Title for my new story!

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Hi guys. So after all your positive replies on whether I should write a new story or not, I decided I will definitely write it. I have written the prologue and the character sketch which I will upload soon. However, I am not sure what to title the book. I have come up with some suggestions. Can you guys tell me which of the following sound like the best title to you? If you want, feel free to give me your own suggestions too.

This is a little summary of the new story. Can you guys please tell me which title relates best to the summary of the story. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

A story which discovers the lives of two individuals, Manik Malhotra and Nandini Murthy. Poles apart from each other, where one is fire and the other ice. With contrasting views on the pure relation of marriage, will these two souls ever meet to be united in this pure bond forever? Or will their clashing views hinder them from having their hamesha together forever? Join me on this ride of finding love, the pure relation of marriage, the love of family, and building careers!

The titles I have thought of are:

1. Do opposites really attract?

2. Through societies eyes

3. Bound by marriage

4. His best worst mistake

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