Chapter 42 - "My stubborn girl"

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My eyes started to fill with tears again! I turned around and left the canteen before my tears could make their way down in front of Manik!

Manik's P.O.V

M: Isay kya hua? (What happened to her?)

D: Manik tumhe kya hua hai? (Manik what has happened to you?)

M: Mujhe kya hoga? (What will happen to me?)

D: Manik how can you get back with Soha after everything she's done to you?

M: What? What the hell are you saying Dhruv?

D: Manik I'm saying the truth! Me and Nandini had come looking for you and Cabir.... We saw you with Soha and we heard you tell her that you missed her a lot and you still love her! Nandini couldn't hear anymore so she ran away from there and went to the music room. I followed her there and she told me that she loves you and you know about that! But you rejected her because you felt you couldn't keep her happy! But today me and Nandini found out the real reason as to why you rejected her... You never wanted to move on from Soha! Manik she's blinded you by her love.... She's just using you and you're letting her use you! Manik Soha isn't the right girl for you but Nandini is! Nandini is the perfect girl for you!

Everyone apart from Cabir and me were shocked about this news. No one knew about Nandini's feelings for me! They were all shocked!

M: I know Dhruv! I know Nandini is the perfect girl for me! I love her! I was gonna express my feelings to her when Soha came there!

Al: Wait! Stop! Soha is here? Nandini loves Manik? What is going on? Will someone please explain!

Mu: Yes I'm so confused!

Ar: I knew there was something more than friendship between Manik and Nandini!

C: Guys I'll explain!

Cabir explained to everyone about how Nandini fell in love with me! How she expressed her love to me and I rejected it! And then how I fell for her and decided to propose to her! Finally he told her about Soha's arrival!

Al: So much happened and no one told us anything!

C: Guys! Nandini didn't want anyone to know about this.... She was waiting for Manik to express his feelings for her and he was going to! I made this idiot realise today that he does love her! And infact he never loved Soha... What he felt for Soha was mere attraction and what he feels for Nandini is very deep and very pure!

D: Then why did you say all that to Soha?

M: Buddy you guys didn't hear the conversations before that statement of mine or after that statement! After that statement I had said:


M: I love you Soha! I've missed you so much! I was sooo incomplete without you.... Only I know how I've lived all this time without you... I'm so glad you're back! I still love you! I'm still crazy for you as I was 2 years back! I missed you and I love you! Please don't leave me again!
(A/N: After this sentence Nandini and Dhruv left)

S: Manik?

M: Is that what you expected me to say? Huh? Soha you thought you could break me? Soha you succeeded to some extent.... You did! I was broken! I was hurt but when Nandini came in my life she taught me how to live again... How to trust again... How to smile again and most importantly how to love again! Yes Soha I love Nandini! Infact I don't think I ever loved you... I was simply attracted to you! I love Nandini! Soha love isn't about going on fancy dates and showing PDA! It's not about calling cute names to each other! It's about caring for that person, sharing their happiness and pain, protecting them, being with them in their time of need! Not ditching them for money! Soha that is love and now that I think about it there was nothing like that between the two of us. There was no love it was just attraction! Miss Soha Khurana you moved on and I'm also moving on! I'm going to express my feelings to Nandini today! I'm going to tell her that I love her! She's so different from you... She's not at all selfish! She cares about me, about my pain! Unlike you who only cares about money! Now if you'll excuse me I have a girl to propose to!

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