Chapter 32 - The unexpected surprise

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Mukti's P.O.V

"Bhai! Bhai! Bhai where are you? Oh god! Where is Bhai? I hope he's okay!"

I was shopping with Alya when I received a call from Bhai. He sounded worried. When I asked him what happened, he said:

M: Mukti please come to Abhi's house ASAP!

Mu: But Bhai why? Is everything ok?

M: Actually Mukku I had come to Abhi's house to instruct his servants to decorate Abhi's room as per his taste. When I got here I went in the storeroom to get a few of his things. However, I accidentally locked myself in the storeroom and the servants have gone out to buy some things. Mukku I'm stuck in here and I can't even breathe properly. Please come here quickly! There are no windows here and I'm getting suffocated. You know how claustrophobic I am! Please come quickly! And don't tell anyone about this... They'll get worried for no reason!

Mu: Bhhh.... Bhai I'm coming! Please don't worry and yeah I won't tell anyone. I'm coming there as soon as I can.

I ran from the mall and headed for Abhi's house straightaway. Alya enquired why I was so tensed but I brushed it off by saying mum had some important work. I don't think she believed my excuse but I didn't give her any more chances to ask me a question as I had ran out from there. However, I'm in Abhi's storeroom now and I can't see Bhai anywhere. I hope he's okay! Where else can he be? Just then I heard a loud bang coming from upstairs. I ran upstairs to the living room and when I got there all lights were closed. I was starting to panic now. How can the lights just go off so suddenly? I heard another loud noise and this time it was coming from Abhi's room, or so it seemed. Hesitantly, I walked towards Abhi's room. But before I could reach Abhi's room I saw his guest room filled with lights. I slowly walked towards that room and the next thing I saw shocked me! The room was filled with candles decorated on the floor. As soon as I stepped into the room I felt something soft under my feet. I looked closely at the floor and realised it was covered in rose petals. The path of the rose petals led to a huge heart made with candles. Slowly, I walked on the path embedded with roses toward the love heart.

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