last but definitely not the least, we had cuddles. A cuddle with my better half. My love, my Manik. I love him so much words cannot express. We may fight a lot but we make sure that we don't let the fights get the better of us. Last night had been such night. We fought over the silliest things but made sure we sorted it out too. We had spent the night watching Beauty and the beast. One of my favourites. We actually didn't complete the movie and fell asleep half way. Well Manik fell asleep on my shoulder and I did not want to disturb him so I too fell asleep on the sofa. It seemed like a good idea then but now that I've woken up with a sore neck and Manik with a sore back, we're both regretting it. We were just lying on the sofa, cuddling each other, and enjoying our time together when we heard a car pull up.

"Nandini, who can it be right now? It's only 10!" Manik asked.

"Probably the postman Manik." I murmured.

"Nandini it's Sunday! Postman does not come on Sunday!" He stated.

"Oh yeah! Wonder who it can be then?" I questioned sleepily.

"Shit! Your parents! It's going to be them!" Manik said as realisation hit him.

"Oh my god! I forgot my parents are here. But Manik they stayed at yours last night so I'm sure they wouldn't come back early!" I replied.

"If they find out their daughter went home last night itself then they surely would come back so early!" He replied.

"But Maa would ring me or message me right?" I asked.

"Have you even checked your phone this morning?" He questioned.

"Noooo" I said.

"Then check! If it's them, we're actually gonna be in so much trouble!" He replied worriedly.

"Okay I'm checking! Oh shit! Maa did message half an hour ago saying they're coming home soon and that we'll have breakfast together! Oh no Manik hide!" I almost screamed.

"What? Hide? Where?" Manik said in disbelief.

"I don't know! Just hide! They're gonna knock soon and I'm going to have to open the door!" I was panicking.

"But Nandini...."  he tried to speak but we didn't have the time to talk.

"Manik please! Go upstairs in my room! They're here!" I screamed.

"No what if they find me in your room and think all dirty things?" Manik said.

"Manik what do you think of my parents? They wouldn't do that! Now just go and hide in the bathroom in my room! Goooo!" I pushed him towards the stairs.

"Okay okay I'm going! You're going to have to pay for this Murthy. Hide my shoes!" He said as he ran up the stairs.

"Yeahhh jao!" I replied and then I heard a knock on the door.

I quickly cleared the table up of the food bowls, gathered the blankets and put it in the laundry basket to make it look a little clean, put Manik's shoes in the shoebox and opened the door. I was huffing and puffing by the time I opened the door.

"Good morning to you all!" I said as I put on a smile.

"Good morning to you too Kanna but what happened? Why are you breathing so heavily?" Amms asked.

"Urm wo Amms actually I was upstairs lying in bed. When I heard the knock I quickly ran downstairs. I didn't want to keep you waiting outside for too long." I replied.

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